OT thread America

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OT thread America

Post by Monster »

Here is a chance to solve this country's problems.

I predict the solutions will become clear to everyone on page 6.
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Re: OT thread America

Post by SameOldNudityDrew »

Thanks for making this thread monster. I honestly didn't even know there was a "main" forum until now.

Can we rename it and keep our comments focused on the recent elections that Cool highlighted at the start of his post? If we start getting off into whether or not we are free due to banking practices, I think that would really distract us from the question at hand--were these elections legit or fraudulently stolen?
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Volans19 »

I'm glad we have a space where we can share our fears of socialism and the global elite trying to microchip the masses into doing their bidding.

Monster, page 6 is pessimistic, we'll get this all sorted by page 2
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Volans19 »

On a more serious note.

One question I have for the election disbelievers. In 2016 Clinton won the popular vote, why is it so surprising that Biden won the popular vote and the electoral college in 2020?

Don't you think any of Trump's actions during the last four years might have inspired some people to change their vote (or to get out and vote this time around)?
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Re: OT thread America

Post by TAFKASP »

Volans19 wrote:On a more serious note.

One question I have for the election disbelievers. In 2016 Clinton won the popular vote, why is it so surprising that Biden won the popular vote and the electoral college in 2020?

Don't you think any of Trump's actions during the last four years might have inspired some people to change their vote (or to get out and vote this time around)?

Serious posts in a non-serious thread is a gross violation of my rights. If had the ability I'd send you off to the Lakers forum as punishment.
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Re: OT thread America

Post by SameOldNudityDrew »

I hope people move over here from the Timberwolves board if they're interested in having a respectful conversation about whether or not these elections were fraudulent. Again, I do think we should try to focus on that question here, and if there are other political issues you want to address, maybe you can make another thread in this forum and we can take it up there to keep things focused.

I'm going to paste some text I wrote in the other thread with some revisions in hopes that it can act as a starting point for anyone interested in having this conversation.

"One way to think about an issue is to ask yourself what evidence, if it existed, would change your mind. For me, since I believe these elections were legit, one bit of evidence that might change my mind would be if there were clear video evidence of election counters intentionally destroying many ballots that they suspected would go for Trump. This would have to be video of these ballots being destroyed before the ballots themselves were first received, because they count all the ballots they have first, then open them and see who the votes were for. So if someone destroyed ballots for Trump after opening them and seeing who the ballots were for, the count would have been off and it would have triggered red flags. Video evidence is always tricky because it can easily take something out of context, so this video evidence would have to be contextualized somehow. It should be clear who, when, and what exactly was happening and it should fit the description above. I've seen some random pics and clips that purport to show this, but all of those I've seen have been pulled out of context and some, frankly, were pretty obviously photoshopped. If there were a contextualized video showing voter fraud though, especially if it were backed up with some testimony that a court accepted and concluded was actual voter fraud, then I'd definitely rethink my position.

Another thing that might change my mind would be if longtime, legitimate nonpartisan election organizers who were heavily involved in the election testify that they witnessed or discovered evidence of widespread voter fraud in their state. For example, if the people running these elections produced legitimate official paperwork showing a significantly higher number of ballots were taken in than the ultimate number of votes, that might indicate that someone was destroying ballots after opening them. The fact that even Republican officials who oversaw these elections like Brad Raffensperger in Georgia say that https://apnews.com/article/trump-raffensperger-phone-call-georgia-d503c8b4e58f7cd648fbf9a746131ec9it didn't happen is evidence to me that there was no fraud. But if an unbiased official who managed or was heavily involved in these elections came out with evidence they were fraudulent, I would take that as evidence in favor of fraud having happened. Similarly, if the FBI were to discover evidence of voter fraud and bring it to light through criminal charges, then I'd also be open to changing my mind. Bill Barr already said there was no evidence, but he did resign (to protest Trump's refusal to accept the validity of the election) so if the FBI discovered evidence of widespread fraud after Barr resigned that he didn't see that led to charges, then I'd definitely start second-guessing myself.

