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Thoughts about Kevin Martin

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:00 am
by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]

Nothing new in Zgoda's article about Martin, but it certainly highlights what a weird guy he is. So much to like, and not like, in this article.

Many of us were hoping that Flip would find a way to unload Martin's contract this offseason. Despite my misgivings about him, I was hoping that we would keep him. Yes, he would have a hard time defending me in a game of 1-on-1, but he is unquestionably the best 3-point shooter we have...and that is a commodity in short supply on this roster. We need him to score 20 a game this year.

But there is so much wrong with Martin on this team too...his indifference to defense, his tendency to disappear at crunch time, his apparent lack of passion for the game, his tendency to say things publicly that are just odd.

I have mixed feelings about what he says in this article. His comment about being able to coast the past several years is one of the strangest comments I have ever heard an athlete say publicly. Remarkably honest, but also potentially damaging. What kind of message does it send to our core of young potential superstars? He's saying that if you have talent, you can coast through your career and still be a starter and making $7 million plus into your

But there are also some positives. I like the fact that he is trying to take on a mentor role, and hope that his message has a "do as I say, not as I did" component to it. I like the fact that he takes ownership for coasting during his career, and at least verbally vows to commit himself more on defense. And I even like the fact that Glen Taylor is calling him in the middle of the night (Glen probably had to get up to take a leak) to exhort him to do more for his $7 million.

In some ways Kevin Martin has some Kevin Love in him in his inability to shut up at times. That kind of honesty can be both refreshing and harmful at the same time. Right now, though, I see Martin's comments as a net positive. I really believe that he means what he is saying when he says he intends to focus more on defense this year, and I have always thought his defensive deficiencies had more to do with effort and interest than lack of talent. If Martin can score like he has his entire career, and also give more effort on the defensive end while being a positive mentor for Wiggins and LaVine, he can have a lot to do with making this a surprisingly successful season for the Wolves.

I guess I'll believe it when I see it.

Re: Thoughts about Kevin Martin

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:36 am
by alexftbl8181 [enjin:6648741]
I have no problem with players telling the truth that everybody already knows but its not PC to actually say. Martin is right here, Love was also right with everything he said. Martin was fine last year. The Wolves were just too damn easy to guard when 2 of your 5 players couldn't shoot to save their life.

Re: Thoughts about Kevin Martin

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:47 am
by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
Alex, let's say you were being interviewed for your company newsletter, and you said this: "You know, since we have had some people in the company more talented than me, I've been coasting the past six years. But now that some of that talent has left, I'm going to have to work a little harder". Do you think that would make your boss happy? Do you think that comment would make you a good role model for younger people in the office? Do you think you would still have a job?

Re: Thoughts about Kevin Martin

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:02 pm
by alexftbl8181 [enjin:6648741]
I don't think that's what he meant. It sounded like his role was a lot less coming off the bench in OKC and playing with Love so there wasn't a reason to do more. In his mind he probably thinks he can still be the number 1 option like he was in Sac and Hou. He probably sees he's by far the best scorer on the team and will have to do more then he has had to the past few years.

Kinda the reverse Kevin Love here. Love put up 26-12-4 here because he had to with the talent around him. Sure he could probably put up those numbers in CLE too, but there's no need to because the talent is so much more

Re: Thoughts about Kevin Martin

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:30 pm
by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
alexftbl8181 wrote:I don't think that's what he meant. It sounded like his role was a lot less coming off the bench in OKC and playing with Love so there wasn't a reason to do more. In his mind he probably thinks he can still be the number 1 option like he was in Sac and Hou. He probably sees he's by far the best scorer on the team and will have to do more then he has had to the past few years.

Kinda the reverse Kevin Love here. Love put up 26-12-4 here because he had to with the talent around him. Sure he could probably put up those numbers in CLE too, but there's no need to because the talent is so much more

I like Martin, alex, he seems like a good guy... so I'd like to believe that he was merely talking about having a different role now with Love gone. But then I read things like this: "I can't get away with the stuff I've been getting away with the past 5 or 6 years". Then the article goes on to say "He defines that 'stuff' as shortcuts he allowed himself to take when he played with stars of such talent".

