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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Random Question

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

Do any of you live in Minnesota by chance? I'd assume so, but obviously I wouldn't know for sure.

I just wanted to know what you all thought about the living conditions, cost, etc. It's always been a place I thought would be great to live, especially to start a family and such.

I don't live there, but I want to in the future. Any feedback would be cool. Thanks guys.
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Q12543 [enjin:6621299]
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Re: Random Question

Post by Q12543 [enjin:6621299] »

Cam, I grew up and lived in Minnesota until I left shortly after college, then moved to Chicago and then eventually to the Philadelphia area where I am now. Of all my high school friends and siblings, I'm the only one that ever moved away. They have all established their career, found their spouse and started a family there. A number of them live right in Minneapolis or the near suburbs like Bloomington, Edina, and St. Louis Park.

Where are you now/where are you from? If you've never lived in the Midwest, then the one thing you can't really prepare for are the really cold spells in winter. Having lived out east now for a few years, the worst it gets here during the winter is still 15-20-degrees warmer than the typical low temp in Minnesota in January. But if that's not really an issue for you, Minnesota has everything you could ever want in terms of career, education, neighborhoods, affordability (in most areas), and culture. Plus OUR Wolves are there!

(BTW, I moved for job/career reasons, then met my spouse in Chicago and we moved out east to be closer to her family. I would have probably moved back to Mpls if life events hadn't trumped those plans!).
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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Re: Random Question

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

Love your response, Q. Sounds like the positive thoughts I had about Sota are pretty much true.

I live in the south and have never had to deal with truly frozen weather. I'd like to say that wouldn't concern me because I love the cold down here and such, but obviously things are different further up north. If I lived up there, I think I could get used to it. Probably be some learning curves at first in how to handle it, but I'm assuming it's managable.

Love this sentence: "Minnesota has everything you could ever want in terms of career, education, neighborhoods, affordability (in most areas), and culture." I read an article about the good things about living Minnesota and it talked about how versatile it is. Meaning there's the Twin Cities for the city life, suburb life and then kind of a country life around the lakes and other areas. I get the sense that whatever scene a person is most comfortable in, you can find that in Minnesota lol.
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longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
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Re: Random Question

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

I lived most of my life in Minnesota, cam, but moved to southern California about two years ago. I really miss Minnesota...can't think of any better pace to live.

Q's right about the cold...it is different from any other place I've ever been. But I even miss that. When my California friends ask how I could live in a place where it's that cold, I tell them "The amount of time I used to spend thinking 'God, I wish it wasn't so cold' pales before the amount of time I now think 'God, I wish I wasn't stuck in this frigging traffic!'"

You'll be a lucky guy if you ever get a chance to live there
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Re: Random Question

Post by TAFKASP »

longstrangetrip wrote: When my California friends ask how I could live in a place where it's that cold, I tell them "The amount of time I used to spend thinking 'God, I wish it wasn't so cold' pales before the amount of time I now think 'God, I wish I wasn't stuck in this frigging traffic!'"

Ain't that the truth! I lived in Huntington Beach for eight years and worked in Long Beach and it wasn't unusual for it to take 45 minutes to get to work. And this was back in the late 80's, early 90's so I cannot even imagine it now. I live in Vegas now and if you can avoid the 15 near the strip you'll almost never sit in traffic!!
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