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Colin Kaepernick

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 1:09 pm
by bleedspeed
I had my doubts about this workout from the start. I don't see any reason why the NFL would want to do the workout in the first place. Why draw any attention?

For Collin, if it is all about football. Why did he opt-out? Why won't he play in the XFL or CFL? I am not sure his camp is doing what is best for him as a person and certainly not as a player.

Re: Colin Kaepernick

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 2:10 pm
by Monster
I haven't read this article but I've read some others recently. I'm distrustful to some extent to both sides because in my view both have some incentive for Kap to never sign with an NFL team a lot of that has to do with money.

As for Kap playing in the XFL or CFL the XFL was playing for peanuts when you have millions in the bank AND it takes away an opportunity from someone who might need it. CFL might be decent money but it's not the same game it's different enough he may not want to go there. He has a good enough resume he doesn't need to prove anything if there was nothing else going on.

Here are the reasons I don't think he will ever sign with an NFL team they aren't in any particular order.

1. Money. Kap isn't playing for the vet min or something like that and I can't blame him one bit. He will want good backup money and I can't blame him for that.

2. Can Kap still play? Probably but nobody knows for sure. It's been a pretty long lay-off and despite Kap likely still being one of the most physically gifted QBs in the NFL it's a position that demands a lot. Matt Moore came out of scouting to be a backup for KC but I think he was really out of the league for like a year. There was some questions about Kap before this long layoff and now it's only more.

3. Money can he play is it worth putting up with all the stuff that will come with it? Is Kap planning to knee during the anthem? For some teams their offensive scheme means the decision is easy. They wouldn't have signed him regardless but some teams would have to calculate all this.

4. Kap can continue to be a martyr if he isn't signed. He could also be a champion if he came back and looked pretty good and made people ripping him for sucking and everything but yeah.

Ultimately I do think Kap can likely still play and help a team in the right system and I think he should be signed despite everything. I think there could be a creative contract that could be signed that would make it work for both sides. Having said that I'm not completely upset he isn't signed. I do think I still respect Kap for his stance. I respect the teams too. If Kap REALLY wanted to get out there and compete and do his thing he would do it at all costs but he has made a decision that effects that. It comes with consequences.

Re: Colin Kaepernick

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 3:03 pm
by mjs34
I don't see him ever playing in the NFL again. Throwing a ball around the field unimpeded doesn't prove he can still play, and I have to wonder why he didn't go through with the tryout as planned. I also wonder why they gave such a late notification of the change.

I don't know why any team would want to bring in the media circus that is sure to follow him.

My personal stance on the kneeling is simple. When he is away from football he can promote or protest any cause he likes, but when he shows up on Sunday he is essentially punching in to work, and that is not his platform. It is the NFL's and as such, they have to think about their sponsors first. As the players always say to us fans, it is a business!

Look at how fast players and coaches distanced themselves from Morey when they realized that the bottom-line and their paychecks were on the line.

Re: Colin Kaepernick

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 3:48 pm
by Wolvesfan21
The NFL shouldn't be pushing patriotism and nationalism in the first place. Have you worked anywhere where you are coerced into standing up for the national anthem after clocking in? Nationalism itself is the biggest psychological operation that enslaves the masses. I went to school and was essentially forced to pledge allegiance to a stupid flag everyday!

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

-John Lennon