The Love-Wiggins Deal Thread

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Re: The Love-Wiggins Deal Thread

Post by Lipoli390 »

monsterpile wrote:
lipoli390 wrote:I'm fine with Flip pushing for multiple firsts. But let's keep in mind that Cleveland's own picks will be near the bottom of the first round into the forseeable future. Cleveland has two first round picks with some value: (1) Miami's 2015 pick, which I believe is lottery protected; and (2) the Grizzlies' pick which is protected in a way that it probably won't be available until 2017 as a lottery-protected pick. The Miami pick seems like the only one really worth holding out for.

Flip's a smart guy. I'm guessing he's holding out for multiple with the idea of compromising by settling solely for the Miami pick. Of course, this report may be totally bogus and the two sides may still be negotiating which players will be included. Stay tuned.

Let's be honest unless those teams bottom out (Memphis maybe if they lose Gasol or something) those picks are all 20 something picks so they don't have a ton of value. Miami is gonna be in the playoffs in the east for a while (unless Wade and Deng get hurt which could easily happen lol). Flip should be asking for as much as he can get and if the Cavs want Love I can't imagine giving up another one of those picks is gonna keep them from doing a deal and those picks can help the Wolves as players or assets.

Monster --

I agree with you. Those picks really don't have a lot of value for either team and it's hard to imagine the Cavs letting Love slip through their fingers over how many of these mid to low first round picks they have to include. Of course, I can't imagine Flip falling on his sword over these picks either. So if it has come down to draft picks, then I don't think we'll have to wait much longer for a final deal with the Cavs.

I'm assuming that Wiggins is definitely on the table. Therefore, if there is still any meaningful dispute remaining between the teams it likely involves ancillary players, not draft picks. I could see, for example, the two sides continuing to negotiate over whether the Cavs' package will include Thompson or Waiters or perhaps the debate is Bennett versus Waiters. Another possible source of continuing dispute might be who the Cavs get back in addition to Love.
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Re: The Love-Wiggins Deal Thread

Post by Monster »

TheGrey08 wrote:

Interesting tidbits.

What I don't get is where the Cavs are going to come up with these magical contracts to send out to take on Love's salary PLUS other players.
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Re: The Love-Wiggins Deal Thread

Post by Lipoli390 »

CoolBreeze44 wrote:It wasn't that Williams didn't play hard, he just truly didn't know what to do on the court. I'd watch him and he would have to constantly think before reacting or making a move. Nothing came naturally except for his raw athletic ability. He was a very frustrating player to root for.

Cool -- I think your analysis of Williams is spot on insofar as you've identified the his lack of basic basketball instincts. You may have heard me mention before that the guy who sits behind me at Wolves games is a former college player who played professionally oversees and eventually became an assistant college coach. The first comment he made to me about Williams was that he looked like he looked like he had just started playing basketball. He elaborated with the exact same analysis you just gave. But I can also tell you via very good sources that Derrick was NOT a gym rate. He showed up and did what he was told to do in practice and was never accused of dogging it in practice. But he never put in extra work and the word among the coaching staff was that Derrick loved the NBA lifestyle more than he loved the game. So I think it was a combination of inadequate instincts and inadequate drive/passion/work ethic.
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12218085 bestfour [enjin:6592537]
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Re: The Love-Wiggins Deal Thread

Post by 12218085 bestfour [enjin:6592537] »

@ESPNSteinLine: Cavs know it'll cost Wiggins/Bennett/future first to get Love. If Wolves insist on moving Kevin Martin with Love, more pieces must be added
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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Re: The Love-Wiggins Deal Thread

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

Don't think the Bulls have legit interest in trading for Love anymore, but they could very well be leaking stuff to force the Cavs hand. Chicago would love for Cleveland to give up more assets to get Love since they're another East contender.
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Re: The Love-Wiggins Deal Thread

Post by TheGrey08 »

monsterpile wrote:
TheGrey08 wrote:

Interesting tidbits.

What I don't get is where the Cavs are going to come up with these magical contracts to send out to take on Love's salary PLUS other players.

Maybe they're hoping to trade up 1 or 2 of their min salary guys. They also have something like 1.4 mill in cap space right now. So they could trade their 2 guys at 816k for someone making just under 3.8 mill. (816 + 816 + 1.4m x 125% = 3.79 mill) Granted I rounded a bit. Maybe they flip Haywood for someone at 2.75 mill giving them an extra 500k. Seems like a lot of finagling to me lol, but who knows.
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Re: The Love-Wiggins Deal Thread

Post by Lipoli390 »

Camden wrote:Don't think the Bulls have legit interest in trading for Love anymore, but they could very well be leaking stuff to force the Cavs hand. Chicago would love for Cleveland to give up more assets to get Love since they're another East contender.

Very interesting take, Cam. You could be on to something.
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Re: The Love-Wiggins Deal Thread

Post by Monster »

12218085 bestfour wrote:@ESPNSteinLine: Cavs know it'll cost Wiggins/Bennett/future first to get Love. If Wolves insist on moving Kevin Martin with Love, more pieces must be added

Granted I'm not sure Martin is a good fit for the Cavs but I still feel like I am taking crazy pills that teams really have no use for a scorer shooter Martin that makes 7 million a year. Is he really such a bad defender he isn't worth a couple million more than Caron Butler just got and an extra year? I still can't figure this out. Just venting I guess.
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alexftbl8181 [enjin:6648741]
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Re: The Love-Wiggins Deal Thread

Post by alexftbl8181 [enjin:6648741] »

He's not bad at all as long as you don't have to rely on him in the 4th
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TeamRicky [enjin:6648771]
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Re: The Love-Wiggins Deal Thread

Post by TeamRicky [enjin:6648771] »

I certainly wouldn't give up GR3 for Waiters and probably not Bennett either. I'd only give up GR3 if thats the only way Cleveland trades Wiggins. I'd have no problem throwing in Shabbazz, but Lip you seem convinced, Flip won't do that. Well, if Cleveland needs a wing from us Budinger, Hummel or Martin wouldn't be greatly missed and in Martin's case he probably adds too much salary to be made part of the deal. After GR3, I'd next prefer to hold onto Brewer, but I wouldn't be too upset if he's traded.
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