Twins Spring Training 2021

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Re: Twins Spring Training 2021

Post by Monster »

Camden0916 wrote:Thank goodness I have an immune system.

And your point is?
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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Re: Twins Spring Training 2021

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

monsterpile wrote:
Camden0916 wrote:Thank goodness I have an immune system.

And your point is?

The point is that people with healthy and functioning immune systems need not rush to get a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate let alone one that hasn't received FDA approval yet. The logic just doesn't and will never make sense to me. But I also believe in individual freedoms and people should do whatever they feel is necessary for their own health and wellness. If that means getting this vaccine, then by all means... but thank goodness I have an immune system.
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Re: Twins Spring Training 2021

Post by Monster »

Camden0916 wrote:
monsterpile wrote:
Camden0916 wrote:Thank goodness I have an immune system.

And your point is?

The point is that people with healthy and functioning immune systems need not rush to get a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate let alone one that hasn't received FDA approval yet. The logic just doesn't and will never make sense to me. But I also believe in individual freedoms and people should do whatever they feel is necessary for their own health and wellness. If that means getting this vaccine, then by all means... but thank goodness I have an immune system.

Thanks for your response and I appreciate your perspective. I'll share mine below.

FWIW for me personally I know a few people that have survived but continue to have long term effects from Covid 19. They were all relatively healthy before. I also work with the developmentally disabled population and Covid has been much more deadly among that group. Fortunately in Nebraska they given a high priority for the vaccine. This affects how I view things. My Dad has a lengthy number of risk factors. I have some friends that lost their mother who was in her early 60's to Covid. She was a nurse and pretty healthy, ran half marathons etc. She died within a week of contracting the virus. I've attended too many funerals in the last couple months. That was the only one Covid related (attended that one virtually) but just as a side note it's been a sad 2021.

I tend to be somewhat careful about what I do, wear a mask most of the time outside the home. I've also found that this last year my allergies have been much better than usual and I don't think I have gotten sick at all since last March when I think I may have actually had some sort of minor cold but it's always hard to tell when I have allergies. Typically I get some sort of cold or flu bug or whatever at least once that's not just allergies but not this last 12 months which is really nice. So for me there are additional benefits and wearing a mask isn't a big inconvenience personally. I'll probably be wearing a mask at times going forward just due to allergies. I do get out and about some but not as much as I typically would. I don't personally completely get the science behind these vaccines but from what I understand it's a different technology than has been used in various past vaccines and it's both innovative and also safe. It doesn't have the typical FDA approval but they had done approval for it. People have to make their own decisions about the vaccine. For one thing there are people that because of various health issues are not able to get it.

Like you I feel fortunate to be as healthy as I am although I've struggled the past few months getting enough exercise. I feel certain we can agree that our health is one of the best things we can have in life. It can be taken quickly in a variety of ways. Shawn Bradley is a recent example of one life event can change everything. So here to your health Cam and also anyone else that is reading this lengthy response. =)
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Re: Twins Spring Training 2021

Post by FNG »

After watching a really fun Wolves win, I have only one wish this morning...that Karl Anthony Towns doesn't read this thread. He may lament why his family's immune system didn't turn out so well.
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Re: Twins Spring Training 2021

Post by Q12543 [enjin:6621299] »

I don't usually wade into this stuff, but it's personal for me too since my Dad died from Covid. He was in his 80s but he was very healthy and had no underlying conditions.

Cam, I believe in individual freedoms too. If someone wants to ride a motorcycle without a helmet, go for it. If someone wants to drive without a seatbelt, be my guest. The difference with Covid is that when people decide not to wear masks or not get a vaccine in the name of individual freedom, they are literally potentially putting others at risk. That's called being selfish.

In addition, there is a big range of outcomes between death and a quick recovery. Lots of people can be taken out for weeks and some for months. It's not dying, but that's still a terrible outcome.
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Re: Twins Spring Training 2021

Post by FNG »

Monster, you raise a great point about the benefits of mask-wearing beyond preventing yourself and others from getting this horrible virus. My honey and I flew to AZ last week for shots (AZ doesn't require residency and has a lot of available vaccine), and she noted how nobody on the plane was coughing or sneezing...very unusual! We then reflected on how neither of us has had even a touch of flu or a cold since we began wearing masks in public a year ago. We're both basically healthy adults, but we usually pick up something over the course of a year. We both have decided that we will wear masks on planes and in crowded stores in the future even after the Coronavirus is no longer a serious threat.
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Re: Twins Spring Training 2021

Post by Jester1534 »

What happen to my board lol. If it helps I'm 31 and the only reason why I even got the vaccine early is because I coach high school baseball. So I got lumped in with the teachers.

