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Re: Official 2014 NBA draft thread

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:07 am
by Tackle [enjin:6628750]
Being a Syracuse fan it has been fun watching the timberwolves real D-league club this winter and has taken the edge of some of the flip/Adelman/jj/ricky at the rim angst.

I would take Ennis in a heart beat.
And CJ Fair would be a strong early 2nd round choice.

we could use some more athleticism and that will be available where we will draft this year, but what we really need to add to this team is one more player that can dribble the ball. (that is not a PG)

I mean we really only have three, one is a wizard, ones playing time is at the whim of Adelman, and the last one only dribbles and dribbles and dribbles and dribbles....................

I of course don't have the answer. I just hope the front office does.

Re: Official 2014 NBA draft thread

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:58 am
by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
I was able to watch Zach LaVine live Saturday afternoon and was completely underwhelmed. He has fallen off recently and doesn't even start any more. He got in with 11 minutes left in the first half and immediately launched an ill-advised three, after which Alford benched him. He played more in the second half with Jordan Adams in foul trouble, but didn't score until the last minute. Certainly athletic, but doesn't look anything like a lottery pick. Would probably be better served to stay in school another year.

The SG I have my eyes on now is Terran Petteway of Nebraska. I watched him put up 35 against the Gophers, and have been following him since. He shows up late in the first round of mocks, but I think he has to move up as scouts catch on to him more. Great athlete, accurate shooter and relentless defender. Playing on a relatively poor team has hurt him a little, but he has led them to some big wins. He totally outplayed Gary Harris in Nebraska's upset last weekend. Check him out...a real possibility with our pick.

Re: Official 2014 NBA draft thread

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:40 am
by Camden [enjin:6601484]
LST, I went to watch a YouTube or two on your guy Petteway and the first video came up was one wear he attempted (semi-successful) to punch a player on the opposition. Big no-no immediately. I'm sure that will be a red flag throughout the entire drafting process. Already has me weary.

Re: Official 2014 NBA draft thread

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:09 pm
by Camden [enjin:6601484]
McDermott hasn't hurt his stock at all. Even hit a game-winner not too long ago.

BYU guard Tyler Haws has caught my eye here as of late. Don't know if he'll declare, but man he can put the ball in the hoop. 22-year old sophomore.

Re: Official 2014 NBA draft thread

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:01 pm
by Camden [enjin:6601484]
Any love for Glenn Robinson III aka GR3? Reminds me of Iguodala a bit.

Re: Official 2014 NBA draft thread

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:01 pm
by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
Camden wrote:LST, I went to watch a YouTube or two on your guy Petteway and the first video came up was one wear he attempted (semi-successful) to punch a player on the opposition. Big no-no immediately. I'm sure that will be a red flag throughout the entire drafting process. Already has me weary.

That's a bizarre clip, doesn't even look like he was provoked. Who knows, maybe it was a retaliation for something that happened earlier. He's a tough kid, and it really shows in his defense. But there's no excuse for throwing a punch on the court.

Re: Official 2014 NBA draft thread

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:15 pm
by Brandon BassHole [enjin:8183321]
Ya I went to texas Tech while Petteway was there he was kinda of an A**hole which is a reason why he transferred but he isnt a Stephen Jackson or matt barnes, a bigger reason was because of Gilliespie but thats a whole nother story

Re: Official 2014 NBA draft thread

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:16 pm
by Camden [enjin:6601484]
Favorites I want in the lottery: Rodney Hood, Gary Harris, Tyler Ennis, GRIII, McDermott.

Guys I don't want in the lottery: Jerami Grant, Dario Saric, Aaron Gordon, Willie Cauley-Stein

Guys I'm iffy on: James Young, Kyle Anderson (like him though), LaVine.

Re: Official 2014 NBA draft thread

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:51 am
by Camden [enjin:6601484]
Seeing more and more Kevin Love in Doug McDermott. He needs to add some muscle, but he's got the frame to do so. Hard to ignore his shooting ability, IQ and finishing at the rim. Wouldn't be mad at all if we got our hands on him. I know, that goes against my initial thoughts, but he's been phenominal these last five or so games and I've watched several of them.

Re: Official 2014 NBA draft thread

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:26 am
by Q12543 [enjin:6621299]
Cam, If he's the best player available when we draft, we should take him. He's a fully matured player, meaning what we see now is probably what we're going to get. I like the idea of him providing some offensive spark off the bench backing up Love at PF (this is the role I was hoping D-Will could have filled successfully for us this season). Dante will almost surely not be brought back, leaving a hole at backup PF. DM could potentially fill that hole.