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Glen Fires the First Shots at Love

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:22 pm
by Kevin Glasshands [enjin:6642795]

"I think he's around a couple guys are awful good. Now I'm not saying that Kevin's not good, but I think where maybe he got away with some stuff, not playing defense on our team, I'm not sure how that's going to work in Cleveland. So I would guess they're going to ask him to play more defense. And he's foul-prone," Taylor said.

I believe something similar happened when KG left, but I can't really remember. Do you guys agree with Glen saying this?

Re: Glen Fires the First Shots at Love

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:24 pm
by thedoper
I don't disagree with the content, but I don't like the delivery. I believe it is bad form for an owner to diss an outgoing player. I don't see how that can be attractive to other players who could one day be potential free agents.

Re: Glen Fires the First Shots at Love

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:26 pm
by mjs34
I think Glen should keep his mouth shut. There is nothing to gain here.

Re: Glen Fires the First Shots at Love

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:42 pm
by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
I agree that nothing good can come from Glen opening his mouth publicly about Love...makes him seem small. I'm sure he's bitter, but a simple "no comment" would have been more appropriate. If Glen really needs to vent about Kevin, come on over and join us here!

Re: Glen Fires the First Shots at Love

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:03 pm
by Kevin Glasshands [enjin:6642795]
thedoper wrote:I don't disagree with the content, but I don't like the delivery. I believe it is bad form for an owner to diss an outgoing player. I don't see how that can be attractive to other players who could one day be potential free agents.

I completely agree, a guy in his position shouldn't be saying this. I think in a way here he is trying to take to the fans side, unfortunately there's better ways to do it.

Now if any of our players came out and said the same thing I would really enjoy that!

Re: Glen Fires the First Shots at Love

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:51 pm
by The Rage Monster [enjin:8010341]
You can argue whether or not it's helpful but I really have no problem with what he said because it all seems accurate. If he was taking shots at Love about work ethic or other things that weren't true because he was bitter I'd feel differently.

Re: Glen Fires the First Shots at Love

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:54 pm
When representing the organization the high road should always be taken. Thank him for his contributions to the team the past six years, wish him luck even if you don't mean it, then stop talking about him. At this point absolutely nothing that is said by someone in the Timberwolves organization will be helpful so just focus on the bright future!

I really wish Glen would stopping making it a crystal clear point that he doesn't belong in charge of a professional sports team.

Re: Glen Fires the First Shots at Love

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:56 pm
by Camden [enjin:6601484]
We're winning the Rising Stars game next year so I'm not even gonna worry about it.

Re: Glen Fires the First Shots at Love

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:02 pm
by khans2k5 [enjin:6608728]
Why can't his organization just be the better man in this case? This is just another sign of incompetence at the very top when all he had to do was thank Love for his time and wish him the best of luck. Negative pokes like these as guys head out the door just shows other players how immature and petty Taylor is as an owner. These owners have to stop getting so petty when guys leave their franchise. Guess what Glenn? Love would still be here if you would have actually done the right and smart thing and given him the 5 year deal. It just sucks because there's nobody that can tell the old man to shut up and move on because he owns the team.

Re: Glen Fires the First Shots at Love

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:03 pm
by The Rage Monster [enjin:8010341]
Camden wrote:We're winning the Rising Stars game next year so I'm not even gonna worry about it.

How awesome would it be if we had a whole team! We could potentially have LaVine, Wiggins, Shabazz, Bennett, and Dieng on the same team