Anyway I'll change the subject. Who should start opening day Maeda or Berrios?
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Re: Twins Spring Training 2021

Post by FNG »

Jester1534 wrote:What happen to my board lol. If it helps I'm 31 and the only reason why I even got the vaccine early is because I coach high school baseball. So I got lumped in with the teachers.

Anyway I'll change the subject. Who should start opening day Maeda or Berrios?

Nice work getting us back on track, jester!

Maeda...Rocco has already announced this.
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bleedspeed177 [enjin:6603232]
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Re: Twins Spring Training 2021

Post by bleedspeed177 [enjin:6603232] »

Next question is how many innings does he go? 5?
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Re: Twins Spring Training 2021

Post by Porckchop »

monsterpile wrote:
Camden0916 wrote:
monsterpile wrote:
Camden0916 wrote:Thank goodness I have an immune system.

And your point is?

The point is that people with healthy and functioning immune systems need not rush to get a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate let alone one that hasn't received FDA approval yet. The logic just doesn't and will never make sense to me. But I also believe in individual freedoms and people should do whatever they feel is necessary for their own health and wellness. If that means getting this vaccine, then by all means... but thank goodness I have an immune system.

Thanks for your response and I appreciate your perspective. I'll share mine below.

FWIW for me personally I know a few people that have survived but continue to have long term effects from Covid 19. They were all relatively healthy before. I also work with the developmentally disabled population and Covid has been much more deadly among that group. Fortunately in Nebraska they given a high priority for the vaccine. This affects how I view things. My Dad has a lengthy number of risk factors. I have some friends that lost their mother who was in her early 60's to Covid. She was a nurse and pretty healthy, ran half marathons etc. She died within a week of contracting the virus. I've attended too many funerals in the last couple months. That was the only one Covid related (attended that one virtually) but just as a side note it's been a sad 2021.

I tend to be somewhat careful about what I do, wear a mask most of the time outside the home. I've also found that this last year my allergies have been much better than usual and I don't think I have gotten sick at all since last March when I think I may have actually had some sort of minor cold but it's always hard to tell when I have allergies. Typically I get some sort of cold or flu bug or whatever at least once that's not just allergies but not this last 12 months which is really nice. So for me there are additional benefits and wearing a mask isn't a big inconvenience personally. I'll probably be wearing a mask at times going forward just due to allergies. I do get out and about some but not as much as I typically would. I don't personally completely get the science behind these vaccines but from what I understand it's a different technology than has been used in various past vaccines and it's both innovative and also safe. It doesn't have the typical FDA approval but they had done approval for it. People have to make their own decisions about the vaccine. For one thing there are people that because of various health issues are not able to get it.

Like you I feel fortunate to be as healthy as I am although I've struggled the past few months getting enough exercise. I feel certain we can agree that our health is one of the best things we can have in life. It can be taken quickly in a variety of ways. Shawn Bradley is a recent example of one life event can change everything. So here to your health Cam and also anyone else that is reading this lengthy response. =)

I've been on a big school job for 17 months now doing masonry work. We've never been shut down becuz deadlines for enrollment in the fall take priority. I have nothing but respect for health care workers and the risks they take on. It does bother me that construction workers are forgotten about. If a stadium is being built there's nothing that will stop it from hitting it's deadline. Workers be damned. But once that stadium is fully functional the players have the right to sit it out till they feel safe and fans aren't even allowed to go to games becuz of health concerns. But those that construct these buildings do so despite the risks.
A quarter of the employees I work with have gotten sick and we all work in close proximity to each other. thankfully I'm not one of them but unless we show symptoms it's all systems go. Personally I've never lived in fear of it and am grateful to keep working inspite of it.
Separately, my mother just passed away from ovarian cancer ( spread to her liver and lymph nodes) last month after a 2 1/2 year battle. 5 months ago she got Covid and made it thru within a couple weeks. It was never mentioned again. Until me and my brothers got her death certificate and it was a second underlying cause of death. Don't tell me the numbers aren't skewd for government aid. My mother is rolling in her grave knowing she was used as a statistic to further an agenda.Fucking Bullshit.
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