Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

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D-Mac [enjin:19736340]
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by D-Mac [enjin:19736340] »

Yeah, I shouldn't call people sheep. I apologize. There's a lot of really smart people on here and I've said several times how much I enjoy reading the comments on this site. I just saw some condescending comments, that I thought were being directed towards a couple people, so I wanted to chime in. There's definitely plenty of things that I'm uniformed on and lack knowledge of, and I wouldn't like being called stupid, so again sorry.
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by TheFuture »

WolvesFan21 wrote:
monsterpile wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:
D-Mac wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:
Q12543 wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:
TheFuture wrote:
Drunken Dribbler 22 wrote:I read this site a lot, but don't comment very often. Sorry to hear about people's losses. No question it's a real, and serious thing, and it's terrible. With that said, I'm with future and wolves fan. Nothing is for certain, but to me the probability is very high that this was man made. Like someone said, it aids in depopulation and destroys small businesses. I wrote a lot more, that I just decided to delete, because... people believe what they want to believe. One thing I won't delete... this whole thing was simulated by the "elites" near the end of 2019 ... again, it's very real, and people's losses are very real, I'll just saying that not all "conspiracies" are false... sometimes where there's smoke, there's fire.

Also, vaccines are commonly used to accomplish depopulation (in one way or another)... I won't mention names, but the people who are pushing for a mandatory vaccine are also the same people in favor of depopulation). Again, people believe what they want and it is what it is, but just throwing it out there. Go wolves and if they ever decide to trade towns, I'll help him pack and give him a ride to the airport

You mean the Bill Gates funded simulation pandemic and now funded vaccine? The evidence keeps accruing for this overthrow of independence.

Anyone who trusts Bill Gates has to just think of one thing. This guy promised to give away ALL of his money yet his net worth DOUBLED in the last ten years. Where is he during the major hurricanes that hit Texas or Puerto Rico??? Nothing!!! Actual people losing their homes/dying yet he sits on his billions he promises to give away. He's a fraud as far as I can tell.

I certainly heard the rumors about Gates and his vaccines sterilizing people in Africa as well. It makes sense. Many of these guys with all the money can do what they want. If they want to depopulate the earth they certainly can.

DD22 is on point though. Anything I say won't change anyones mind. It might nudge some to look further into actual real world facts rather then listening to the PR campaigns by the billionaires. Old Man Rockefeller was the first or one of the firsts the hire a PR firm to change his image and it worked really well.

While I don't agree with Bill Gates on everything and feel he gets lionized by the mainstream press, the amount of ignorance spewed in this post is staggering. Never have I witnessed someone who has generally coherent and lucid opinions on one topic (Wolves/Sports) that then turns into a complete blathering fool on a different topic. I'm not sure where or how you got so sideways on this stuff, but it's troubling.

Like I said, I'm not going to change anyones minds.

"It's easier to fool someone then convince them they've been fooled." -Mark Twain

Reminds me a lot of the arrogance on the left. The sheep is calling you sideways because you're not a sheep like him

I'd prefer not to call people sheep. They've suffered severe brainwashing from decades of programming. I would rather be empathetic because I know what they went through. It took me a solid 8 years to undo decades of brainwashing myself. It's devastating but certainly better off in the end. I'm happy that I went through it.

We have had conversations about things outside of basketball and I felt it was engaging and I learned something. I didn't really feel that way in this thread. Instead IMO you just said your theories told us to pretty much accept it even if information was provided that disputed it. Some of the logic to me simply made no sense. Then in this last post you are simply being absolutely condescending. There are a lot of critical thinkers in this thread and on this board in general. We can get back to basketball now and I'm not exactly going for the final word here (I guess I should take the blame for sorta starting all this) but I'd hope for more open conversation on the next off sport topic thing than this has been.

Some theories I've had I hope I clearly stated as theories. I don't believe them myself but consider them as possible. I don't have proof "either way" with Gates not actually trying to do humanity good or Covid being man made. There is a lot of evidence though I cannot ignore either.

