Is the starting 5 set in stone?

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observerII [enjin:6598557]
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Re: Is the starting 5 set in stone?

Post by observerII [enjin:6598557] »

As will Cunningham.
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Riverside_Viking [enjin:6662498]
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Re: Is the starting 5 set in stone?

Post by Riverside_Viking [enjin:6662498] »

slimcalhoun27 wrote:Tim, ha haa....yah...I am predicting that Barea will be moved, and still have a gut feeling that D Will could be also. I am just not sure what is happening with Pek, and more and more he balks at making a choice or is not confirmed....The more i get nervous. I like Barea, but not at the risk of holding Shved back from his true position at PG. I like a second unit of Shved, Bud and Brewer a lot.

I hope barea isn't moved. I personally like having 3 PG on roster I also like what Barea would bring as a complete opposite of Rubio and Shved. I would like to see him get 10 minutes at most splitting time at PG and SG, with Shved getting the bulk of his minutes as Rubios main back up.
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Re: Is the starting 5 set in stone?

Post by Lipoli390 »

The Wolves coaching staff knows exactly what they'll get from Brewer when he's on the court -- high energy, toughness, relentless effort on the defensive end, lots of steals and getting out fast on the break. You get those things from him every minute of every game he plays. On that basis he has to be the leading candidate to end up starting at SF. I still like the upside of Williams and remain open to the possibility that he can effectively defend the SF position . But the problem with Williams is that you can't count on him for anything. That contrasts sharply with Brewer.

I still see Budinger coming off the bench at both the SF and SG positions.
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longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
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Re: Is the starting 5 set in stone?

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

The answer will become clearer is we get into the preseason, but I agree that Bud is better suited to back up the 2 and 3, and Corey is the surer bet to start at the 3.

Now, what would be my dream scenario? Williams wows the coaching staff in practice and exhibition games, shows the quickness and technique to guard other 3's, watches how Bud moves without the ball and begins to incorporate it into his game, shows some improvement in distributing the ball, and hits his threes at a 35%+ rate, and forces Adelman to start him at the 3.

Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?
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markkbu [enjin:6588958]
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Re: Is the starting 5 set in stone?

Post by markkbu [enjin:6588958] »

LST, I like your dream.

Also, Q, I agree that Rubio guarding the opposing 2 is not ideal and will not happen much. Having a good defender on the opposing PG is very important. Adelman should choose to have Rubio guard the 1.
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Elan24 [enjin:6583971]
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Re: Is the starting 5 set in stone?

Post by Elan24 [enjin:6583971] »

If that's the case, then look for DWill to be moved
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