Wiggins vaccination appeal denied

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Re: Wiggins vaccination appeal denied

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

For those who don't have any trust in the media, polling and other stuff... I don't think you're blindly winging your takes. So where do you go to for the "best" (as in most reliable or seemingly sincere or most informative or whatever) news online?

This is a 100% non-condescending, nor leading question. Obviously, any of us could point to 2 or 3 or 200 or 300 cases of media bias if we wanted to. So either we aggregate from several sources on both sides of the proverbial aisle and apply a generous amount of salt... or throw the baby out with the bathwater. Obviously some here have taken the latter approach.

And that's ok. I'm not against it. I try to avoid some places already (and entirely ignore the FOX, MSNBC, CNN tv personalities). But then where are we getting our information...

I'm cool with reading and learning new things. Share some of your favorite links?


[Note: For transparency, I'll visit the following sites from time to time depending what I'm searching for... StarTribune, PioneerPress, WaPo, Washington Examiner, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, Axios, Real Clear Politics, Forbes, NYT, New York Post, FOX News, NPR News, TheHill, Politico and others... along the way I stopped bothering with poorly disguised propaganda machines such as Gateway Pundit, Salon, Vox, Breitbart, et al. And... I'll be honest... style matters. Writing matters. Aesthetics matter.]
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Re: Wiggins vaccination appeal denied

Post by bleedspeed »

Who is not back to 99% of normal? Outside wearing masks at the airport and kids needing to wear them on the bus it seems normal.
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Re: Wiggins vaccination appeal denied

Post by FNG »

bleedspeed177 wrote:Who is not back to 99% of normal? Outside wearing masks at the airport and kids needing to wear them on the bus it seems normal.

It's a great question, bleed. and I'm glad to hear you feel like things are back to normal...we all want that! I still think we have a ways to go. My mom lives in a retirement home, and they have had an outbreak of breakthrough cases there resulting in hospitalization, so she told me this morning she is now wearing her mask whenever she is inside. I also just spent the weekend in NYC and was surprised to see how different things are there (I suspect wildwolf would back me up on this)- you can't enter most restaurants, museums etc without showing proof of vaccination, and unlike Minneapolis, masks are more common than not outside. It was kind of culture shock this weekend because it's so different than here...I've yet to pull out my vax card in Minnesota, but it cam out of my wallet at least 5 or 6 times this weekend.

Most disturbing to me was the news last weekend that the former managing partner of Faegre & Benson died last week of Covid even though he was fully vaccinated. I recognize the odds of that happening are incredibly long, but it still was an eye opener for me. I wore my mask at Costco this morning for the first time in months. All that said, other than this weekend I don't know that my day to day life is much different than normal. I think we're way ahead of the rest of the country here in Minny, but I still think we can't get too cocky though.
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Re: Wiggins vaccination appeal denied

Post by Wolvesfan21 »

TheGrey08 wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:
So do vaccines work or not work? If they work then those people "at risk" can get vaccinated, no problem, they are safe from us weirdos who never do. If they don't work then why get vaccinated?

I haven't had the flu shot in over a decade, never get the flu either. Which reminds me, how come we have a "flu season" like it can only show up once a year at a specific time and Big Pharma can predict with great accuracy how to prevent this from coming. How illogical is that? Just maybe the flu itself is another Big Pharma creation to get people to buy their vaccines.

What a conspiracy theory! I came up with that one myself, it only makes sense. Yes I am sure their is some "expert scientist" mumbo jumbo explaining how it has this magic time table to show up once per year and do so so that Big Pharma can predict it.

What a nice scam they got going, imo anyways.

Holy shit, are you serious? Please tell me you do understand that "flu season" is the part of the year that cases spike during the colder and less humid part of the year. I really hope that wasn't serious lol.

As far as the flu shot, I never get it either since I never get the flu and have avoided getting it for years at a time. I also just stay home when I'm sick and the flu has never been shown to have asymptomatic spreading like covid.

As far as vaccines "working or not", you do understand herd immunity right? Different diseases have different herd immunity thresholds. Measles for example requires 95%. IE: the vaccine isn't 100%, vaccinated people can still get it and thus we need herd immunity to eliminate it.

So cold and less humidity creates it? Are you serious? That means nothing but some spiel you heard on TV.

Do you consider it as a possibility the flu has been created up for Big Pharma profit? How come I see "get vaccinated" commercials seemingly everyday. Selling you vaccinations is BIG PROFIT.

