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Larry Nassar

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:20 pm
by bleedspeed177 [enjin:6603232]
I had not seen this in print. I had heard this from others at the gym she trained at it took some courage to for all involved to be outspoken about this. It is too bad it took 5 years to get justice. I wonder if Maggie being outspoken about this had any influence on Team USA not taking her to Olympics. It was a very strange decision since she was 3 months removed from knee surgery and getting stronger every day.

Re: Larry Nassar

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:33 pm
by Monster
It's been really strange to me how little press this whole Larry Nassar story got. I mean I basically didn't even know about it till hours before his sentencing. I don't look for every story but I don't live under a rock either. The whole thing is sickening.

Re: Larry Nassar

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:19 pm
by bleedspeed177 [enjin:6603232]
I agree. I am also surprised has not been a bigger deal since it hit home to the area. I am curious what happens to the people that tried to keep this under the rug.

Re: Larry Nassar

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:05 pm
by Monster
I have a friend that knows a number of gymnasts and he said one unfortunate thing that has happened is some companies have pulled their sponsorships from team USA gymnastics (understandable) and that ends up cutting money that the gymnasts receive. So not only do you have victims of these horrible acts but now other gymnasts that did nothing wrong are being adversely affected. It's a relatively small consesequence all things considered but frustrating for sure.

Re: Larry Nassar

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:40 am
by bleedspeed177 [enjin:6603232]
That sucks, but it hopefully USA Gymnastics makes sure that more then Nassar are held accountable to this. It is not okay to sit on your hands. People trusted you with there kids and you let them down. It will be interesting what happens to the Karolyi's.

Re: Larry Nassar

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:26 pm
by Monster
bleedspeed177 wrote:That sucks, but it hopefully USA Gymnastics makes sure that more then Nassar are held accountable to this. It is not okay to sit on your hands. People trusted you with there kids and you let them down. It will be interesting what happens to the Karolyi's.

I started reading this and saw "Texas Rangers" and thought "How is the Major League Baseball team involved with this?" That gets me every time.

As for this Ranch and what is reported to go on there W-T-F?!?????