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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:17 am
by TheFuture
WolvesFan21 wrote:
TheFuture wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
monsterpile wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:
BizarroJerry wrote:
Camden0916 wrote:I can't really defend Malik Beasley for any of his off-court antics -- nor would I want to -- but on the positive side he has been working out pretty early daily as well as keeping it loose with the rest of the Wolves players. He's been in contact regularly with everyone from D-Lo, KAT, Hernangomez, to Rubio and Vanderbilt, and even the new guy Ashton Hagans was at his place the other day.

They're going to his house? Isn't that dangerous?

If Beasley invited you to dinner at his home would you go?

It's an easy no but that's because of COVID. Lol

Well... he does wear a mask... even if he wears it incorrectly.

Covid is horseshit anyway, so I don't care at all about that. Nothing but a political tool.

It is serious if you are in poor health like KAT's Mom. I don't think he would say it's a "horseshit". I know several people who have had confirmed cases and the symptoms were mostly mild however.

A few weeks ago I was watching an old Simpsons episode and it was really eery. In the episode they had all the media conglomerates in a room having a discussion on how to boost ratings. The proposal was to create a virus and create a pandemic!

Knowing the psychopaths in charge I would place the odds on the virus being created/spread somehow my man as 50-50. Would people really kill and make people sick just to make money? Yes they would. Their are also lots of "benefits" for the pandemic besides a boost in ratings for the media. Depopulation which is wanted by guys like psychopath Ted Turner (owner of CNN and TNT). Depopulation also kills off old people on the GOV dime. It also stops most from meeting/dating new people in general. I bet the birthrate is about to crash and get some people like Turner towards his goals.

Oddly, the Simpson's have predicted many things.

As for KATs mother, rest in peace.

When you really read up on covid19 deaths, hospitals were/are getting more money when a death is coded as being caused by Covid-19. There was a recent article that came out of John's Hopkins that had done research into causes of death in the country. They found that the rate of deaths from heart disease, pneumonia, and one other I forget, are significantly lower around the country compared to previous years. Which is odd, as heart disease deaths are always the highest cause, and all 3 severely effect the older population and pre-existing/compromised people in general. The article was immediately deleted and scrubbed from most of the internet. I haven't tried recently, but it was hard to locate on regular search engines, but I did locate it on the wayback machine. The rate of death for covid is I believe .1 to .2. It is less deadly than the seasonal flu, and this is before considering what they are claiming is covid. Beyond that, hospitals deeming what is elective surgery, is the most harmful part of it all. People are dying or getting sicker because they are denied needed service. We are talking urgent heart surgery, rapid response cancer treatments, etc. I understood the initial lockdown when the global panic first happened. And the fright of overloading hospitals. The idea to flatten the curve and be cautious made sense. But it should have gone over a month.

Now, we get to the lockdowns. Where they are destroying the little remaining small business, while large corporations and the already rich are making money like never before. The one that blows my mind is that elon musk has netted $100 billion dollars since March. That should be impossible, 25 billion to 125 billion in 8 months. Another serious problem with the lockdowns is that the suicide rate is the highest since the great depression. And there seems to be no end in sight. Oh then our cities and mom and pop shops are being destroyed by this BS movement. You know who's going to end up paying for that? Us, the poor who are being systematically made poorer.

You know the one country to see a huge GDP growth under this? China.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:25 am
by Volans19
Q12543 wrote:My Dad (longtime Wolves season ticket-holder by the way and one of the main reasons I follow this team) just died from Covid not that long ago. While he was no spring chicken, he was in good health, of sound body and mind. You damn well better believe it can be serious and deadly.

As for the man-made/government conspiracy angle, pandemics and viruses in particular have been around forever. They really don't need us men to create them!

(By they way, Ted Turner hasn't had anything to do with CNN or TNT for years, as he sold off his stake in those entities a long time ago. So if he was in on this vast conspiracy to boost ratings and kill off old people - like himself I guess? - then he's certainly missing out on any of the gains).