It's like those get out and vote commercials. Who is paying for these. Who is benefiting by people voting? In Australia they are MANDATED and FINED if they don't vote.
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Re: Wiggins vaccination appeal denied

Post by bleedspeed »

FNG - It is certainly different in different areas. Even in the metro, it seems to change from suburb to suburb. We were in Oregon everything indoors was a mask and everything outdoors was about 50%. Cross the river to Washington and it was about 20% mask-wearing. It is interesting talking to a co-worker with kids in the same grade. One's homecoming was outside and they wear masks in school. They had an outbreak. Then mine had a homecoming in the gym with no masks and don't wear them in school. Last 2 weekends I spent time at Regions for family injuries. The place is a ghost town compared to my visits pre-covid and it seems the biggest issue is staffing at this point. Recently I attended a birthday party put on by a bunch of guys that just turned 70 years old in SLP who threw a party with a couple of hundred guests. Again no masks, but I think they all already had COVID via golfing together. They actually wanted to ban masks which is stupid as making them wear them. The masks I have like the majority are appearance-only masks. We have a box of stylish black 100 KN95's that have gone untouched.

I am not going to worry about Gale Robert Mellum dying at 79 years old of anything. I get there are outliers to all of this as I know a few personally have passed but each had underlying issues. I am just not one that is going to get to worked up about any of it. If I was a COVID fear person I think the best thing I could do is stay home and away from people as much as possible. I can't justify it though for me or how it would impact my family.

Now you have my thinking the trip to DC over MEA is a bad idea since we have a pair of 12-year-olds that are not vaccinated. I guess we can go back to Florida again........
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Re: Wiggins vaccination appeal denied

Post by Wolvesfan21 »

FNG wrote:I understand the "freedom" argument the anti-mandate contingent is putting forth here...understand it, but don't accept it. Every day I'm impacted by government mandates that restrict my freedoms and frankly irritate me a little, but I accept them because I recognize they are for the common good, and that our society functions best when we all try to act in a fashion that serves the common good. Cam wrote a quite intelligent post a few posts above here, but his logic breaks down when you substitute other mandates for his anti-vax mandate. Let me give you just a few examples of mandates that bothered me just this past weekend:

1) I left for the airport a little late Friday afternoon. I consider myself a very good driver, and I would love to have driven 90 MPH and ignored red lights (when there was no car within sight), in order to give myself more time to get through security at the airport. I don't believe I would have hurt anyone. If there were no laws regulating driving, I can guarantee you that I would not be the only one speeding and ignoring stop lights. But our government has determined driving laws make us safer.

2) At the airport, I had to take off my shoes and belt, take my laptop and other electronics out of my briefcase, empty my water bottle (which I apparently could use to build a bomb) and wait in a line for 30 minutes rather than just walk to the gate like I could 25 years ago. It all pissed me off because I honestly had no intention of highjacking that plane, but I understand that our government believes that if it keeps Muslim radicals from smashing planes into buildings, maybe it's worth FNG getting irritated going through security.

3) I love to smoke a cigar now and then to relax, and I would have loved to have lit one up after sliding into seat 31D. But most scientists (not all, but most...just like most, but not all, immunologists believe vaxxing and masking keeps us and others safe) have determined that I might be endangering the other passengers' health. Yeah, it annoyed me again, but I accepted it...and took a nap instead.

4) Walking through Greenwich Village Sunday afternoon, I came across an angry woman who had just been fined a substantial amount by a cop for not cleaning up after her dog. I'm sure she wanted to keep walking after her cute little terrier pooped on the sidewalk, but our government has determined that our sidewalks would be a mess without this annoying mandate. This Karen thought her freedom was impaired by having to follow a mandate that she didn't believe in. As I looked at her, I saw the minority here who rail against businesses and governments requiring masking/vaxxing.

I'm sure I could come up with several more mandates that bothered me this weekend, including having to wear a mask the entire time I was on that plane. But most of us put vax/mask mandates into the same category as driving laws, airport security laws, second hand smoke regulations, and we accept them because we want our fellow citizens to be safer. I would guess that the minority here who do not want to accept vax and mask mandates accept these other mandates too, even if they irritate them.

So let's be honest. Isn't this uproar about vaxxing and masks really only about politics...not logic?

