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Re: My Uneasy Feeling

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:38 pm
by Camden [enjin:6601484]
Agreed completely markkbu. According to Wolfson and Zgoda, sources close to Corey Brewer say that the Wolves have interest in a reunion. I would love that and it would also give us wing defender that we need. I'd be ecstatic if this happened.

I posted a thread on ESPN a while back about bringing Brewer to Sota again and people had posted their opinions, but since I'm not going back to find what you said, what is your take on this?


Re: My Uneasy Feeling

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:47 pm
by Jakapoo [enjin:6588675]
Camden wrote:Agreed completely markkbu. According to Wolfson and Zgoda, sources close to Corey Brewer say that the Wolves have interest in a reunion. I would love that and it would also give us wing defender that we need. I'd be ecstatic if this happened.

I posted a thread on ESPN a while back about bringing Brewer to Sota again and people had posted their opinions, but since I'm not going back to find what you said, what is your take on this?


I would like it, but wouldn't love it. I would be cautiously optimistic at first remembering last time we had to watch him play in a Wolves Uniform.

Re: My Uneasy Feeling

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:10 pm
by Monster
Some of these points have been touched on by I'll just copy and paste what I wrote on tehe ESPN board.

Its easy to tell you why we are uneasy. This current team is n o different than last year becasue we are basically praying that this team stays healthy. Martin is not much more likely to make it through 75+ games than AK, Pek has had injuries every year int he NBA and Love is an injury guy as well you have to admit that. Heck Rubio has had a couple serious injuries in his young career too a knee injury and a wrist problem the year before he was drafted. Look if you absolutely knew Pek LOve Martin and Rubio were going to basically be healthy all year it almost wouldn't matter who played the other position we would be pretty damn good becasue those guys are all REALLY good players. The problem is I am uneasy about having those guys healthy. For all the issues people have with Williams the guy has been healthy (knocking on all kinds of wood no particle board here) since being drafted. Thats something when it comes to this team especially given out history with rookies and 2nd year players.

I think thats a bigger issue than the worries we have abotu whether or not this team can defend which I think is legit, but secondary to the health issue. As much as I LOVE AK and his defensive abilities I do think we overrate his effect on that end slightly. He wasn't the only guy playing relatively well on that end last year. If we have a legit NBA player playing minutes at SF not undersized guys or a end of the bench guy like Gelly I think we will be fine. Contenders? maybe not, but but I think until we know how things shake out I will be ok with just making the playoff as a minimum of a 7th seed and hope to get a break or on fire.

Re: My Uneasy Feeling

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:01 pm
by markkbu [enjin:6588958]
Well said Monster

Re: My Uneasy Feeling

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:17 pm
by Lipoli390
Camden -- One shot creator in the starting lineup just isn't enough. And keep in mind that Ricky hasn't shown that he can create for himself. Every good team has at least a couple shot creators in their starting line-up with at least one able to creat for himself off the dribble at a high level. As for our bench, Shved, Shabazz and Dieng haven't shown they can be counted on for anything reliably off the bench and neither Dieng nor Shabazz has shown he can play more than one position in the NBA. Dieng played only one position in college. My expression of disappointment in not having any elite specialists off the bench wasn't intended to suggest that I wouldn't want more complete players among our bench guys. It's just that, at a minimum, I'd like to have an elite specialist or two -- i.e., elite shooter and elite defender. I'll add that my idea of a multidimensional player isn't so much a guy who plays more than one position. It's a guy with multiple skills -- Guys who can shoot from the perimeter and score off the dribble; guys who can score AND defend at a high level.

Markkbu - I definitely agree that we have I proved our roster over last season. We should be a playoff team if healthy in spite of my misgivings.

Cool -- You know me all too well. :).

Re: My Uneasy Feeling

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:19 pm
by Lipoli390
Monster -- great point about Derrick's durability. That alone makes him worth keeping.

Re: My Uneasy Feeling

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:05 pm
by KiwiMatt
Lip sorry to see you so down, but hey I don't blame you after last seasons disapointment. It's good that our expectations have come back down to earth with this team though.

I am actually happy with how things have gone so far under Flips reign. Muhammad could become the steal of the draft and moving up for Dieng not only gave us an NBA ready shot blocking center but also allowed us to waive Steamer's 2.4 mil contract.

Martin fills the void we've have forever at the 2. He is a good fit next to Rubio in terms of being a shooter and I think his numbers will go up based on playing next to a pass first PG who has no issues finding an open team mate. He also has great height and length for a 2, which will help hide his defensive issues. Hopefully he can continue to be the 'free and 3' threat he's been for his whole career

Resigning Bud was essential and would love to see AK back, but it looks like it could be Corey Brewer instead, which I am quite pleased about. AK at 10 mil was pretty steep and with him opting out has allowed us to resign Bud, sign Martin and eventually resign Pek.

Another thing to applaud Flip for is that we acquired a starting caliber SG without having to give up Derrick Williams. What gets me excited about this team is the depth, our second unit could be one of the strongest in the league - Barea/Shved/Budinger/Williams/Dieng.

Re: My Uneasy Feeling

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:12 pm
by worldK
I agree with lips take that we lack shot creators from the perimeter. Thats why i hope we keep jj.

I know we all love rubio's playmaking skills and how he can make players better. But the thing is, it would be great if we have someone who can create his own shot and make plays together with rubio. This can only help rubio's game as he wont be relied on too much to create opportunities for others and he can also focus on improving his own shot and offense. If he has to create for others all the time, he wont be able to improve his own offense much which is something that he needs to do to reach elite level pg status. Not saying he needs to score 17-18ppg, but if he can efficiently score around 13-14ppg, to go along with his playmaking and d, hat makes him a topnotch pg in the league.

Re: My Uneasy Feeling

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:01 pm
by mjs34
I am uneasy for a much different reason. From what I have witnessed so far, Flip seems completely out of his league. His reason for waiving our unguaranteed deals is because he called around and nobody wanted to give us anything for them. Flip, that wasn't their value. Their value was in a possible S&T to match salaries. JJ to Dallas for Mayo with Steamer thrown in to make it work was one option. I heard (from doogie ??) that OKC wanted to do a S&T but Flip didn't want them to have a trade exception to use later on. Flip, they gave up Harden and let Martin walk because they are worried about their cap, so what good does a TE do them??

My bigger concern is that Flip doesn't seem to understand how to work the signings. There is talk that they will be having a press conference for the signing of Martin middle of the week. That signing needs to wait until all possible S&T scenarios are discussed. Flip seemed more concerned about signing a 3pt shooting role player, rather than hanging on to AK. For what Bud supplies, we could have gotten a reasonable replacement for around 3 mil a season.

The injury thing is a big concern as well, which is another reason Mayo was a better option. I would have felt pretty good about Mayo and Dorrell Wright on this team while moving JJ, rather than a Martin, Bud duo.

Re: My Uneasy Feeling

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:34 pm
by Monster
I haven't seen as many of these trading of guys just to but them in the last couple of years. It used to be a big asset and now for some odd reason it just doesn't seem to be a big deal. Its very weird maybe there is something different about the new CBA that changed that but it just doesn't seem like those types of deals are happening much. For that reason I don't think Flip is clueless about that.

I ma glad we didn't sign Mayo I think he isn't worth more than maybe half of what he got with the Bucks so I think we dodged a bullet there. If a couple months ago someone form the future had said we drafted Shabazz people would have been fist pumping and saying we must have moved up in the lottery or Flip engineered some sweet trade to move up. Look I know the has has warts, but damn the guy has talent I think people are selling him short and I think the Wolves draft has the POTENTIAL to actually be a pretty good one.