GM shortlist

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GM shortlist

Post by Monster »

Coaching smoaching this franchise needs a person that actually knows what the hell they are doing and creates a culture that helps us forward. This franchise doesn't have to do everything right but I'm looking for someone very competent in the basketball decisions who also does something that makes players want to come here or stay here. Maybe that's by being MN nice even if they aren't from here or maybe it's REALLY putting its best foot forward in player development. After the Thibs and Layden combo we need someone that has ability to connect with people for sure or hire someone that is their right hand guy that can do it. Yeah this team needs a different coach but it makes a ton of sense to find a basketball guy and let him make that decision.

Ok so the list off the top of my head is Zarren from the Celtics. Hasn't taken other jobs I have no idea what he would take this one.

Someone named Colangelo. lol jk

David Griffin. I'm currently intruiged by him. I don't know how strong of a leader he is to take on a whole shit show of a organization (I think sometimes we downplay how bad it is and difficult it is to turn these things around for the whole organization that's lost for so long). He seems pretty well spoken and I seem to remember him tweeting some things about the analytical part of basketball during the layoffs last year. From a couple spots lately he seems really wholistic. I think he might be a good fit here. There is an article months ago about him saying the messed up the Anthony Bennett pick (he wasn't the guy with the final call) but he also said Olidipo was his top guy even though he admitted to buying the Bennett hype. He has been around and he made some pretty solid moves/trades to build up that Cavs team. It's different when you are being a contender. I read some quite from him that he seems plenty interested in player development. There are a lot of unknowns about him though but he has a ton of experience.
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