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Re: Breaking Down Summer League 2013

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:39 pm
by Monster
Just to clarify you can't send a guy to the D-league and have that roster spot. I bet if the Wolves want to hold on to Brown's rights that he signs with a team overseas not play in the d-league where they share the team with like 4 other teams. I hope Flip gets serious soon about getting a local D-league affiliate.

Re: Breaking Down Summer League 2013

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:51 pm
by MikeAz [enjin:6636981]
How did Ian Clark not get drafted? My lord he can shoot.

Re: Breaking Down Summer League 2013

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:55 pm
by colvillhoops [enjin:6641266]
monsterpile wrote:Just to clarify you can't send a guy to the D-league and have that roster spot. I bet if the Wolves want to hold on to Brown's rights that he signs with a team overseas not play in the d-league where they share the team with like 4 other teams. I hope Flip gets serious soon about getting a local D-league affiliate.

also. if we don't sign him for a year. Its an extra year on his rookie contract before he becomes a restricted free agent.. Let him learn on someone else's dime!

Re: Breaking Down Summer League 2013

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:58 pm
by WildWolf2813
Ian Clark, Kent Bazemore. Let's not forget Draymond Green either.

The Warriors can not only find and develop these guys, but they can also throw their first rounders into the fire and trust them to play, and it has paid off. Meanwhile in Wolves land, our scouts have to be some of the worst scouts in the league.

Re: Breaking Down Summer League 2013

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:17 pm
by Squishypoo [enjin:6648839]
Q12543 wrote:MN Sports, You might want to cite your source or post the link before copying and pasting an article written by someone else.

Guys, this was written by Mark Remme and was posted on the Wolves website.

I am Mark Remme lol....My bad was not trying to make it seem like i worte it.. Just somethig i agreed with and thought others would like to read it..Sorry

Re: Breaking Down Summer League 2013

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:40 pm
by Q12543 [enjin:6621299]
Squishypoo wrote:
Q12543 wrote:MN Sports, You might want to cite your source or post the link before copying and pasting an article written by someone else.

Guys, this was written by Mark Remme and was posted on the Wolves website.

I am Mark Remme lol....My bad was not trying to make it seem like i worte it.. Just somethig i agreed with and thought others would like to read it..Sorry

Understood, no worries. It was a good article, thanks for posting. It just wasn't clear that it was actually written by someone else.

Re: Breaking Down Summer League 2013

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:15 pm
by Monster
This tweet is interesting

Darren Wolfson ?@DarrenWolfson 26 Jul

Congrats to @TMbakwe32. He's off to play in Rome. @SportandoBasket 1st to have. ... Lorenzo Brown not going overseas, per contact. #Twolves

If you believe this source Brown is going to training camp and likely going to have an inside track on the 15th and final roster spot.

Brown didn't really impress me in SL play, but nobody got a ton of minutes to really impress based on the Wolves philosophy so thats a consideration. I thought he was solid which for some of the performances of the draft picks in this year's class that might be he was awesome. LOL What I did like was he was wanting to keep things slowed down alot of the time and yeah he had a couple 8 sec calls on him, but I'll live with that over some SL PGs who let the game get out of control.

Looking at Brown and seeing what he brings I see him being similar in impact/value to what we were hoping Malcolm Lee would be for this team. Brown isn't the defender Lee was/hoped he could be, but can probably D up both guard spots at least decent and is a legit PG that can probably at least bring up the ball without getting it stolen away and then do something to help the offense for the other guys on the team. He isn't explosive or super-dupper quick, but he is a smooth guy and so I think he may be little faster and quicker than he seems at first. You could actually give Brown a slight edge in the shooting department over Lee and overall offensively he should offer alot more on that end. He has a post game against smaller guards which is handy. I don't think he finishes that well around the rim, but in highlights I saw his last 2 years he moved without the ball for some dunks so that was neat. Both guys were said to maybe be 1st round talents although I think Lee was desired a little more overall than Brown they had nice values as 2nd rounders with some actual talent that could help a team.

Why I think Flip likes Brown is his skills combined with his size. Lets talk about Brown's size. Its pretty much equal to all the SGs drafted in the lottery and stacks up to Michael Carter Williams as well. Brown isn't as explosive of an athlete as some of those guys, but he has legit SG size which means he should be more than a warm body on D if you put him at SG. I like that about him and he showed ability to get steals in college and in SL with good hands. I am not saying he is a good defender, but hey at least he has some skills and physical tools to work with.

Bottom line is what the Wolves want to do with that roster spot? If they want a guy they hope to develop into something even if its just a decent bench player Brown ain't a bad option. The roster is pretty well balanced and like it has been said in other threads if you are worrying about the last couple spots on your roster being contributors then you are screwed anyway. Do we need a 4th PG? I think you can make an argument having another wing could be good but other than that a 3rd PG is right there. We are 1 injury away to Rubio JJ or Shved from having really only 2 guys that can really handle the ball. Our wing players (aside from Martin) aren't really guys that have a good handle so having a PG that can is probably a something to consider. Brown being a PG that has the size to play SG seems like a decent end of the bench guy. Having Brown would give this team 3 big PGs and a little guy in JJ thats really more of a SG in a PGs body. That might allow us to take advantage of that. I am not sold on Brown, but he does make alot of sense. It would be nice to hit a decent player with a 2nd round pick for once. I think Lee would have been but he just kept getting hurt and if that wasn't the case I bet he would still be on the roster.