Sorry to hear about your father Q. My Grandmother is having a hard time with Covid right now. Really irks me that everything has to be a conspiracy now days.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:28 am
by TheFuture
Volans19 wrote:
Q12543 wrote:My Dad (longtime Wolves season ticket-holder by the way and one of the main reasons I follow this team) just died from Covid not that long ago. While he was no spring chicken, he was in good health, of sound body and mind. You damn well better believe it can be serious and deadly.

As for the man-made/government conspiracy angle, pandemics and viruses in particular have been around forever. They really don't need us men to create them!

(By they way, Ted Turner hasn't had anything to do with CNN or TNT for years, as he sold off his stake in those entities a long time ago. So if he was in on this vast conspiracy to boost ratings and kill off old people - like himself I guess? - then he's certainly missing out on any of the gains).

Sorry to hear about your father Q. My Grandmother is having a hard time with Covid right now. Really irks me that everything has to be a conspiracy now days.

Condolences to you, Q. I will pray for your Grandmother, Volans. I agree on the conspiracy part, but there is a lot of truth to this. I would not call it a conspiracy.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:32 am
by AbeVigodaLive
Volans19 wrote:
Q12543 wrote:My Dad (longtime Wolves season ticket-holder by the way and one of the main reasons I follow this team) just died from Covid not that long ago. While he was no spring chicken, he was in good health, of sound body and mind. You damn well better believe it can be serious and deadly.

As for the man-made/government conspiracy angle, pandemics and viruses in particular have been around forever. They really don't need us men to create them!

(By they way, Ted Turner hasn't had anything to do with CNN or TNT for years, as he sold off his stake in those entities a long time ago. So if he was in on this vast conspiracy to boost ratings and kill off old people - like himself I guess? - then he's certainly missing out on any of the gains).

Sorry to hear about your father Q. My Grandmother is having a hard time with Covid right now. Really irks me that everything has to be a conspiracy now days.

Sorry about your dad, Q. Volans... and for everybody else with family members dying or struggling. Death sucks, regardless of the cause.


Now... back to something completely irrelevant... a 20-game suspension? This team will not go anywhere until they sink some teeth into accountability, from the owner to the last guy on the bench. Repeatedly giving unproven players unfettered entitlement HAS NOT WORKED. Rosas might not know this because he wasn't here, so why would he care... but we care. We've seen this story before.

I don't think it's a 20 game suspension. If it is... I'd be more down on Rosas' tenure than I've ever been.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:35 am
by AbeVigodaLive
Q12543 wrote:My Dad (longtime Wolves season ticket-holder by the way and one of the main reasons I follow this team) just died from Covid not that long ago. While he was no spring chicken, he was in good health, of sound body and mind. You damn well better believe it can be serious and deadly.

As for the man-made/government conspiracy angle, pandemics and viruses in particular have been around forever. They really don't need us men to create them!

(By they way, Ted Turner hasn't had anything to do with CNN or TNT for years, as he sold off his stake in those entities a long time ago. So if he was in on this vast conspiracy to boost ratings and kill off old people - like himself I guess? - then he's certainly missing out on any of the gains).

Ironically... but consistently... those who rant the most and the loudest about certain things online... are often the most uninformed.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:03 am
by Wolvesfan21
TheFuture wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:
TheFuture wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
monsterpile wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:
BizarroJerry wrote:
Camden0916 wrote:I can't really defend Malik Beasley for any of his off-court antics -- nor would I want to -- but on the positive side he has been working out pretty early daily as well as keeping it loose with the rest of the Wolves players. He's been in contact regularly with everyone from D-Lo, KAT, Hernangomez, to Rubio and Vanderbilt, and even the new guy Ashton Hagans was at his place the other day.

They're going to his house? Isn't that dangerous?

If Beasley invited you to dinner at his home would you go?

It's an easy no but that's because of COVID. Lol

Well... he does wear a mask... even if he wears it incorrectly.

Covid is horseshit anyway, so I don't care at all about that. Nothing but a political tool.

It is serious if you are in poor health like KAT's Mom. I don't think he would say it's a "horseshit". I know several people who have had confirmed cases and the symptoms were mostly mild however.

A few weeks ago I was watching an old Simpsons episode and it was really eery. In the episode they had all the media conglomerates in a room having a discussion on how to boost ratings. The proposal was to create a virus and create a pandemic!

