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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 10:40 pm
by Coolbreeze44
LST, I like this Blatt fella that has been bandied about. He would be a nice out of the box hire. I also wouldn't mind Flip until the right guy emerges. I like Mark Jackson a lot as well.

Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 10:50 pm
by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
CoolBreeze44 wrote:LST, I like this Blatt fella that has been bandied about. He would be a nice out of the box hire. I also wouldn't mind Flip until the right guy emerges. I like Mark Jackson a lot as well.

I would definitely be in favor of Blatt, but we have no evidence that he is interested in coming here. He's an East Coast guy, and there are rumors that the Zen Master is interested. But I prefer Blatt to Joerger or Mitchell (or Flip), and would be unhappy if I knew he was agreeable to coming here, and Flip didn't want him.

Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 11:05 pm
by Camden [enjin:6601484]
I'm still enamored with giving Chauncey Billups a head coaching gig. Though, supposedly he wants a front office job instead. Chauncey will be a terrific HC whenever he goes down that road.

Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 12:01 am
by Monster
So Skiles has a bunch of kids...see I keep telling people this coach hiring thing isn't that easy.

Lets get Mark Jackson in here lets have him play backup PG when Curry come to town. LOL This is a fun clip of them doing a shooting contest after practice one day.

Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 12:01 am
by Lipoli390
alexftbl8181 wrote:You say we need to hire the right guy, and I agree, but I wonder who that is. It has to be someone who is willing to come and rebuild after our franchise player leaves us. and many of the guys that we want just don't want to take a chance here. Cool, what potential coach is out there and wants to take a chance with a Love-less Wolves team, and has either been a Coach of the Year or had as much success as Mitchell in turning around a team in such a short period of time? Who's your guy, cool...convince me.

That's what Flip's job is suppose to be. Maybe hear about somebody on the spurs staff, or another good coaching staff. When reports are that it's just guys with Minnesota ties, it comes off as bush league and very lazy

I agree, Alex. The organization looks amateurish and pedestrian. There are a lot of talented assistants and quality former head coaches who should relish the chance to coach the the Wolves in spite of the uncertainty surrounding Love. NBA head coaching positions are highly coveted and there are very few of them. It's up to our front office to find and recruit the best candidates. Pursuing a highly respected young guy like Joerger coming off a 50-win season in the West following a long history as a winning head pro basketball coach was precisely what this organization should be doing. Retreating to Glen's comfort zone, i.e., Sam Mitchell, is exactly what we should NOT be doing.

Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 12:54 am
by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
lipoli390 wrote:
alexftbl8181 wrote:You say we need to hire the right guy, and I agree, but I wonder who that is. It has to be someone who is willing to come and rebuild after our franchise player leaves us. and many of the guys that we want just don't want to take a chance here. Cool, what potential coach is out there and wants to take a chance with a Love-less Wolves team, and has either been a Coach of the Year or had as much success as Mitchell in turning around a team in such a short period of time? Who's your guy, cool...convince me.

That's what Flip's job is suppose to be. Maybe hear about somebody on the spurs staff, or another good coaching staff. When reports are that it's just guys with Minnesota ties, it comes off as bush league and very lazy

I agree, Alex. The organization looks amateurish and pedestrian. There are a lot of talented assistants and quality former head coaches who should relish the chance to coach the the Wolves in spite of the uncertainty surrounding Love. NBA head coaching positions are highly coveted and there are very few of them. It's up to our front office to find and recruit the best candidates. Pursuing a highly respected young guy like Joerger coming off a 50-win season in the West following a long history as a winning head pro basketball coach was precisely what this organization should be doing. Retreating to Glen's comfort zone, i.e., Sam Mitchell, is exactly what we should NOT be doing.

This is where it gets confusing, lip. in trying to compare one coach to another. Joerger inherited a 56-win team, and in his first year, turned them into a 50-win team. Should that be considered successful? Maybe so, because Gasol missed so many games. But injuries are part of the game, and the only thing we know for sure is that Dave's net impact is a minus six wins.

