OT thread America

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Re: OT thread America

Post by Coolbreeze44 »

This is what the deep state wants. They want to cause division within the people. We're so much easier to conquer when we're divided. I actually cannot believe the censorship taking place right now. In case you don't know, I'm not talking about Trump. I'm talking about Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Google all working together to control the narrative. It should be extremely scary to everyone, no matter your party affiliation. Do you know that Twiiter purged the accounts of millions of conservatives this week? And as many of those people sought to reorganize at rival social media company "Parler", Amazon who was hosting the site on their server farms cancelled the account. Further, the deep state has pressured other potential host vendors from aligning with Parler. So they basically are going to have to build their own infrastructure from the ground up. Again, this is scary stuff. An entire, very large segment of our population is being silenced. As history has shown, this is the first step countries go through in their eventual fall to communism or dictator led regimes. And because your liberal, don't feel you are safe. Eventually they will come after you too to control you as well. This isn't about left vs right. It's about good vs evil.
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Monster »

IMHO It's not up to anyone else whether we are divided it's up to us. I'm not letting anyone divide me from folks on this message board that's for sure

I actually have a friend that I went to college with that has worked for a company that works on election software for many years. If he was concerned about election fraud he would likely be posting about it on Facebook. I believe in his character and the work that he does. That might not be significant to anyone but I thought I would post it anyway.

What makes little sense to me is that if this is all true and the election was stolen then it means Trump who is the most powerful person in the country as president and who told us this was going to happen for what years had no power to control it. That's either terrifying or shows how incredibly incompetent he is. It seems unlikely that this election was stole from a sitting president that knew about it.

As for media...Wolves fans aren't exactly in love with ESPN's coverage as it often seems to be slanted. I'm not going to disregard that platform completely. There are clearly some reporters there that do a very good job at what they do. I can certainly be fooled by various reporting whether it's sports or something else but to me it's about using critical thinking to see if it's legit or not. Lots of headlines are pretty misleading and that bothersome. I don't exactly have high hopes for it but Joe Ricketts is starting a new Media company called "Straight Arrow" that is supposed to report without a political slant. It would be nice to have something like that that was more trustworthy but I have doubts it will be that unbiased. It's going to be based in Omaha.

I really don't know where we go forward at this point but I'd hope that as individuals we can give each other the benefit of the doubt that most of us genuinely want the best for our country and have some willingness to put forth at least a tiny bit of effort to help improve the lives for the country as a whole. As much as I get frustrated with people I do believe that we can come together over the next few years as a nation. I believe we all hope for that.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr day everyone.
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Coolbreeze44 »

Chinese puppet in office. What flag are we supposed to display on July 4th?
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Re: OT thread America

Post by FNG »

CoolBreeze44 wrote:Chinese puppet in office. What flag are we supposed to display on July 4th?

The wonderful thing about living in the greatest country in the world is that what flag you fly on July 4 is a personal choice. Personally, I will be proudly flying the Stars and Stripes like I do every year. And I can guarantee you that President Joseph Biden will be doing the same.
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Wolvesfan21 »

Land of the fee, home of the slave.
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Coolbreeze44 »

FNG wrote:
CoolBreeze44 wrote:Chinese puppet in office. What flag are we supposed to display on July 4th?

The wonderful thing about living in the greatest country in the world is that what flag you fly on July 4 is a personal choice. Personally, I will be proudly flying the Stars and Stripes like I do every year. And I can guarantee you that President Joseph Biden will be doing the same.

You're going to find that you have fewer personal choices in the near future.
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Re: OT thread America

Post by FNG »

CoolBreeze44 wrote:
FNG wrote:
CoolBreeze44 wrote:Chinese puppet in office. What flag are we supposed to display on July 4th?

The wonderful thing about living in the greatest country in the world is that what flag you fly on July 4 is a personal choice. Personally, I will be proudly flying the Stars and Stripes like I do every year. And I can guarantee you that President Joseph Biden will be doing the same.

You're going to find that you have fewer personal choices in the near future.

Seems like I've been hearing predictions like that in various forms for 40 years...and yet, it never happens. I give them about the same credibility I give anyone who says the Wolves have a championship in their near future.
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Coolbreeze44 »

FNG wrote:
CoolBreeze44 wrote:
FNG wrote:
CoolBreeze44 wrote:Chinese puppet in office. What flag are we supposed to display on July 4th?

The wonderful thing about living in the greatest country in the world is that what flag you fly on July 4 is a personal choice. Personally, I will be proudly flying the Stars and Stripes like I do every year. And I can guarantee you that President Joseph Biden will be doing the same.

You're going to find that you have fewer personal choices in the near future.

Seems like I've been hearing predictions like that in various forms for 40 years...and yet, it never happens. I give them about the same credibility I give anyone who says the Wolves have a championship in their near future.

I don't believe we've ever had a president who took bribes from the Chinese government before.
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Wolvesfan21 »

Divide and conquer. It doesn't matter which side of the coin is in power, the GOV will only get bigger and more tyrannical. The wealthiest control the coin, the illusion is that your side of the coin is getting it's way.

"If voting battered, they wouldn't let us do it." -Mark Twain

"GOV is the problem, not the solution." -Ronald Reagan

Too bad Reagan never lived up to that quote as he was a major contributor to the war on the poor (war on drugs) by imprisoning them in record numbers while the CIA imported cocaine for guns (Contra).

Did the GOV start out by imprisoning the highest percentage of people in the entire World? Of course not. Taxes, Tariffs, Fees, Fines and Regulations grow over a very long period of time. Same with the police state, surveillance and lack of choices or freedoms. Steadily increasing no matter who is in power. You might get a temporary "win". But it's always short lived. If the wealthiest who control the coin (GOV) didn't let you have something once in a while we'd have everyone revolting.

"Give them bread and circus and they will never revolt." (Food stamps and Sports or silly TV shows)

That's a quote from ancient rome when it was on it's downfall.
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Volans19 »

WolvesFan21 wrote:Divide and conquer. It doesn't matter which side of the coin is in power, the GOV will only get bigger and more tyrannical. The wealthiest control the coin, the illusion is that your side of the coin is getting it's way.

"If voting battered, they wouldn't let us do it." -Mark Twain

"GOV is the problem, not the solution." -Ronald Reagan

Too bad Reagan never lived up to that quote as he was a major contributor to the war on the poor (war on drugs) by imprisoning them in record numbers while the CIA imported cocaine for guns (Contra).

Did the GOV start out by imprisoning the highest percentage of people in the entire World? Of course not. Taxes, Tariffs, Fees, Fines and Regulations grow over a very long period of time. Same with the police state, surveillance and lack of choices or freedoms. Steadily increasing no matter who is in power. You might get a temporary "win". But it's always short lived. If the wealthiest who control the coin (GOV) didn't let you have something once in a while we'd have everyone revolting.

"Give them bread and circus and they will never revolt." (Food stamps and Sports or silly TV shows)

That's a quote from ancient rome when it was on it's downfall.

You're very fond of quoting Mark Twain, did you know he was.... (wait for it....) a Freemason!

We all know the true nature of the Freemasons
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