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Re: Flip's Agenda - #1. New Coach

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 8:05 pm
by foye2smith [enjin:6593248]
The way we're talking about coaches would be like bringing up Embiid, wiggins, Exum, or Parker. They're not relevant to where the Wolves are.

My initial point was it's easy to throw out names and ranks of coaches you'd like, but where others think the rumored candidates rank? Instead we're just turning our noses up at the current perceived candidates and throwing out names with 0 connection to the opening just cause.

Re: Flip's Agenda - #1. New Coach

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 8:08 pm
by Monster
BizarroJerry wrote:Never liked Mark Jackson. What a d-bag. He gets fired and 2 days later he's on TV doing color commentary for the playoffs. Didn't think he should have gotten fired, but still, he couldn't even wait until next season to get his ugly mug back on TV?

Are you jealous or someting? Would you turn down the chance to get back together with guys you clearly liked working with not to mention "Hey Mark one of the cool things you will get to do first day on the job is ride in an Indy car with Mario Andretti." What was he supposed to do say "Sorry man that sounds kinda fun but I am still sulking because I got fired. LOL I saw that and I found him annoying when he was a broadcaster before.

Re: Flip's Agenda - #1. New Coach

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 8:18 pm
by Monster
Flip clearly is doing a more extensive search than many people here are giving him credit for. Vinnie was interviewed over a week ago and now we hear about it. Its been reported that Flip has talked to Skiles as well.

IMO the more I think about it unless something really bad went down and there are some real issues with Mark Jackson I think for young coaches that actually are available he has to be at the top of the list for me. He turned around a team gong nowhere got them to play D and the success was right away. every coach available right now has some reason you may not want to hire them thats part of the reason they aren't employed.

Also thanks Lip for the insider scoop on Hoiberg. I think its possible Fred jumps for the NBA at some point, but I think its going to have to be really tempting I just get the feeling (I don't have an insider scoop like Lip) that he wants to stay at Iowa State for a bit longer and see what he has been able to do there grow more. Maybe he has an assistant that he think he can groom to take over (pure speculation) and they aren't quite ready.

Re: Flip's Agenda - #1. New Coach

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:56 pm
by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
foye2smith wrote:The way we're talking about coaches would be like bringing up Embiid, wiggins, Exum, or Parker. They're not relevant to where the Wolves are.

My initial point was it's easy to throw out names and ranks of coaches you'd like, but where others think the rumored candidates rank? Instead we're just turning our noses up at the current perceived candidates and throwing out names with 0 connection to the opening just cause.

I hear your point, foye2. Personally, I don't participate in trade threads because talking about hypothetical deals just doesn't do it for me. I recognize that a lot of guys get a charge out of it, though, so
I just avoid those threads.

Here's why I think the coaching bit is different. We know the Wolves have to select a coach, and there are many potential candidates. I find it relevant to discuss the relative merits of all coaches who have indicated an interest in coaching in the NBA, whether we know that Flip is talking with them or not, because we know Flip is talking to potential coaches that we don't know about. I agree that talking about the merits of hiring Greg Popovich would be silly, because he is not available and there is 0% chance of our hiring him. But a guy like George Karl is both available and interested in returning to the NBA, so I find a discussion of his merits as relevant as someone we know the Wolves are talking Sam Mitchell.

Re: Flip's Agenda - #1. New Coach

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 1:06 am
by Lipoli390
monsterpile wrote:Flip clearly is doing a more extensive search than many people here are giving him credit for. Vinnie was interviewed over a week ago and now we hear about it. Its been reported that Flip has talked to Skiles as well.

IMO the more I think about it unless something really bad went down and there are some real issues with Mark Jackson I think for young coaches that actually are available he has to be at the top of the list for me. He turned around a team gong nowhere got them to play D and the success was right away. every coach available right now has some reason you may not want to hire them thats part of the reason they aren't employed.

Also thanks Lip for the insider scoop on Hoiberg. I think its possible Fred jumps for the NBA at some point, but I think its going to have to be really tempting I just get the feeling (I don't have an insider scoop like Lip) that he wants to stay at Iowa State for a bit longer and see what he has been able to do there grow more. Maybe he has an assistant that he think he can groom to take over (pure speculation) and they aren't quite ready.