If legitimate mainstream news organizations reported evidence of widespread voter fraud, that would also totally start to change my mind. I know there was a long thread on the Timberwolves blog that showed some deep skepticism of the media, and I don't doubt that everybody has their biases, but most news organizations still have a lot of professional journalists and rely on fact-checking. Honestly, even if Fox News reported they found evidence of widespread voter fraud, I'd think twice. Their opinion people (Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham) have all raised questions but the news section at Fox, the journalists who go out, report based on evidence, and are fact-checked, has not reported any voter fraud. If they actually did that, and especially if more boring, mainstream news organizations like the AP reported evidence of voter fraud, then I'd definitely start to change my mind.

My question for those who think the elections were rigged is the same. What evidence, if it existed, would change your mind? I posed some reasons why I think the elections were clean on page 1 of Cool's USA Today thread on the Timberwolves board--the court cases Trump lost due to lack of evidence, the fact that the Supreme Court wouldn't even hear the Texas case, Bill Barr's declaration there was no fraud, the many Republican senators and politicians (not just Bush and Cheney but now including McConnell, Graham, and Pence) who have accepted Biden and the Democrats won, the fact that many of these elections were managed by Republicans and all have said there was no fraud, etc. I'm curious what you guys think of them. Does that make you second-guess yourself? If not, what evidence, if it existed, would make you think maybe the elections were not stolen?"
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Coolbreeze44 »

There is irrefutable evidence the election was stolen. You may or may not have heard about the testimony in an Italian court from the man himself who flipped votes in the software. There is a ton more real evidence. I get pissed when people bring up the fact that it was denied in over 50 court cases. Most of those cases didn't even get to the evidence stage, they were thrown out on technicalities. And just like you have dirty politicians, you have dirty judges. The deep State in coordination with their communist influencers have paid billions of dollars to buy off people at all levels of government, including the state governments particularly in the swing states.

The other thing is the near statistical impossibility that Biden could have won. Look at the number of counties Trump won compared to what he won in 2016, and how few Biden won. But just by coincidence Biden made up all that ground in swing states only, while no similar anomaly was found in other states. And then the vote totals were just enough in those states to give Biden the wins he needed. The theft was a coordinated effort between the DNC, Big Tech, and China. I deleted my Twitter account yesterday after being a member for 11 years due to the unabashed censorship going on there. This nation is in big trouble.

My apologies to Drew, I did not read your post because it's simply too long. I did skim it. I like threads that make a point or two. It's easier to reply and keep moving. (I know my original post was very long - sorry for that)
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Coolbreeze44 »

I would like to know if any of you only get your news from the MSM. CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN. Just be honest about it if you do. I can tailor my responses better if that's the case.
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Monster »

CoolBreeze44 wrote:There is irrefutable evidence the election was stolen. You may or may not have heard about the testimony in an Italian court from the man himself who flipped votes in the software. There is a ton more real evidence. I get pissed when people bring up the fact that it was denied in over 50 court cases. Most of those cases didn't even get to the evidence stage, they were thrown out on technicalities. And just like you have dirty politicians, you have dirty judges. The deep State in coordination with their communist influencers have paid billions of dollars to buy off people at all levels of government, including the state governments particularly in the swing states.

The other thing is the near statistical impossibility that Biden could have won. Look at the number of counties Trump won compared to what he won in 2016, and how few Biden won. But just by coincidence Biden made up all that ground in swing states only, while no similar anomaly was found in other states. And then the vote totals were just enough in those states to give Biden the wins he needed. The theft was a coordinated effort between the DNC, Big Tech, and China. I deleted my Twitter account yesterday after being a member for 11 years due to the unabashed censorship going on there. This nation is in big trouble.

My apologies to Drew, I did not read your post because it's simply too long. I did skim it. I like threads that make a point or two. It's easier to reply and keep moving. (I know my original post was very long - sorry for that)

Please post your evidence.

Edit: So I don't get it from the incorrect sources. :)
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Re: OT thread America

Post by Monster »

CoolBreeze44 wrote:I would like to know if any of you only get your news from the MSM. CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN. Just be honest about it if you do. I can tailor my responses better if that's the case.

I don't get my news from any of those spots but you probably already knew that.
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