Game Report - Wolves v. Kings

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khans2k5 [enjin:6608728]
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Re: Game Report - Wolves v. Kings

Post by khans2k5 [enjin:6608728] »

The Kings are dead last in point differential in the league and score the least points per game in the league. Honestly their record currently reflects better than what it probably should be. Can they steal a win every now and then? Sure. It's the NBA, nobody goes 0-82. But they are about as free a win as you can get in the league as long as you don't party all night long the night before. I wouldn't take too much stock out of this win.
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longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
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Re: Game Report - Wolves v. Kings

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

(overheard prior to the game)

Glen: Tom, you know those guys that sit next to your 8 players?
Tom: You mean those tall guys in the Wolves jerseys?
Glen: Yes, those guys. Do you know they are your players too, and that you can put them on the court?
Tom: Really? I thought they were just season ticket holders with really good seats. Wow, this changes everything! If I can play them, I can rest my starters occasionally like those smart coaches do, and my guys won't be so exhausted all the time. They will shoot better, and play better defense. Gee, thanks Mr. Taylor.
Glen: You're welcome, Tom...Merry Christmas.
Tom: Can I even play that tall, white guy that I can't understand when he talks?
Glen: No, Tom...he has an owie on his foot, and you can't play him this game. Maybe next game.
Tom: Wow, this is going to make us so much better.

(after the blowout win)

Tom: Mr. Taylor, I can't thank you enough for telling about those extra guys...everything was different tonight. When my guys aren't tired, they make 56% of their shots and 48% of those shots outside the curved line that Flip's kid just told me count extra! Did you know about that rule, Mr. Taylor?
Glen: Yes I did,'s a new rule since you were playing.
Tom: Thanks again, Mr. Taylor. I think we can be a really good team now that you have told me these things.
Glen: You're welcome,'re a good boy. Now, about that offense...
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BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520]
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Re: Game Report - Wolves v. Kings

Post by BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520] »

Well done LST. "Ok, starters over here. All you other worthless piles of crap, sit over there"
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