What the Pek

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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Re: What the Pek

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

Who knows if $12M per year is even the deal on the table. We've heard this and that and it's rumored to be such a deal, but what if Flip has offered $10M per year and Pek's camp is holding out to see if they can get more for their guy. Splitter got $9M per year and I'd say Pek is significantly better than him so it would make sense on his camp's part. For Flip's purpose, he knows Pek is going to miss some games here and there and how he also plays under the rim. That could always be the case. Point is, we don't have confirmation on what the proposed deal is. The good thing, however, is that nobody will offer Pek a deal out of this world. The teams with cap to do so have found other options. I still think he'll be a Timberwolf next season and likely seasons after that. At what price? I'm not sure just yet.
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BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520]
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Re: What the Pek

Post by BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520] »

I would hope that it's a 4 year/40 million offer. But in any case, I would pull it soon whatever it is. It's just starting to look bad. Flip should save face here and get some stones.
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Re: What the Pek

Post by Lipoli390 »

I believe reports that the Wolves have a 4-year $48-50 million offer on the table. But I think the Wolves have some performance conditions attached for Pek to actually get paid the entire amount. I think it will take at least $48 million to re-sign him. If I were Flip I wouldn't go higher.
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foye2smith [enjin:6593248]
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Re: What the Pek

Post by foye2smith [enjin:6593248] »

What's everybody's rush? It's July not September. There have been zero rumbles of him going elsewhere and most people here had him pegged at 12-13mil a year. If you want to lowball him to 10mil or under watch him take the qualifying offer then get his money elsewhere next offseason. I don't see why anyone would think we'd get Pek for less than the market for bigmen dictates when the Wolves went out and overpaid Martin, Budinger, and Brewer.
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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Re: What the Pek

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

I'm tired of people saying Martin was overpaid. Someone should explain that one to me. He got an extra year on the deal, but so what? Good shooters tend to not lose their shot as they get older. It's the guys that tend to rely on athleticism that you should be worried about. The guy's a career 18 PPG scorer. He's getting paid less than OJ Mayo, who actually was overpaid. Please tell me how the $7M he's making is too much.
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foye2smith [enjin:6593248]
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Re: What the Pek

Post by foye2smith [enjin:6593248] »

I meant as a whole, the three of them are overpaid. As for Martin what else does he bring to the table? He's not a ball handler/distributer (about a 1:1 assist to turnover rate), his FTAs per 36 have been cut in half in the last three seasons (from about 9 FTA to 4), and he's a below average defender. Sure his shot may not leave him for a bit, but that's about all he's got left when he had a bare cupboard to start.

With his diminishing rate of getting to the line his efficiency will be strongly tied to his shooting percentage, he doesn't make others around him better through any playmaking ability, and his defense is only going to get worse as he loses a half step here and there season to season.

Don't get me wrong he'll be the best SG in Wolves history, but that's more of a testament to how bad they've been in the past.

7 million, 5 million, and 5 million for those role players/specialists is too much when Love, Pek, and Rubio are set to make big money. Flip will eventually just have to dump one or two of those guys to get enough cushion from the Luxury Tax.
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slimcalhoun27 [enjin:6640095]
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Re: What the Pek

Post by slimcalhoun27 [enjin:6640095] »

Lip, I hope you are right with the performance claus possibilities. Center is always a make or break position, one of the few positions where a guy can be legit or bust, chronically injured or iron man. So far, Pek has shown a bunch of injuries...I would rather it be about Injury claus then performance, because when on the court...Pek is a dynamic addition. Just look at the Oden and Roy situations, they literally destroyed the hopes of a very well put together team. That money spent on injured guys killed them for 3 years.
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m4gor [enjin:6667447]
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Re: What the Pek

Post by m4gor [enjin:6667447] »

well as i am thinking about PEK and this situation i smell something fishy with our front office, i cant imagine PEK hasitating to sign fair offer at 48-50 mil range, thats also not a good sign that we heard that there was 3/21 offer discussed with AK which is not true at all as Flip let him go without even trying to offer him contract

i just feel that there are some silly clauses on the table as Taylor is quite a cheap guy, and i hope that PEK wont go angry with us and get fair offer at the end, because the last thing i would like to see is angry PEK walking away for nothing
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Re: What the Pek

Post by Monster »

The idea that Pek is a money hungry thug seems pretty much ridiculous to me. The Wolves can match any ofer and have basically stated numerous times they can match any offer and really it doesn't seem like there has been too many teams geting farther than being interested especially with some other interesting centers out there. Like others have said we don't know for certain what the offer that's on the table is but what does it hurt for Pek to wait and see if some team offers him a little more cash? Splitter is a better defensive guy and been healthy I assume but Pek is a monster paint scorer and beast offensice rebounder so you can make an agruemnt 12 million is just a starting point. If injuries weren't a concern I'd have no issue maxing him out dead serious. He will resign and then we cross our fingers he stays pretty healthy. That's the only drama to me.
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Re: What the Pek

Post by Monster »

I'll add that I agree with Cam on the Martin overpaid thing. Yeah his D may suck but guess what a lot of offensive players have poor D. I'll take a guy that was a legit SG in this league for a bunch of years for a couple million over the average salary compared to fringe starters like Korver, Mayo Redick etc. We played Luke at SG last year and as much as people ripped on his D I think his team D helped helped the wolves be solid on D all year. even saying that Martin can't be that much worse than what we have throw out there on that end.

One other consideration is I know his FT attempts have declided but they are still a decent amount and if healthy this team can live at the line and put teams in foul trouble and that's significant especially in the postseason which can offset some defesive issues. Martin isn't perfect but I'll take what he brings at that price plus I can see him as an asset if we made a deal for another player.
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