Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by thedoper »

TheFuture wrote:
thedoper wrote:
Drunken Dribbler 22 wrote:
Camden0916 wrote:
thedoper wrote:
Camden0916 wrote:
thedoper wrote:Armchair basketball statisticians are one thing. Armchair epidemiologists, virologists, and physicians are a whole other level.

Like basketball, there are various credible sources that can be used to reach logical conclusions. This is no different except the matter is off the court. There's more than enough evidence to suggest that both of the following statements are true.

1. COVID-19 is a potentially lethal virus -- specifically to those that are elderly and/or victim to underlying conditions.

2. Politicians and mainstream media have successfully used fear mongering concerning COVID-19 to control the masses.

Unlike basketball stats, all of the credible sources take Covid very seriously for all levels of the population and not those just at risk. Also unlike basketball stats, there are limitations to who has the authority to provide credible data on this issue. The absolute consensus of all credible research on the virus is that everyone should take transmission seriously, regardless of personal risk. There is no grey area amongst credible sources of data.

How much fear the media wants to draw from that consensus is definitely varied. But there is legitimate reason for fear when so much of the public ignores real facts by real experts and opts for psuedo-science as an acceptable alternative.

I almost completely disagree with your response on this, as you likely do with mine, but I have no doubts about your morality. You do seem like a person of good character. I just think you're missing the bigger picture on this one.

What Cam said. You can usually find data to back your opinion/agenda on almost any topic. This is definitely not an exception.

You can find lots of data on Coivd, but not everyone is equipped to interpret this data. Everyone who is properly equipped to interpret the data on Covid takes it very seriously. There is no debate on its seriousness by anyone who is a legitimate expert in virology, epidemiology, or physicians who are infectious disease specialists. There may be fringe outliers who say its not an issue, but they aren't presenting any data and there has yet to be any reputable, peer reviewed, medical or scientific publication that has presented anything beyond the reality that Covid transmission is very serious amongst the whole population.

This is an outright lie.

Anyone who disputes anything right now is cast out as a crazy person.

You're right, Its not crazy to dispute. Its crazy to make up scientific health information with no expertise and data. Go ahead and present a single reputable journal article, by a scientist in a peer reviewed context that says anything remotely close to saying that Covid 19 transmission is not a serious public health issue. Ill even read it if it meets those criteria. Im only presenting the consensus health opinion, as represented in scientific journals and public orders by health professionals. I have no ulterior motive to lie.
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

TheFuture wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:Abe- Just to be clear, the "news" is much more fictional then you could imagine, your brain would explode if you knew what I did. lol

He also lives in Portland so likely supports their "movement".

Not that I agree with all you have said WolvesFan, just stating.

Wait. What?
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by thedoper »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:
TheFuture wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:Abe- Just to be clear, the "news" is much more fictional then you could imagine, your brain would explode if you knew what I did. lol

He also lives in Portland so likely supports their "movement".

Not that I agree with all you have said WolvesFan, just stating.

Wait. What?

I think he's calling you antifa Abe. Or a proudboy. Im really not sure. Plus i though Cool lived in Portland no?
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

thedoper wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
TheFuture wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:Abe- Just to be clear, the "news" is much more fictional then you could imagine, your brain would explode if you knew what I did. lol

He also lives in Portland so likely supports their "movement".

Not that I agree with all you have said WolvesFan, just stating.

Wait. What?

I think he's calling you antifa Abe. Or a proudboy. Im really not sure. Plus i though Cool lived in Portland no?

Yeah. So much wrong in only a 10-word sentence. But if that's what he was angling for... it fits the template often used...

1. Be wrong with key facts. CHECK!
2. Attack other people erroneously. CHECK!
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by TheFuture »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:
thedoper wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
TheFuture wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:Abe- Just to be clear, the "news" is much more fictional then you could imagine, your brain would explode if you knew what I did. lol

He also lives in Portland so likely supports their "movement".

Not that I agree with all you have said WolvesFan, just stating.

Wait. What?

I think he's calling you antifa Abe. Or a proudboy. Im really not sure. Plus i though Cool lived in Portland no?

Yeah. So much wrong in only a 10-word sentence. But if that's what he was angling for... it fits the template often used...

1. Be wrong with key facts. CHECK!
2. Attack other people erroneously. CHECK!

Sorry, that was my social media handler.

Dont you live in Seattle?
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

TheFuture wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
thedoper wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
TheFuture wrote:
WolvesFan21 wrote:Abe- Just to be clear, the "news" is much more fictional then you could imagine, your brain would explode if you knew what I did. lol

He also lives in Portland so likely supports their "movement".

Not that I agree with all you have said WolvesFan, just stating.

Wait. What?

I think he's calling you antifa Abe. Or a proudboy. Im really not sure. Plus i though Cool lived in Portland no?

Yeah. So much wrong in only a 10-word sentence. But if that's what he was angling for... it fits the template often used...

1. Be wrong with key facts. CHECK!
2. Attack other people erroneously. CHECK!

Sorry, that was my social media handler.

Dont you live in Seattle?

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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by Wolvesfan21 »

TheFuture wrote:
Drunken Dribbler 22 wrote:I read this site a lot, but don't comment very often. Sorry to hear about people's losses. No question it's a real, and serious thing, and it's terrible. With that said, I'm with future and wolves fan. Nothing is for certain, but to me the probability is very high that this was man made. Like someone said, it aids in depopulation and destroys small businesses. I wrote a lot more, that I just decided to delete, because... people believe what they want to believe. One thing I won't delete... this whole thing was simulated by the "elites" near the end of 2019 ... again, it's very real, and people's losses are very real, I'll just saying that not all "conspiracies" are false... sometimes where there's smoke, there's fire.