We could do away with GOV altogether and things would not only go fine, we would prosper on levels you couldn't imagine.

People survived and thrived without GOV's before and we could do so again. The transition may not be easy or perfect no doubt, but the benefits would far outweigh the costs. At minimum, make GOV as limited as possible.

The reason get out and vote campaigns exist is they WANT and actually NEED people to vote. Those who actually benefit immensely from GOV run those ads. Mega Corporations, Federal Reserve Banks, Large Corporate Banks, the Privatized Prison system, the Military Industrial Complex. etc. All of these monolith organizations profit off of the avg Joe.

Gov and Taxes exist to take from the poor and middle class and provide for the mega wealthy. If you think food stamps and little checks sent out is a big deal, you should see the real money sent to the Mega Corps.
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Re: Wiggins vaccination appeal denied

Post by TheGrey08 »

WolvesFan21 wrote:
TheGrey08 wrote:
Holy shit, are you serious? Please tell me you do understand that "flu season" is the part of the year that cases spike during the colder and less humid part of the year. I really hope that wasn't serious lol.

As far as the flu shot, I never get it either since I never get the flu and have avoided getting it for years at a time. I also just stay home when I'm sick and the flu has never been shown to have asymptomatic spreading like covid.

As far as vaccines "working or not", you do understand herd immunity right? Different diseases have different herd immunity thresholds. Measles for example requires 95%. IE: the vaccine isn't 100%, vaccinated people can still get it and thus we need herd immunity to eliminate it.

So cold and less humidity creates it? Are you serious? That means nothing but some spiel you heard on TV.

Do you consider it as a possibility the flu has been created up for Big Pharma profit? How come I see "get vaccinated" commercials seemingly everyday. Selling you vaccinations is BIG PROFIT.

It's like those get out and vote commercials. Who is paying for these. Who is benefiting by people voting? In Australia they are MANDATED and FINED if they don't vote.

Either you didn't read what I said or are just being disingenuous. I never said anything about where the flu comes from. I merely pointed out the fact that certain times of year it's more prevalent and thus we have more cases and it's been that way long before flu shots were a thing lol.
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Re: Wiggins vaccination appeal denied

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

I just hope that we don't have anything like this again...

Right now, I'm young enough and healthy enough not to be at risk. But in a few decades, I worry about all those people who don't get worked up and don't care whether I'm stuck in the house alone void of contact with loved ones and hoping I don't die from random contact with somebody who's sick. People who just consider me to be an old person who was probably gonna die anyway. To be fair, some of those guys who can't bother to get worked up will be my contemporaries at that point, so we'll at least have this to look back at fondly together.
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Re: Wiggins vaccination appeal denied

Post by thedoper »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:For those who don't have any trust in the media, polling and other stuff... I don't think you're blindly winging your takes. So where do you go to for the "best" (as in most reliable or seemingly sincere or most informative or whatever) news online?

This is a 100% non-condescending, nor leading question. Obviously, any of us could point to 2 or 3 or 200 or 300 cases of media bias if we wanted to. So either we aggregate from several sources on both sides of the proverbial aisle and apply a generous amount of salt... or throw the baby out with the bathwater. Obviously some here have taken the latter approach.

And that's ok. I'm not against it. I try to avoid some places already (and entirely ignore the FOX, MSNBC, CNN tv personalities). But then where are we getting our information...

I'm cool with reading and learning new things. Share some of your favorite links?


[Note: For transparency, I'll visit the following sites from time to time depending what I'm searching for... StarTribune, PioneerPress, WaPo, Washington Examiner, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, Axios, Real Clear Politics, Forbes, NYT, New York Post, FOX News, NPR News, TheHill, Politico and others... along the way I stopped bothering with poorly disguised propaganda machines such as Gateway Pundit, Salon, Vox, Breitbart, et al. And... I'll be honest... style matters. Writing matters. Aesthetics matter.]

Great post. I think your approach is as good as you can get with the news. Try to get as many perspectives as possible and ideally end up somewhere in the middle. I would add some international media to that list too. Reuters, the Economist, Al Jazeera, Jerusalem Post, and the Daily Mail (mostly for celebrity gossip)
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Re: Wiggins vaccination appeal denied

Post by bleedspeed »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:I just hope that we don't have anything like this again...

I am more worried that we have something much more lethal come forward and based on how poorly our leaders handled this we will be much worse off due to how this was politicalized.
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