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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 4:19 pm
by Monster
WolvesFan21 wrote:So CBS (And Fox) from their own networks that carries sports Is hoping this elaborate plan is gonna help them create more overall revenue? Who watches CBS news anyway? So the average sports fan is going to watch CNN and drive the advertising dollars for that network? I'm sorry but I don't see the money coming in from this situation to those media outlets like you say. Honestly the idea of people not watching sports and soaking up CNN makes me laugh. You know that people that own these types of media empires have other business interests right? Lots of people don't even watch any kind of televised news at all. If you have numbers that show otherwise I'd like to see them. There is simply a lot of lost revenue in the pandemic and a lot of it to people that have A LOT of money. I haven't seen anything You have presented that convinced me for this scenario to be real. Thanks for your responses.

Monster- Here is a trust in media poll. It was a record low in 2016 at 32% of people who trusted the media a fair to great amount.

Democrats are the most brainwashed with a still 76% trust in media which is astonishing.

If people don't trust the media, they are not going to watch the media either since they know it's crap.

You kind of help my point is that the people that own these media conglomerates do also own or invest in other large corporations as well which would only benefit from smaller businesses going under during the pandemic.

You just said people aren't going to watch media because it's crap. I thought you said they were going to watch it more and that was the whole point of this whole thing.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 4:30 pm
by AbeVigodaLive
monsterpile wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:So CBS (And Fox) from their own networks that carries sports Is hoping this elaborate plan is gonna help them create more overall revenue? Who watches CBS news anyway? So the average sports fan is going to watch CNN and drive the advertising dollars for that network? I'm sorry but I don't see the money coming in from this situation to those media outlets like you say. Honestly the idea of people not watching sports and soaking up CNN makes me laugh. You know that people that own these types of media empires have other business interests right? Lots of people don't even watch any kind of televised news at all. If you have numbers that show otherwise I'd like to see them. There is simply a lot of lost revenue in the pandemic and a lot of it to people that have A LOT of money. I haven't seen anything You have presented that convinced me for this scenario to be real. Thanks for your responses.

Monster- Here is a trust in media poll. It was a record low in 2016 at 32% of people who trusted the media a fair to great amount.

Democrats are the most brainwashed with a still 76% trust in media which is astonishing.

If people don't trust the media, they are not going to watch the media either since they know it's crap.

You kind of help my point is that the people that own these media conglomerates do also own or invest in other large corporations as well which would only benefit from smaller businesses going under during the pandemic.

You just said people aren't going to watch media because it's crap. I thought you said they were going to watch it more and that was the whole point of this whole thing.

The "evil enemy of the people media" was turned into a political rallying cry in the past few years.

It was a really smart idea from a genius branding icon who was taking heat from the media. In part, because biases do exist in media circles. But to what extent? And more importantly, what constitutes "media?"

I'd say I don't trust the media, too -- if we're including Gateway Pundit as a viable news source or considering an op-ed piece at the Huffington Post as the media/news.

When we throw out the proverbial baby with the bathwater, however, we're doing a disservice to ourselves. And sadly... we'd be doing that to serve the self-serving interests of a very rich, very successful, very savvy president and celebrity.

It's fine to rip the media -- as long as we're being specific about it. And honest. And acknowledge all the different ways us plebes are basically just puppets for those in power.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 4:46 pm
by Wolvesfan21
monsterpile wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:So CBS (And Fox) from their own networks that carries sports Is hoping this elaborate plan is gonna help them create more overall revenue? Who watches CBS news anyway? So the average sports fan is going to watch CNN and drive the advertising dollars for that network? I'm sorry but I don't see the money coming in from this situation to those media outlets like you say. Honestly the idea of people not watching sports and soaking up CNN makes me laugh. You know that people that own these types of media empires have other business interests right? Lots of people don't even watch any kind of televised news at all. If you have numbers that show otherwise I'd like to see them. There is simply a lot of lost revenue in the pandemic and a lot of it to people that have A LOT of money. I haven't seen anything You have presented that convinced me for this scenario to be real. Thanks for your responses.

Monster- Here is a trust in media poll. It was a record low in 2016 at 32% of people who trusted the media a fair to great amount.

Democrats are the most brainwashed with a still 76% trust in media which is astonishing.

If people don't trust the media, they are not going to watch the media either since they know it's crap.

You kind of help my point is that the people that own these media conglomerates do also own or invest in other large corporations as well which would only benefit from smaller businesses going under during the pandemic.

You just said people aren't going to watch media because it's crap. I thought you said they were going to watch it more and that was the whole point of this whole thing.

That was 2016, so yes the media conglomerates were in serious trouble. I'm simply pointing to a motive as to how they can start to rebuild or boost ratings. It was in a Simpsons episode which was where I got the idea.


Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:02 pm
by Monster
WolvesFan21 wrote:
monsterpile wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:So CBS (And Fox) from their own networks that carries sports Is hoping this elaborate plan is gonna help them create more overall revenue? Who watches CBS news anyway? So the average sports fan is going to watch CNN and drive the advertising dollars for that network? I'm sorry but I don't see the money coming in from this situation to those media outlets like you say. Honestly the idea of people not watching sports and soaking up CNN makes me laugh. You know that people that own these types of media empires have other business interests right? Lots of people don't even watch any kind of televised news at all. If you have numbers that show otherwise I'd like to see them. There is simply a lot of lost revenue in the pandemic and a lot of it to people that have A LOT of money. I haven't seen anything You have presented that convinced me for this scenario to be real. Thanks for your responses.

Monster- Here is a trust in media poll. It was a record low in 2016 at 32% of people who trusted the media a fair to great amount.

Democrats are the most brainwashed with a still 76% trust in media which is astonishing.

If people don't trust the media, they are not going to watch the media either since they know it's crap.

You kind of help my point is that the people that own these media conglomerates do also own or invest in other large corporations as well which would only benefit from smaller businesses going under during the pandemic.

You just said people aren't going to watch media because it's crap. I thought you said they were going to watch it more and that was the whole point of this whole thing.

That was 2016, so yes the media conglomerates were in serious trouble. I'm simply pointing to a motive as to how they can start to rebuild or boost ratings. It was in a Simpsons episode which was where I got the idea.


Do you have any proof in 2020 that it's actually working?

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:12 pm
by AbeVigodaLive
Patience Monster.

I believe The Simpsons is covering that midway through Season 33.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:13 pm
by ItsJustSoSab
I like turtles

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:03 pm
by TheFuture
Q12543 wrote:Thanks to those of you that offered kind words re: my Dad. This certainly isn't the place to air out personal griefs and tragedies, but I mentioned it because of the Covid topic.

It's possible to acknowledge the real seriousness of Covid, while also having a healthy debate around how to keep schools, small businesses, etc. up and running.

What isn't healthy is trafficking in unfounded conspiracy theories or pretending that Covid is really no big deal.

It is a sports forum, but over the years it develops into a bonding friendship thing between strangers really. Some people have no arena to comfortably air their hardships. I do not mind that it is welcomed here.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:14 pm
by TheFuture
Camden0916 wrote:Political propaganda and biases are very real, especially during election years. We could argue about whether or not these networks gained or lost revenue, but my counter would be that pushing their political agendas has been their main interest since... what? 2016? Orange Man bad.

Honestly, the tactics have been around since humans became intelligent enough, or I guess immoral enough to choose to manipulate others for personal gain. The scary part now is how blatant it is. Literally politics and media flipping the bird and saying "OK, what are you going to do"? Pushing destructive riots while not allowing people to attend church, politicans telling people to avoid holidays while going out to restaurants, birthdays, and flying for vacations.

I do not affiliate firmly with either side, as they all are wealth greedy and power centered. Bought and sold when deemed no longer viable. They just refuse to hide it anymore. That is frightening. If anyone has kept up over the last year, you would recognize the holes.

Media has been tanking for years, TV and radio. What garners attention? Fright leading to panic. Violent crime is so far lower since the 1960s, yet it is covered vastly more than ever. Why? Because media is losing a ton of revenue.

I am sorry for anyone that has lost loved ones. I do not denounce Covid as being real, but I ask you to dig into it a bit more. It is not some brand new virus, it is just a slight mutation that is not all that frightening. I bit, hook, line, and sinker initially. Feared for my family and loved ones. As I should, and all should. But the more I read, the more I realize that this is a control grab more than a true deadly pandemic. A scary infringement on the constitution, our personal rights to freedom, and a slap in the face to all the men who fought to secure it.

For God's sake, we have people being denied their right to defend their life's work and going to jail/court, while arsonists, murderers, thieves, people committing assault, and exhibiting all around destructive behavior being given free reign. Look at the stats in Minneapolis on violent crime. Just even look up car jackings. This is way out of hand.

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:22 pm
by D-Mac [enjin:19736340]
I read this site a lot, but don't comment very often. Sorry to hear about people's losses. No question it's a real, and serious thing, and it's terrible. With that said, I'm with future and wolves fan. Nothing is for certain, but to me the probability is very high that this was man made. Like someone said, it aids in depopulation and destroys small businesses. I wrote a lot more, that I just decided to delete, because... people believe what they want to believe. One thing I won't delete... this whole thing was simulated by the "elites" near the end of 2019 ... again, it's very real, and people's losses are very real, I'll just saying that not all "conspiracies" are false... sometimes where there's smoke, there's fire.

Also, vaccines are commonly used to accomplish depopulation (in one way or another)... I won't mention names, but the people who are pushing for a mandatory vaccine are also the same people in favor of depopulation). Again, people believe what they want and it is what it is, but just throwing it out there. Go wolves and if they ever decide to trade towns, I'll help him pack and give him a ride to the airport

Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:25 pm
by thedoper
Armchair basketball statisticians are one thing. Armchair epidemiologists, virologists, and physicians are a whole other level.