I wasn't making this comment directed at all towards you either and I don't know how to say something without it sounding condescending. That probably sounds condescending. I've always been a very honest person, ask any EX GF I had. I've never sugar coated anything I guess. So sorry if I was offensive. I was trying to ease the situation.

Like I said I don't like calling people sheep. That doesn't get anyone anywhere. It's the same as I hear all the time. You tinfoil nutcase! Crazy conspiracy theorist! I've heard those a million times among a boatload of other names. Oh well.

Back to BB.

I could help.

You just have to start with how he stole his ideas for his empire.

Then just look at the gates foundation.

Tons of proof. Look at the vaccine experiment in Africa to start.

Then ask why a thief and proven experimentalist on children is who I should trust to fund a vaccine to prevent me from catching a flu.

That is not a conspiracy. It is the truth.
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by thedoper »

Somehow I think Beasley would approve of this thread.
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by TheFuture »

thedoper wrote:Somehow I think Beasley would approve of this thread.

Why? Because anyone who has a difference in thought should be deemed a lunatic?
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

TheFuture wrote:
thedoper wrote:Somehow I think Beasley would approve of this thread.

Why? Because anyone who has a difference in thought should be deemed a lunatic?

Your trolling (or woe-is-me whining) has grown tiresome.

As noted... it's time to get back to hoops. There are many other online outlets for what you've been trying to do in this thread. Please don't bring that toxic stuff to what's been a very specific type of basketball board for nearly a decade.

The beauty of this forum is that I didn't know anybody's thoughts about politics or boogeyman or social mores or activism or anything else... which was awesome... because I could give two shits if it doesn't concern hoops.
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by thedoper »

TheFuture wrote:
thedoper wrote:Somehow I think Beasley would approve of this thread.

Why? Because anyone who has a difference in thought should be deemed a lunatic?

Live your life man. But if you say things that are insane, then be prepared to take a joke. If your really so sure about your completely unsubstantiated beliefs, you should be able to laugh it off. I do think its lunacy to think there is a global conspiracy to inoculate and vaccinate the population which all scientists, who happen to be the real champions of free thought, are in on. If you want to make fun of me for that, Ill laugh too.
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JasonIsDaMan [enjin:7981157]
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by JasonIsDaMan [enjin:7981157] »

A couple of things on Bill Gates
1. If he stole, he stole from Allen and Balmer, who also did quite well for themselves in the Microsoft split.
2. He really was a visionary. Not only did he create Windows, he also was genuinely concerned that it would be rejected like Beta was in favor of VHS. So he created DOS, which stands for "Dirty Operating System", because he hated it and hated every minute he spent creating it.
3. Giving away his money? Upon death. He was clear on that from the start. You know, there are other websites besides this one.
4. I do wish he was more concerned about the US than foreign countries, but at least he is consistent on that, instead of just celebrating when one party is in charge and shunning when they are not. And in taxes alone, he has more to gain than future or wolvesfan could ever dream of.

Global conspiracies? Aren't you adults with jobs? How fast does news about a new vending machine get around the office? Now imagine if the news was that your product sterilized people. Grow up.
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

JasonIsDaMan wrote:A couple of things on Bill Gates
1. If he stole, he stole from Allen and Balmer, who also did quite well for themselves in the Microsoft split.
2. He really was a visionary. Not only did he create Windows, he also was genuinely concerned that it would be rejected like Beta was in favor of VHS. So he created DOS, which stands for "Dirty Operating System", because he hated it and hated every minute he spent creating it.
3. Giving away his money? Upon death. He was clear on that from the start. You know, there are other websites besides this one.
4. I do wish he was more concerned about the US than foreign countries, but at least he is consistent on that, instead of just celebrating when one party is in charge and shunning when they are not. And in taxes alone, he has more to gain than future or wolvesfan could ever dream of.

Global conspiracies? Aren't you adults with jobs? How fast does news about a new vending machine get around the office? Now imagine if the news was that your product sterilized people. Grow up.

I don't care if somebody believes in global conspiracies. More power to them. Heck, I finally let it go that people believed Darko, Eddie Griffin and even Andrew Wiggins were gonna be awesome. I'm very easy-going.