Knowing the psychopaths in charge I would place the odds on the virus being created/spread somehow my man as 50-50. Would people really kill and make people sick just to make money? Yes they would. Their are also lots of "benefits" for the pandemic besides a boost in ratings for the media. Depopulation which is wanted by guys like psychopath Ted Turner (owner of CNN and TNT). Depopulation also kills off old people on the GOV dime. It also stops most from meeting/dating new people in general. I bet the birthrate is about to crash and get some people like Turner towards his goals.

Oddly, the Simpson's have predicted many things.

As for KATs mother, rest in peace.

When you really read up on covid19 deaths, hospitals were/are getting more money when a death is coded as being caused by Covid-19. There was a recent article that came out of John's Hopkins that had done research into causes of death in the country. They found that the rate of deaths from heart disease, pneumonia, and one other I forget, are significantly lower around the country compared to previous years. Which is odd, as heart disease deaths are always the highest cause, and all 3 severely effect the older population and pre-existing/compromised people in general. The article was immediately deleted and scrubbed from most of the internet. I haven't tried recently, but it was hard to locate on regular search engines, but I did locate it on the wayback machine. The rate of death for covid is I believe .1 to .2. It is less deadly than the seasonal flu, and this is before considering what they are claiming is covid. Beyond that, hospitals deeming what is elective surgery, is the most harmful part of it all. People are dying or getting sicker because they are denied needed service. We are talking urgent heart surgery, rapid response cancer treatments, etc. I understood the initial lockdown when the global panic first happened. And the fright of overloading hospitals. The idea to flatten the curve and be cautious made sense. But it should have gone over a month.

Now, we get to the lockdowns. Where they are destroying the little remaining small business, while large corporations and the already rich are making money like never before. The one that blows my mind is that elon musk has netted $100 billion dollars since March. That should be impossible, 25 billion to 125 billion in 8 months. Another serious problem with the lockdowns is that the suicide rate is the highest since the great depression. And there seems to be no end in sight. Oh then our cities and mom and pop shops are being destroyed by this BS movement. You know who's going to end up paying for that? Us, the poor who are being systematically made poorer.

You know the one country to see a huge GDP growth under this? China.

I didn't mention that other enormous benefit you mentioned. Bankrupting small businesses and taking over market share. When you destroy one business it just makes the others richer. Then that persons credit rating is tanked as well, making them poorer over the long term as well as making banks richer through higher interest rates. The benefits to the billionaire class is immense.

I'm 100% on board with you as to the related "cause of death" as well. No doubt people are dying but like you said, they already have pre-existing conditions in most cases and that could be the main culprit, not COVID alone. Like you said heart disease, pneumonia, etc as the cause of death all of a sudden have plummeted.

Just like War is a Racket (read General Smedley Butlers book online, it's excellent), maybe Pandemics are the new Racket. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if this Virus was spread by nefarious people for power and greed.

As far as the Simpsons episode yeah it was strange. Why would they write about that then have it come true? Is that really a funny scene about creating a pandemic, killing people and profiting immensely from it? I guess to them it was or is.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:08 am
by Wolvesfan21
monsterpile wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:
TheFuture wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
monsterpile wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:
BizarroJerry wrote:
Camden0916 wrote:I can't really defend Malik Beasley for any of his off-court antics -- nor would I want to -- but on the positive side he has been working out pretty early daily as well as keeping it loose with the rest of the Wolves players. He's been in contact regularly with everyone from D-Lo, KAT, Hernangomez, to Rubio and Vanderbilt, and even the new guy Ashton Hagans was at his place the other day.

They're going to his house? Isn't that dangerous?

If Beasley invited you to dinner at his home would you go?

It's an easy no but that's because of COVID. Lol

Well... he does wear a mask... even if he wears it incorrectly.

Covid is horseshit anyway, so I don't care at all about that. Nothing but a political tool.

It is serious if you are in poor health like KAT's Mom. I don't think he would say it's a "horseshit". I know several people who have had confirmed cases and the symptoms were mostly mild however.

