Am I the only one totally sick of Love's shtick?

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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Re: Am I the only one totally sick of Love's shtick?

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

What? LST, how do you rip Love for using the media, but commend Adelman for doing exactly the same? That doesn't quite add up to me.
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longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
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Re: Am I the only one totally sick of Love's shtick?

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

Camden wrote:What? LST, how do you rip Love for using the media, but commend Adelman for doing exactly the same? That doesn't quite add up to me.

It's very understandable in my value system. Adelman is the boss...the players work for him. And in the role of boss, he has the right to say whatever he wants about players. And effective coaches do it all the time, saying both positive and negative things about individual players depending on what the situation dictates. In this case, Kevin had misbehaved and showed poor leadership, Adelman noticed it and its negative impact on the locker room, and used the bully pulpit to make a strong statement and knock Kevin off his high horse a little.

And by the way, to Kevin's credit, he took it like a man. He didn't sulk because the coach had called him out. Instead, he said all the right things to the media and played a heck of a game...with another double double by halftime to go along with a big role in the Wolves' effective ball movement.

I don't know if the team is through with this negative event...SP's observation about JJ's demeanor in his post game conversation with Tolliver indicates there are still some lingering bad feelings. But I'm happy with Adelman showing a little spark and leadership for a change and happy with how Love accepted it, and am
hopeful that there isn't a permanent schism in the locker room.

Frankly, my game ball last night goes to Adelman, and I haven't had a lot of positive things to say about him for awhile.
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markkbu [enjin:6588958]
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Re: Am I the only one totally sick of Love's shtick?

Post by markkbu [enjin:6588958] »

longstrangetrip wrote:JJ Berea after yesterday's shoot around: "I wish Kevin would've just come up to me, face to face, man to man, and said it". So do I, JJ, so do I. But that doesn't make it okay for you to do exactly what Kevin did...complain about a teammate to the media. These guys just don't get it, and until they do, they will remain a .500 team.

From the same Strib article: "Adelman said in his pregame interview he feels the same way, suggesting Love find a better way to express that leadership". Good for Rick to step up, and it's fine for a coach to call out a player publicly... helps to reinforce the point he's trying to make. I just hope that Rick's face to face message to Love was a little stronger...and spicier. I suspect it was. Adelman knows the difference between how winning reams
and losing teams act, and talk

I really like the way that Adelman handled that. Very well done. There were a bunch of messages made with saying very little.

Also, good point with the bolded comment.
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