Inside Info on Butler Deal

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Re: Inside Info on Butler Deal

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

foye2smith wrote:Why wouldn't he want a rookie contract? That doesn't jive with the rest of the money saving measures. Sure, if they don't sign anyone else during free agency they save money, but obviously they're signing someone. That player(s) are going to be much more expensive than 16.

Remember, they gave away the 38th pick for cash.

I'd find that pretty insulting if I was a Bulls fan. "So we're rebuilding... but instead of finding young players for the rebuild... the owner is more interested in lining his own pockets."

Taylor has done it, too... with the Mark Madsen game leading into swapping Roy for Foye and cash and other examples...

EDIT: I should read the entire thread before posting... oops.

By the way, I agree with LST about LaVine. I think we get mesmerized by the prettiness of the jump shot, the grace of his drives, the force of his dunks, et al. But, there were a lot of questions about him that too many people assumed would be solved. Not every player becomes a smart player. In fact, few do... especially if they're rewarded when young for doing things their own way. Why change if they don't need to? Or, maybe they're incapable of it?
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Re: Inside Info on Butler Deal

Post by Monster »

lipoli390 wrote:
monsterpile wrote:Thanks for the info Lip. If that was how things went down they came out pretty good.

I just met with the guy that manages my retirement through my job today and I was wearing a Wolves hat. He said "So you are a Wolves fan?" And then he basically slumped into his chair because he was a Bulls fan disappointed in losing him. We chatted about the deal a bit and I talked up Lavine a bunch to cheer him up.

I don't get these teams that don't want to add young players to their roster when they aren't going anywhere. It's hard to believe that they couldn't find someone in the 2nd round that was more valuable than that 3+ million but oh well.

They are going to make a run at Westbrook? How is Chicago going to be more appealing than OKC? I'm sorry but that seems a bit like a joke. So like what are they going to do with all those guards? I just looked and Grant's number actually ended up being pretty decent. He was pretty brutal in the playoffs though.

I can't see Westbrook going to Chicago. But just because the Bulls want to pursue him doesn't mean they're desire is realistic. I still can't great over how idiotic it was for a rebuilding team like the Bulls to sell the 38th pick in a deep draft for cash. Bulls fans have good reason to be upset with their team's front office/ownership.

So...looking at the Bulls salaries for 2018 even if they keep all their young players on rookie deals they will have a massive amount of cap space. I wonder if they are going to even consider keeping mirotic. Will they just sign some decentish guys to basically 1 year deals this year or are they looking at sorta tanking? They don't have to worry about selling their 2nd rounders the next 2 years because they already moved those. Russ is an MVP guy but this team has a bunch of PGs and none of them are really known as shooters at this point which doesn't exactly fit with Fred's style of play. unless they make some amazing move that team is gonna suck and be one of the absolute worst defensive teams in the league. Maybe that's what they are going for. Lol
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