A few weeks ago I was watching an old Simpsons episode and it was really eery. In the episode they had all the media conglomerates in a room having a discussion on how to boost ratings. The proposal was to create a virus and create a pandemic!

Knowing the psychopaths in charge I would place the odds on the virus being created/spread somehow my man as 50-50. Would people really kill and make people sick just to make money? Yes they would. Their are also lots of "benefits" for the pandemic besides a boost in ratings for the media. Depopulation which is wanted by guys like psychopath Ted Turner (owner of CNN and TNT). Depopulation also kills off old people on the GOV dime. It also stops most from meeting/dating new people in general. I bet the birthrate is about to crash and get some people like Turner towards his goals.

What losses might the media as a whole have because of the pandemic?

They certainly are gaining viewers in droves. Trust in media was at an all-time low. A large portion of the population knows that fake news isn't just opinionated, it's flat out fictional to start with. When people start figuring out the game they certainly needed a play to get eyeballs. They've succeeded immensely wether they were part of a nefarious machination or not.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:14 am
by Wolvesfan21
Q12543 wrote:My Dad (longtime Wolves season ticket-holder by the way and one of the main reasons I follow this team) just died from Covid not that long ago. While he was no spring chicken, he was in good health, of sound body and mind. You damn well better believe it can be serious and deadly.

As for the man-made/government conspiracy angle, pandemics and viruses in particular have been around forever. They really don't need us men to create them!

(By they way, Ted Turner hasn't had anything to do with CNN or TNT for years, as he sold off his stake in those entities a long time ago. So if he was in on this vast conspiracy to boost ratings and kill off old people - like himself I guess? - then he's certainly missing out on any of the gains).

Sorry for your loss. I didn't know Ted Turner sold off his stakes, but maybe he did so because it was fairly common knowledge how big of a psychopath he was. Those are the types of people that run things. Power and greed. It's never enough to satisfy their ego's so they need more and more. The ego is like a drug addict, just looking for the next high. More power, more money, it never stops.

It certainly could have been naturally spread but it is also very possible it wasn't. I'm simply pointing to the motives they have to do so and certainly a vaccine could have been around already. How do we know either way? You can't trust what the media says. If they created a virus they could have created a vaccine long ago as well for the Ted Turners and those in the club.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:15 am
by Q12543 [enjin:6621299]
TheFuture wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:
TheFuture wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
monsterpile wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:
BizarroJerry wrote:
Camden0916 wrote:I can't really defend Malik Beasley for any of his off-court antics -- nor would I want to -- but on the positive side he has been working out pretty early daily as well as keeping it loose with the rest of the Wolves players. He's been in contact regularly with everyone from D-Lo, KAT, Hernangomez, to Rubio and Vanderbilt, and even the new guy Ashton Hagans was at his place the other day.

They're going to his house? Isn't that dangerous?

If Beasley invited you to dinner at his home would you go?

It's an easy no but that's because of COVID. Lol

Well... he does wear a mask... even if he wears it incorrectly.

Covid is horseshit anyway, so I don't care at all about that. Nothing but a political tool.

It is serious if you are in poor health like KAT's Mom. I don't think he would say it's a "horseshit". I know several people who have had confirmed cases and the symptoms were mostly mild however.

A few weeks ago I was watching an old Simpsons episode and it was really eery. In the episode they had all the media conglomerates in a room having a discussion on how to boost ratings. The proposal was to create a virus and create a pandemic!

Knowing the psychopaths in charge I would place the odds on the virus being created/spread somehow my man as 50-50. Would people really kill and make people sick just to make money? Yes they would. Their are also lots of "benefits" for the pandemic besides a boost in ratings for the media. Depopulation which is wanted by guys like psychopath Ted Turner (owner of CNN and TNT). Depopulation also kills off old people on the GOV dime. It also stops most from meeting/dating new people in general. I bet the birthrate is about to crash and get some people like Turner towards his goals.

Oddly, the Simpson's have predicted many things.

As for KATs mother, rest in peace.

