and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by mjs34 »

Why didn't the wolves talk compensation before wasting their time in the interview process?
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by worldK »

sjm34 wrote:Why didn't the wolves talk compensation before wasting their time in the interview process?

sjm34 wrote:Why didn't the wolves talk compensation before wasting their time in the interview process?

Because were the timberwolves! kind of remind me of the batum situation where we got string along til the end. Now memphis string us along, allowing us to interview him, even met with taylor and then gone.
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by mjs34 »

The wolves didn't get strung along with Batum. The wolves negotiated two deals with Batum, one if they got him in a S&T, and one if they signed him outright. Kahn tried to get Portland to negotiate, but they wouldn't do so seriously. They didn't believe the wolves would offer Nic over ten mil a year. Kahn tried to force their hand by submitting a deal to the NBA office that he knew wouldn't go through, hoping Portland would take the bait. When they didn't Kahn signed Batum to a big deal and submitted it. Portland was forced to match, and ended up paying Batum more than he had expected, which was over 2 mil a season more than what they could have gotten him for had they signed him a during the previous season.
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colvillhoops [enjin:6641266]
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by colvillhoops [enjin:6641266] »

Pera must be smoking something. Flip can coach and leave Memphis to deal with the issue. Once they fire Joerger we can make him head coach.
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by mjs34 »

colvillhoops wrote:Pera must be smoking something. Flip can coach and leave Memphis to deal with the issue. Once they fire Joerger we can make him head coach.

Has anyone considered that Joerger could have just told Memphis he wasn't going to be happy. I wouldn't think Memphis would have wanted to keep him if that was the case.
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by worldK »

sjm34 wrote:The wolves didn't get strung along with Batum. The wolves negotiated two deals with Batum, one if they got him in a S&T, and one if they signed him outright. Kahn tried to get Portland to negotiate, but they wouldn't do so seriously. They didn't believe the wolves would offer Nic over ten mil a year. Kahn tried to force their hand by submitting a deal to the NBA office that he knew wouldn't go through, hoping Portland would take the bait. When they didn't Kahn signed Batum to a big deal and submitted it. Portland was forced to match, and ended up paying Batum more than he had expected, which was over 2 mil a season more than what they could have gotten him for had they signed him a during the previous season.

Sjm, Im not trying to compare the specifics of the batum and joerger thing. But what im getting at is that its the same feeling we get and always get as wolves fans. We always get our hopes up only to be disappointed in the end and settle for the 2nd ,3rd or 4th options. We never seem to be able to get things done properly. Even as simple as signing love to a proper max deal gets screwed up while we sign pek to a 5 year deal given his injury history. Whether mchale and his under the table deal, kahn or flip, we somehow always manage to screw things up. No wonder were a lottery team for a decade.
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khans2k5 [enjin:6608728]
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by khans2k5 [enjin:6608728] »

Memphis is going to get rid of him. They don't want him and are just trying to make it seem that way so they could try to squeeze a better pick out of the deal. We have most of the leverage because they are going to find someone to replace and then trade him to us for a second round pick just so they don't have to pay to fire him. There's already reports they are trying to get Jeff Van Gundy on the same deal his brother got. We want him, but he's not worth a lottery pick when you know they are going to replace him. They probably should have tried to trade him before they fired everyone else and made it known they didn't want him. That killed all his trade value.
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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

Think we got too cute with this one, but lucky for us I still believe we'll end up with Joerger somehow.
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by worldK »

khans2k5 wrote:Memphis is going to get rid of him. They don't want him and are just trying to make it seem that way so they could try to squeeze a better pick out of the deal. We have most of the leverage because they are going to find someone to replace and then trade him to us for a second round pick just so they don't have to pay to fire him. There's already reports they are trying to get Jeff Van Gundy on the same deal his brother got. We want him, but he's not worth a lottery pick when you know they are going to replace him. They probably should have tried to trade him before they fired everyone else and made it known they didn't want him. That killed all his trade value.

I dont believe thats the case khans. They are keeping him. Unless the memphis owner wants to make himself look really bad and make memphis an organization people want to avoid, he is keeping him.

No need to sweeten his deal just to fire him. Thats a dick move. We wont get joerger and were taken for a ride and made to look like fools again. Flip and company can try to make accusations to try to save face but the fact is memphis were ready to let him go when they gave us an interview, we drag our feet, pump our chest, thought we could get away without sending even a 2nd so we can save the 2nd to sell it or waste it away. If theres a coach out there who is good and fits the team, you get him asap and not waste time scheduling interviews a few days apart, blah blah. We blew it again.
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by worldK »

There is zero need for mamphis to announce their keeping jeorger and sweeten his deal only to fire him and allow him to go to us anyway. Thats a p.r. disaster for them.

We have no leverage and as hard as it is to accept that what was an almost sure thing get taken away from us, it is what it is. We lose out on the candidate that we all liked because we dragged our feet, didn't pounce on it aggressively once it was there and got too cute until the other side realize they potentially made a big mistake on giving away a 50win coach who push okc to 7 games and a well respected one and since they hold all the cards in this, decided to just retain their guy and avoid making a mistake. While flip and company were made to look like fools again.

We were given a break when that small window of opening for getting joerger was there and we blew by trying to act like we have any leverage in this. just give them a 2nd rounder from the offset before they could change their mind and not waste time pretending that we can afford to play hard ball when we got zero leverage in this.
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