Also, vaccines are commonly used to accomplish depopulation (in one way or another)... I won't mention names, but the people who are pushing for a mandatory vaccine are also the same people in favor of depopulation). Again, people believe what they want and it is what it is, but just throwing it out there. Go wolves and if they ever decide to trade towns, I'll help him pack and give him a ride to the airport

You mean the Bill Gates funded simulation pandemic and now funded vaccine? The evidence keeps accruing for this overthrow of independence.

Anyone who trusts Bill Gates has to just think of one thing. This guy promised to give away ALL of his money yet his net worth DOUBLED in the last ten years. Where is he during the major hurricanes that hit Texas or Puerto Rico??? Nothing!!! Actual people losing their homes/dying yet he sits on his billions he promises to give away. He's a fraud as far as I can tell.

I certainly heard the rumors about Gates and his vaccines sterilizing people in Africa as well. It makes sense. Many of these guys with all the money can do what they want. If they want to depopulate the earth they certainly can.

DD22 is on point though. Anything I say won't change anyones mind. It might nudge some to look further into actual real world facts rather then listening to the PR campaigns by the billionaires. Old Man Rockefeller was the first or one of the firsts the hire a PR firm to change his image and it worked really well.
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520] »

WolvesFan21 wrote:
TheFuture wrote:
Drunken Dribbler 22 wrote:I read this site a lot, but don't comment very often. Sorry to hear about people's losses. No question it's a real, and serious thing, and it's terrible. With that said, I'm with future and wolves fan. Nothing is for certain, but to me the probability is very high that this was man made. Like someone said, it aids in depopulation and destroys small businesses. I wrote a lot more, that I just decided to delete, because... people believe what they want to believe. One thing I won't delete... this whole thing was simulated by the "elites" near the end of 2019 ... again, it's very real, and people's losses are very real, I'll just saying that not all "conspiracies" are false... sometimes where there's smoke, there's fire.

Also, vaccines are commonly used to accomplish depopulation (in one way or another)... I won't mention names, but the people who are pushing for a mandatory vaccine are also the same people in favor of depopulation). Again, people believe what they want and it is what it is, but just throwing it out there. Go wolves and if they ever decide to trade towns, I'll help him pack and give him a ride to the airport

You mean the Bill Gates funded simulation pandemic and now funded vaccine? The evidence keeps accruing for this overthrow of independence.

Anyone who trusts Bill Gates has to just think of one thing. This guy promised to give away ALL of his money yet his net worth DOUBLED in the last ten years. Where is he during the major hurricanes that hit Texas or Puerto Rico??? Nothing!!! Actual people losing their homes/dying yet he sits on his billions he promises to give away. He's a fraud as far as I can tell.

I certainly heard the rumors about Gates and his vaccines sterilizing people in Africa as well. It makes sense. Many of these guys with all the money can do what they want. If they want to depopulate the earth they certainly can.

DD22 is on point though. Anything I say won't change anyones mind. It might nudge some to look further into actual real world facts rather then listening to the PR campaigns by the billionaires. Old Man Rockefeller was the first or one of the firsts the hire a PR firm to change his image and it worked really well.

Why would Gates be needed in Puerto Rico? Trump gave all of them a roll of paper towels to clean it up.
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

WolvesFan21 wrote:
TheFuture wrote:
Drunken Dribbler 22 wrote:I read this site a lot, but don't comment very often. Sorry to hear about people's losses. No question it's a real, and serious thing, and it's terrible. With that said, I'm with future and wolves fan. Nothing is for certain, but to me the probability is very high that this was man made. Like someone said, it aids in depopulation and destroys small businesses. I wrote a lot more, that I just decided to delete, because... people believe what they want to believe. One thing I won't delete... this whole thing was simulated by the "elites" near the end of 2019 ... again, it's very real, and people's losses are very real, I'll just saying that not all "conspiracies" are false... sometimes where there's smoke, there's fire.

Also, vaccines are commonly used to accomplish depopulation (in one way or another)... I won't mention names, but the people who are pushing for a mandatory vaccine are also the same people in favor of depopulation). Again, people believe what they want and it is what it is, but just throwing it out there. Go wolves and if they ever decide to trade towns, I'll help him pack and give him a ride to the airport

You mean the Bill Gates funded simulation pandemic and now funded vaccine? The evidence keeps accruing for this overthrow of independence.

Anyone who trusts Bill Gates has to just think of one thing. This guy promised to give away ALL of his money yet his net worth DOUBLED in the last ten years. Where is he during the major hurricanes that hit Texas or Puerto Rico??? Nothing!!! Actual people losing their homes/dying yet he sits on his billions he promises to give away. He's a fraud as far as I can tell.

I certainly heard the rumors about Gates and his vaccines sterilizing people in Africa as well. It makes sense. Many of these guys with all the money can do what they want. If they want to depopulate the earth they certainly can.

Maybe you should get a gig at the Gates Foundation so you can dictate where "some" of his money goes?
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Re: Beasley gets paid by the Wolves

Post by thedoper »

Who knew Malik was connected to an international, multilevel conspiracy to plant disease, then vaccinate and mask the world into submission? His contract was puzzling, so it all makes perfect sense when you think about it.
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