Glen Taylor continues to play dirty, NBA worried according to this article

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Re: Glen Taylor continues to play dirty, NBA worried according to this article

Post by FNG »

But isn't this a positive development, Bloop? I've tended to side with the Lore/ARod team in this dispute, but only because of their "star power"...they are certianly "cooler" than Glen. But I also have to admit that there is much that I don't know about this case. Glen has stated that Lore/ARod submitted a budget to the NBA that slashed payroll by a significant amount, but the NBA has refused to get involved, so we don't know what the real story is. So now Glen is subpoenaing the league to make the private conversations public. Isn't that exactly what we want too? Don't we want to know whether or not the potential new owners really intend to slash payroll as Glen claims. It would help me answer this question for myself: Who do I want as my ownership group...a team with star power who intends to slash payroll, or a nerdy guy who's willing to go well into the luxury tax in order to be competitive?

Right now I continue to support the Lore team based on my limited knowledge. But if the subpoenaed information supports Glen's claim (and I suspect it does...why else would he be issuing a subpoena?), my allegiance will quickly change. We need more information to make an informed opinion, and this can only help. Let's hope we hear something from Silent Silver soon.
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Re: Glen Taylor continues to play dirty, NBA worried according to this article

Post by KG4Ever »

Dirty? What is dirty about a subpoena? Glen is exercising his legal rights as he should.
Last edited by KG4Ever on Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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