Monster -- I'm with you on Mark Jackson. As for Fred, I think you may be right about the timing issue. He may want another year or two at ISU before making the jump to the NBA. At some point I may get the full scoop, but until then we'll just have to speculate. Fred is a great person and a tremendous basketball mind. He would be a great hire. Perhaps Flip's plan is to serve as head coach for a year or two until Fred is ready. In any event, I'm actually warming up to the idea of Flip as head coach.

Re: Flip's Agenda - #1. New Coach

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:55 am
by ItsJustSoSab
Anybody but Vinny please. He failed in Chicago and L.A. Let's not be his third. Jackson would be my guy. Charisma, should help Rubio out, would improve the team.

Re: Flip's Agenda - #1. New Coach

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:51 am
by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
monsterpile wrote:Flip clearly is doing a more extensive search than many people here are giving him credit for. Vinnie was interviewed over a week ago and now we hear about it. Its been reported that Flip has talked to Skiles as well.

IMO the more I think about it unless something really bad went down and there are some real issues with Mark Jackson I think for young coaches that actually are available he has to be at the top of the list for me. He turned around a team gong nowhere got them to play D and the success was right away. every coach available right now has some reason you may not want to hire them thats part of the reason they aren't employed.

Also thanks Lip for the insider scoop on Hoiberg. I think its possible Fred jumps for the NBA at some point, but I think its going to have to be really tempting I just get the feeling (I don't have an insider scoop like Lip) that he wants to stay at Iowa State for a bit longer and see what he has been able to do there grow more. Maybe he has an assistant that he think he can groom to take over (pure speculation) and they aren't quite ready.

Monster, I can't see any way that Glen would ever consider Mark Jackson with the ugly skeleton he has in his closet. The NBA is ultra-concerned about its image right now with the Sterling saga, and Glen is right in the middle of it as chairman of the owners' group. Jackson has had a few years to let his story die down a little, but if he were a candidate for a head coaching job, the media would put it front and center again. Glen is too cautious and smart to allow that. He's much more likely to hire someone whose character he trusts Hoiberg or Mitchell.

Re: Flip's Agenda - #1. New Coach

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:37 am
by khans2k5 [enjin:6608728]
I'm not sure if Jackson fits with our roster. He is a very religious man and we have a very diverse team with guys from Spain, France, Russia, Montenegro, Puerto Rico and the US. A lot of his motivation tactics come from his faith and I'm just not sure if that would work with our very diverse roster. I think his success came more from his ability to motivate than his X's and O's and if his style of motivation doesn't work here, what are you left with? I don't like coaches that rock the boat and he capsized the boat in GS. Combine that with his extreme paranoia in GS and I would prefer to get someone else. You don't hear any drama from Pop, Carlisle, Spoelstra, etc. That's the way a coach should be.

Re: Flip's Agenda - #1. New Coach

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:00 am
by Monster
That Phil Jackson stirred up drama and seemed more about motivating than anything else. Just sayin... Lol

I am not tied to Mark Jackson and I don't know if that skeleton is going to be that big of a deal. Especially since he owned up to it and moved on. I bet Jackson's motivation comes more from his almost 20 years playing in the league defying odds doing it than his religious leanings. Personally I bet unless a perfect opportunity (which there isn't that I can think of) is presented to Mark Jackson he is probably waiting a bit to see how he feels it hasn't been that long since he got fired. Flip may have even called him and Jackson may have said I may be interested I just want some time right now do your process and if you haven't found someone after a couple weeks call me back. Like I said every coach out there with HC experience has some reason they aren't employed. I actually trust Flip to wade through that and find a solid hire at worst. That could be good enough to take the next step and maybe even keep Love beyond this year. Flip needs to upgrade the roster no matter who coaches so that's maybe more significant to me although coaching is big too.

Re: Flip's Agenda - #1. New Coach

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:07 am
by WildWolf2813
Flip as head coach feels like having a foster parent that will take care of this unwanted team while he finds them a new home.

Here's the conundrum. If they play better, he's not gonna wanna leave and then you have a guy will full autonomy-- not good. If he stinks, who's gonna want the job 2 years from now?