BUT... I do like originality, earnestness and I do no like it when there's disingenuous intent behind arguments.

I don't like such by-the-numbers, rote online trolling methods in this thread. It's like it's straight out of the Handbook. Fake stats... which when proven to be fake... doubled down with more fake stats or facts. When those are pointed out... "why are you being mean to me for thinking differently" narratives.

Making wild dismissive cracks about posters who didn't buy into the first round of trolling. When those are pointed out to be false... largely ignore them. "Abe said something about me posting something fake... he's with Antifa in Portland!"... Meanwhile... continuing with the "Why are people being mean to ME?" mantra.

I post at two online sites. Both broke off from ESPN. One has become a hotbed for Stormfront Lite-like trolling... and doesn't talk about basketball/sports nearly as much any more. I'd rather not see that happen here. I like basketball... not politics. Or else, I'd go to a political online forum.

[Note: But Future and Co... if that's really what you want. You need to step up your game. Pages 23 - 33 of the Handbook very clearly shows how effective memes are in online forums. ;) ]
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JasonIsDaMan [enjin:7981157]
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by JasonIsDaMan [enjin:7981157] »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:
JasonIsDaMan wrote:A couple of things on Bill Gates
1. If he stole, he stole from Allen and Balmer, who also did quite well for themselves in the Microsoft split.
2. He really was a visionary. Not only did he create Windows, he also was genuinely concerned that it would be rejected like Beta was in favor of VHS. So he created DOS, which stands for "Dirty Operating System", because he hated it and hated every minute he spent creating it.
3. Giving away his money? Upon death. He was clear on that from the start. You know, there are other websites besides this one.
4. I do wish he was more concerned about the US than foreign countries, but at least he is consistent on that, instead of just celebrating when one party is in charge and shunning when they are not. And in taxes alone, he has more to gain than future or wolvesfan could ever dream of.

Global conspiracies? Aren't you adults with jobs? How fast does news about a new vending machine get around the office? Now imagine if the news was that your product sterilized people. Grow up.

I don't care if somebody believes in global conspiracies. More power to them. Heck, I finally let it go that people believed Darko, Eddie Griffin and even Andrew Wiggins were gonna be awesome. I'm very easy-going.

BUT... I do like originality, earnestness and I do no like it when there's disingenuous intent behind arguments.

I don't like such by-the-numbers, rote online trolling methods in this thread. It's like it's straight out of the Handbook. Fake stats... which when proven to be fake... doubled down with more fake stats or facts. When those are pointed out... "why are you being mean to me for thinking differently" narratives.

Making wild dismissive cracks about posters who didn't buy into the first round of trolling. When those are pointed out to be false... largely ignore them. "Abe said something about me posting something fake... he's with Antifa in Portland!"... Meanwhile... continuing with the "Why are people being mean to ME?" mantra.

I post at two online sites. Both broke off from ESPN. One has become a hotbed for Stormfront Lite-like trolling... and doesn't talk about basketball/sports nearly as much any more. I'd rather not see that happen here. I like basketball... not politics. Or else, I'd go to a political online forum.

[Note: But Future and Co... if that's really what you want. You need to step up your game. Pages 23 - 33 of the Handbook very clearly shows how effective memes are in online forums. ;) ]

We all have gaps. I'm still trying to figure out why Scott Diamond didn't become the next Tom Glavine and Chris Parmalee didn't become the next Bill Buckner, although I was out on Christian Ponder and Mikael Granlund very early. But if a theory involves "thousand of people not telling anyone", well, this board is proof of how well that works.
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by thedoper »

Yes when you get your PHD in any health related field or your MD you are actually sworn into secrecy by Bill Gates, The Princes of Saud, Ted Turner, The Queen, and the leftover Rothchild decedents. Depending on the institution it can be in person, but now they usually do it on Zoom. The code has finally been cracked. The reason I am saying this is because I was there, I had they honor one year of taking minutes. Now that we have this definitive proof we can move on and this totally factual news can be spread to other websites that need to hear it.
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