When you really read up on covid19 deaths, hospitals were/are getting more money when a death is coded as being caused by Covid-19. There was a recent article that came out of John's Hopkins that had done research into causes of death in the country. They found that the rate of deaths from heart disease, pneumonia, and one other I forget, are significantly lower around the country compared to previous years. Which is odd, as heart disease deaths are always the highest cause, and all 3 severely effect the older population and pre-existing/compromised people in general. The article was immediately deleted and scrubbed from most of the internet. I haven't tried recently, but it was hard to locate on regular search engines, but I did locate it on the wayback machine. The rate of death for covid is I believe .1 to .2. It is less deadly than the seasonal flu, and this is before considering what they are claiming is covid. Beyond that, hospitals deeming what is elective surgery, is the most harmful part of it all. People are dying or getting sicker because they are denied needed service. We are talking urgent heart surgery, rapid response cancer treatments, etc. I understood the initial lockdown when the global panic first happened. And the fright of overloading hospitals. The idea to flatten the curve and be cautious made sense. But it should have gone over a month.

Now, we get to the lockdowns. Where they are destroying the little remaining small business, while large corporations and the already rich are making money like never before. The one that blows my mind is that elon musk has netted $100 billion dollars since March. That should be impossible, 25 billion to 125 billion in 8 months. Another serious problem with the lockdowns is that the suicide rate is the highest since the great depression. And there seems to be no end in sight. Oh then our cities and mom and pop shops are being destroyed by this BS movement. You know who's going to end up paying for that? Us, the poor who are being systematically made poorer.

You know the one country to see a huge GDP growth under this? China.

1. It is NOT less deadly than the seasonal flu. That is a total falsehood. May be it's not quite as deadly as some people would like to make it out to be, but it is absolutely not LESS deadly than the season flu.

2. Hardly anyone (at least in the U.S.) is imposing "lockdowns", otherwise known as shelter-in-place orders at this point, in the same way they were implemented early in the pandemic. I think it's legitimate to question the wisdom of shutting down particular things like schools, but it's misleading to describe anything happening now as a total lockdown.

3. Eastern Asia democracies like South Korea and Taiwan have been able to largely contain this pandemic because unlike the West, they have actually had recent history with pandemic scares. They also tend to have a more collective set of cultural norms. So even after putting China and their authoritarian methods aside, most of the "normal" east Asian countries have been able to handle this pandemic due to prior experience, preparedness, and cultural norms.

4. I won't disagree that there are fear-mongerers in the media and political class, mostly coming from the Left. Unfortunately, there are elements of the Right that spin dubious conspiracy theories, believe masks are useless and a tool of state control, etc. ,etc. NONE OF THIS IS HELPFUL.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:48 am
by FNG
Thanks for that perspective, Q. While I wish the conspiracy theorists were right about Covid, their arguments simply aren't supported by reliable statistical data. Yes, it's true that hospitals do receive a stipend for treating Covid cases, but it stretches a reasonable mind to think that they would be systematically dishonest enough to risk their jobs by dummying up "fake" Covid cases just to make a few bucks for their employer. Further, there is incredibly reliable data on "incremental deaths". Through the law of large numbers, statisticians can accurately predict how many people will die in a given area during a given time frame- absent any kind of natural disaster. The numbers are astonishingly accurate over time, almost always falling within a statistically valid error rate. Well, since March 2020 the monthly incremental deaths (i.e. the number of deaths in excess of what statisticians would predict) actually exceeds the number of reported Covid deaths. This is a strong indication that the horrific numbers we see every day are actually conservative, which makes sense because cause of death in many rural areas is often not determined or reported.

I'm sure most of us know people who have contracted Covid- personally I know far more than I would like. Some, thankfully, have reported almost no symptoms, or symptoms similar to a bad flu. Other friends, family and acquaintances of mine have survived, but only after a horrible ordeal in the ICU often involving a ventilator- they survived, but their doctors have cautioned them it is likely they have suffered some degree of long-term damage. Then, unfortunately, I seem to know more and more people recently who have not survived Covid. This thing is real, people, but fortunately quite preventable if you stay smart- wear a frickin' mask and stay far away from people you deem to be not so careful about this. We need to stop the spreading until an effective vaccine is widely available, or else risk the fact that this virus may mutate into another equally deadly virus that the current vaccines can't prevent.