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Re: OT thread America

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 8:28 am
by BeenLurkin
Is there a specific question there?

Re: OT thread America

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 9:11 am
by Q-is-here
BeenLurkin wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 8:28 am Is there a specific question there?
Yes there is. You claimed that the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and the cancellation of DEI "legislation" (which I corrected, since DEI is a voluntary set of practices and programs and not a law) was an attack on women and people of color. Yet millions of women and people of color (regardless if it's the majority or not) actually support the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and the rollback of DEI practices in government and companies. How can someone be attacked if they actually support the thing that you claim is attacking them?

But my broader point isn't a question. It's the fact that you seem to divide people based on their gender and skin color and then make broad-based assumptions about what is or isn't in their best interests. That is dehumanizing.

Re: OT thread America

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 1:27 pm
by BeenLurkin
Did you make a poll? Or are you referring to specific people you know that are supporting these reversals that are women or people of color. I will not argue with you if your source is not mentioned.

Re: OT thread America

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 3:53 pm
by Q-is-here
BeenLurkin wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 1:27 pm Did you make a poll? Or are you referring to specific people you know that are supporting these reversals that are women or people of color. I will not argue with you if your source is not mentioned.
I don't need a poll when I can just go look at the breakdown of who voted for Donald Trump a few months ago. He was the one that appointed the pro-life judges on the Supreme Court that ultimately overturned Roe vs. Wade and campaigned on ending DEI in the federal government.

- 45% of all females that voted cast their vote for Trump.

- 20% of black voters voted for Trump, which doesn't seem like much but it was quite a shift up from 13% in 2020 and 8% in 2016. In other words, Trump has been gaining black voters in every election since 2013.

- 42% of Latinos voted for Trump, once again a large increase from the percent that voted for him in the prior two elections.

While not the majority of these demographic breakdowns, it is still millions and millions of women and minorities that voted for Trump and the policies he campaigned on. And he's been gaining ground with these groups.

So once again, how can the millions of people you claim are being attacked vote for the person that is attacking them!? May be you should start looking at each person as a sovereign being whose choices are made based on a complex array of factors, of which gender and skin color play just a small part.

(BTW, there were millions of white males that voted for Vice President Harris, which seems to play against your stereotype as well!)

Re: OT thread America

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 7:21 pm
by BeenLurkin
Well 60% of Americans are functioning at a 6th grade level of intelligence. So maybe most of the people who voted for Trump are fucking idiots? That’s generally my feeling about them anyways. And who’s to say why idiots do what they do? Maybe they believe someone when they tell them immigrants are eating dogs, or that illegal drugs are coming in from canada, or that the price of groceries will go down if you vote a certain way? I am a white male who votes for people that are trying to not end abortion care so I must be a fucking idiot in your mind. I don’t care though. Every idiot can think how they want. But when idiots cause people to die because they can no longer get health care or are fired because they worked a federal job that some psycho fentanyl addict doesn’t understand but somehow has authority over then I think there’s a problem. But I guess we all have to wait and see because our country is too large to overthrow and we are all being manipulated by billionaires who many idiots think they can relate to.

Re: OT thread America

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 7:23 pm
by BeenLurkin
Just because someone is a woman or person of color and votes against their own interests it doesn’t somehow make it a good idea to do so.

Re: OT thread America

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 8:34 pm
by Q-is-here
BeenLurkin wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 7:21 pm Well 60% of Americans are functioning at a 6th grade level of intelligence. So maybe most of the people who voted for Trump are fucking idiots? That’s generally my feeling about them anyways. And who’s to say why idiots do what they do? Maybe they believe someone when they tell them immigrants are eating dogs, or that illegal drugs are coming in from canada, or that the price of groceries will go down if you vote a certain way? I am a white male who votes for people that are trying to not end abortion care so I must be a fucking idiot in your mind. I don’t care though. Every idiot can think how they want. But when idiots cause people to die because they can no longer get health care or are fired because they worked a federal job that some psycho fentanyl addict doesn’t understand but somehow has authority over then I think there’s a problem. But I guess we all have to wait and see because our country is too large to overthrow and we are all being manipulated by billionaires who many idiots think they can relate to.
Ah, so now we get to the real issue. You, the white male, are smarter than all of those minorities and women that voted for Trump! If only those dumb women and black and brown people that voted for Trump had your intelligence and moral superiority, then they would all be much better off. Now look who the racist is!

Thankfully there are elected Democrats out there like John Fetterman that aren't nearly as unhinged as you. Pay attention to that guy because I think he holds the key to where the Democratic Party needs to go if they want to actually start winning national elections again.

Re: OT thread America

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 9:10 pm
by BeenLurkin
Yeah of course I am the racist. I fell right into your little trap! What a genius you are! Way to parrot all the talking points in order and use your circle of logic to make me realize I am the problem. I feel so dumb now. If only there was some thing I could do to repent for my libtard ways. Welp I guess I’ll just have to keep waking up and collecting my unemployment and watching my msnbc.

Re: OT thread America

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 9:38 pm
by Q-is-here
BeenLurkin wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 9:10 pm Yeah of course I am the racist. I fell right into your little trap! What a genius you are! Way to parrot all the talking points in order and use your circle of logic to make me realize I am the problem. I feel so dumb now. If only there was some thing I could do to repent for my libtard ways. Welp I guess I’ll just have to keep waking up and collecting my unemployment and watching my msnbc.
Well, you are the one that made this about race and gender and I just provided evidence to refute your claim. You have done nothing but rant and tell me how stupid people are that vote differently than you.

My whole issue here has nothing to do with actually defending Trump or his policies, much of which I disagree with, but instead not defining people and their interests by their gender and skin color. Fortunately more and more democrats are getting away from this type of thinking as well, even if you aren't.

Re: OT thread America

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 9:40 pm
by BeenLurkin
Enjoy your moral superiority. I feel sorry for you.