I think there is some of what you are seeing in the article too (being in a different role), but I don't see how the previous paragraph can be interpreted any way other than he hasn't been going all out. It's what many of us have observed, so the only surprise is that he's copping to it.

Re: Thoughts about Kevin Martin

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:13 pm
by Q12543 [enjin:6621299]
Martin seems like a necessary evil. We need someone that can shoot and put the ball in the hoop. But he will never be a good defender or locker room leader. Ultimately it would be nice if someone beat him out as our starting 2 and he became a bench scorer only, but with Rubio at PG and Wiggins at SF, we sorely lack scoring punch on the perimeter right now.

Re: Thoughts about Kevin Martin

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:38 pm
by Monster
What struck me when I watched Martin during this was that he never really has been or has had to be a leader. He just played ball had fun didn't have to be that guy leading the team. I get that. Some guys aren't really leaders and he seems like he is taking seriously helping young guys out. It might be because Glen called him but I bet last year that thing he couldn't put his finger on probably made him think he could be part of the solution. Martin is basically the same dude he was years ago when he was overpaid but a bunch of posters back on the old espn board contemplated getting him in a Big Al trade. Now he is getting paid a perfectly reasonable amount to score and shoot the hell out of the ball and suck on defense. Like Q said he is sort of a needed evil but guess what alot of good teams have scorers that suck on defense. Kyle Korver comes to mind and he ain't nearly the scorer Martin is.

There is a nba video of Martin giving Bazz advice in the locker room last year. Martin isn't too serious there but what he said seemed pretty good stuff. Martin taking things a little more seriously on the court and in the locker room etc could help. He doesn't have to become a totally different dude just realize what kind of commitment is being asked of him. I'm optimistic he can do it and the situation he is in is prime for him making this transition to vet guy showing the way but we will see how it really goes. Media day/training camp stuff all sounds good (usually lol) but we will see. Martin is pretty much the least of my worries but it would be cool if his heart to heart with Glen and this commitment he talks about does have positive effect.

Re: Thoughts about Kevin Martin

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:58 pm
by Carlos Danger
I had the same feelings as the OP when I read that article this a.m. I didn't like seeing a veteran guy admit he coasts or takes short cuts while being paid what he's paid. And I didn't like that the owner had to reach out to him to ask him to do more. What I would have liked to read is a story about Martin (on his own) trained with the young guys, working on being a better defender and is taking his own initiative to be a mentor/leader. Granted, some of that stuff might be just for perception....but the " I play when I wanna play" mentality doesn't sit well with most people. I think it's important for players to say the right things - especially when they are high paid vets.

Re: Thoughts about Kevin Martin

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:06 pm
by TeamRicky [enjin:6648771]
Not really liking what is coming out of his mouth recently. These comments plus the nutty I didn't know Love was traded remarks seem juvenile for someone who wants to mentor our young players. I hope we can trade him by the deadline this year as I don't see him fitting in with Flip's emphasis on two way players. His three point shooting may be missed, but it would also create increased opportunities for our young guys to develop their outside shooting.

Re: Thoughts about Kevin Martin

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:09 pm
by Lipoli390
I'd love to see Flip trade Martin. As we all know, he's a horrible defender. But even on the offensive end, he does only two things well - three-point shooting and foul shooting. He's a terrible rebounder, mediocre ball-handler at best and a poor passer. Add to these shortcomings a complete lack of passion. Even his shooting prowess has limited by his tendency to disappear and shy away from the ball -- something you really notice a lot when you watch him live at Target Center.

Yet, as Q said, he's by far the best perimeter shooter we have on a team woefully lacking in the shooting department. So yes, he's a necessary evil -- unless we can acquire an equally skilled three-point shooter who at least brings some other skill to the table.