Mitchell inherited a team that had won 33 games, and despite an unhappy Vince Carter and disruptive Rafer Alston, again won 33 his first year. After shipping the disgruntled players out in the offseason, Mitchell's second year was a rebuilding year, and the Raptors won six fewer games (as Joerger did). Keep in mind that was a roster that was so bad that Mike James was the second leading scorer. But then in his third year, Mitchell coached them to 20 more wins and was selected COY. And look at the guys other than Bosh who started more than 60 games: Rasho Nesterovic, Jorge Garbajosa, Anthony Parker and TJ Ford...not quite the same level as the Garnett-Sprewell-Cassell trio that Flip had at his disposal.. That tells me that Mitchell is the kind of guy who gets the most out of his players, which is probably what we need as we potentially enter into the post-Love years.

For the sake of full disclosure, the Raptors fell to .500 in Sam's final year, although they still made the playoffs.

I admit that I have a substantial amount of prejudice when it comes to Sam Mitchell, because I loved how he played the game. If he were able to instill some of that passion into our roster, I think we would be delighted with the results. I suspect that is what he was able to do in his COY year, because there were no stars on that team other than Bosh. In any case, I find it difficult to argue that Dave Joerger's pro results have been more impressive than Sam Mitchell's.

I'm still hoping that Flip pulls a rabbit out of his hat and lands David Blatt, but absent that, I will be comfortable with either Mitchell or Joerger (since we don't know for sure that drama is over). I have never thought that Flip would succeed Adelman, and if he does, I will deem that to be a management failure.

Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 1:16 am
by Camden [enjin:6601484]
Joerger has a history of winning in his background. Five league championships (IBA, 3 x CBA, D-League). First year as an NBA head coach he won 50 games while his best player, Marc Gasol, missed 23 games. As a 40 year old man, he's been incredibly successful in his career to this point. I'd also say he has NBA championship level potential. The way he coached his Grizzlies against the Thunder in the first round this year was spectacular. If Conley stays healthy and Z-Bo isn't suspended for Game 7, I fully believe that OKC goes down. Joerger exploited OKC's weaknesses and even beat them in some strengths (small ball lineups). You talk about Mitchell getting the most of his players, but let's bring up how Joerger made Nick Calathes, James Johnson, Beno Udrih and Jon Leuer legitimate rotation players at different points of the season. He also re-energized Courtney Lee's career.

Those two playoff teams Mitchell had were easy outs in the East and looked sloppy in their one-and-done series. 2007, his 3-seed Raptors lost to the 6-seed Nets in six games. That Nets team won 34 games that year. 2008 is easier to understand as they lost in five to a good Orlando team. Point was, Joerger looked good as a playoff coach. Mitchell looked.. not good.

"In any case, I find it difficult to argue that Dave Joerger's pro results have been more impressive than Sam Mitchell's."

This has to be just a case of you backing up a guy you were a fan of. If Mitchell wasn't a former Wolves player, would you look at his resume and advocate for him? Probably not.

Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:24 am
by foye2smith [enjin:6593248]
Like many of you i'm frustrated with the lack if imagination with the coaching candidates aside from Joerger. Hopefully Flip will add a name or two from conference finals assistants at least just for lip service and maybe he gets his socks knocked off.

I don't know how good of terms Flip would be with him but a Jason Kidd type transition with Chauncey Billups would pique my interest some. Was always highly regarded around the league, viewed like he could be a coach someday. Maybe show Ricky a couple tricks out if his bag. Played for a lot of good & bad coaches what has learned to do or not do.

Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 7:10 am
by BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520]
Camden wrote:I'm still enamored with giving Chauncey Billups a head coaching gig. Though, supposedly he wants a front office job instead. Chauncey will be a terrific HC whenever he goes down that road.

Cam, I thought we were supporting Chip England,the Spurs shot doc?

Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 7:59 am
by mjs34
CoolBreeze44 wrote:Monster, Skiles has poor character. More illegitimate kids than coaching stops. We can do better.

So your saying he is sexually active in the community. :)