Green Light

Any And All Things T-Wolves Related
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TXviking [enjin:6602528]
Posts: 114
Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:00 am

Green Light

Post by TXviking [enjin:6602528] »

Hi All,

I don't mean to be so off subject but I thought that with the holiday's right around the corner we could all try and make a difference this season.

This year in recognition of Veterans Day, the Greenlight initiative began. It's a simple move we can all do to show our support to the troops (past, present, and future). Many of them have or will be separated from their families during the holidays. If you've served, you know packing your bags getting on that plane is not fun.

So, I ask if you have not yet changed out one bulb to the color of GREEN, please consider this simple act.

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