Flip has passed away

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Re: Flip has passed away

Post by WildWolf2813 »

Flip's the only coach who knew how to win here. He helped bring KG back. Whether we agreed with his plan or not, he meant well. It really is impressive how he was able to hold up and still try to do everything even though he had lymphoma.

As hard as it will be for KG, we're gonna need him more than ever as a shoulder to lean on
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Re: Flip has passed away

Post by Lipoli390 »

I can't really describe how I feel right now. Feels like my energy has been sucked out of my body in an instant. This is such sad, sad news. And while we all knew things were serious, this is still shocking. The tributes pouring in from players who have played for Flip are a testament to Flip's legacy as a great basketball mind and wonderful person. If you haven't already, you should read Steph Marbury's tribute. One of the most heartfelt, touching things I've ever read. And reading the comments of current Wolves' players you can see how much Flip meant to them and how deeply his passing has affected them.

I had the privilege to get to know Flip a bit up close. I know I've mentioned that I had the good fortune to have lunch with Flip over a year ago before the 2014 draft. But I'm going to provide some more details on that lunch as well as what led up to it and what followed. Those details will further underscore what an outstanding person Flip was.

You all recall the moment in late May or early June 2014 when it was announced that Flip had named himself head coach. A number of us, myself included, were unhappy with that decision. And in my case, it wasn't doubts about Flip's coaching ability. It was my concern about Flip's ability to do both at the highest possible level and the missed opportunity to start fresh with a young up-and-coming coach. It was late Friday afternoon and, with my frustration at a boiling point, I put my concerns in an email to the Wolves CEO, Rob Moore. My email expressed my concerns about one person doing both jobs. And in the course of my email tirade, I challenged whether Flip had even proven his ability to do the job he was originally hired to do. I pointed to Flip's lack of experience as a basketball executive and highlighted what I considered at the time to be some of his mistakes as Wolves PBO, including the Shabazz pick. It was a pointed, over-the-top email that I probably wouldn't have sent if I had taken the time to read it through before pushing the send button. But it was late Friday afternoon at the end of a tough week at work. I was frustrated and too tired to show good judgment. So I clicked and the message went out.

I went home and noticed later that night that I had received an email response from Rob. He thanked me for my email and said he appreciated my concerns. It's the sort of response, if any, I expected and I figured it would end there. So that was it - so I thought.

I don't remember what I did that weekend, but soon enough Monday came around and I arrived at the office at around 8:30. As usual, I started my morning by logging on and opening up my outlook inbox. At the top of the inbox was a phone message with an area code and number I didn't recognize. I clicked on the message as I would any other voice mail to find out who the caller was and what they wanted. The next thing I know, I'm listening to Flip Saunders' voice. And I remember exactly what he said: "Hi Dan. This is Flip Saunders. I read your email and I wanted to talk with you. Give me a call when you get the chance." He left his cell phone number and that was it. I sat there a bit shell-shocked, feeling like a complete idiot for sending my email tirade. I clearly never expected it to get to Flip. It was a message to management scolding them for allowing Flip to name himself the team's head coach.

I collected my thoughts for about 5 minutes and then I dialed the number he left me -- the same one by the way that appeared in my inbox that morning. The phone range twice as I recall and then I heard Flip's voice on the other end: "Flip Saunders." I mentioned my name, referred to myself as "that guy who wrote the email," and said I was returning his call. Without a hint of bitterness or defensiveness in his voice, Flip said the following which I remember almost verbatim: "Thanks for calling back. As you know, I read you email and I thought to myself, any fan who writes about this team with such passion is a guy I want to meet. I actually think you made some good points but also some points I don't fully agree with. So more than anything I just wanted to fill you in on what I was thinking and just get to know you. Would you be free for lunch sometime in the next week?"

I checked my calendar and said I was free that Wednesday. He said that would work and told me to stop by the Wolves offices at Noon that day. I showed up a few minutes before Noon that Wednesday and told the receptionist who I was and that I was there to see Flip. She said he'd be out in a minute or two. About a minute later, Flip came out to the reception area and greeted me with a handshake, smile and his customary enthusiasm. He said, "let's go grab lunch." And off we walked to what turned out to be a 90-minute lunch at the Loon Café.

I'm tired, so I'm going to bed now. But I'll fill you all in tomorrow on as many details as I can remember from that lunch as well as an ongoing email dialogue I had with Flip the rest of that summer and, more recently, this past summer.
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TeamRicky [enjin:6648771]
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Re: Flip has passed away

Post by TeamRicky [enjin:6648771] »

I was at work when I learned of Flip's passing and I haven't been able to focus on much else today. Flip was such an icon for this franchise and such a classy guy, that its hard not to feel emotional thinking about Flip and what he meant to this franchise. Flip seemed so on top of his game in June when he drafted Karl and showed up at Tyus's draft party. Its hard to imagine that only a few months later a supposedly very curable type of cancer would end the life of this beloved man. Its really heart warming to see all the support that the NBA community is showing for Flip. RIP Flip!
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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Re: Flip has passed away

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

Please do continue with your story, Lipoli, whenever you get the chance. I'm very, very curious to know what happened at that lunch and what kind of relationship the two of you shared afterwards. Flip always seemed like the type of guy that was comfortable enough to do exactly what he did (message you back, have lunch to discuss basketball). I even liked that he had an active Twitter account and interacted with fans, but I know that sounds silly. It was just a gesture that not many people in his position have done and that's why it was so cool.

I've never been to Minnesota. I've never been to a Wolves (or Twins) game. I've never had the pleasure of meeting Flip Saunders or anyone else with ties to the organization. I do know this, however. Flip was a good man. The amount of emotion and grief his passing has caused shows that he was loved by many. I hope that he's in a better place now and can still manage the Wolves from the most powerful of places: Heaven. I hope that the Saunders family gets through this tough time as easily as they possibly can. I hope they can sit back and cherish their memories they have of Fip rather than feel the broken, incomplete feeling most of us do when a loved one dies. Rest in peace, Flip Saunders. His legacy will always shine bright with the Minnesota Timberwolves and the NBA family as a whole.
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longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
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Re: Flip has passed away

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

Terrific story, Lip! I never met Flip, but that certainly sounds like the public Flip that I "knew". More than probably any other NBA insider, Flip was a people person and a networker. How many of the tribute tweets have talked about how they could call Flip at any hour of the day to talk about anything, and he would be available. The guy just seemed to have boundless energy and passion for this franchise, and reaching out to season ticket holder like he did is a great example of that.
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bleedspeed177 [enjin:6603232]
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Re: Flip has passed away

Post by bleedspeed177 [enjin:6603232] »

I think we all can agree. Flip gave everything to the success of this team and the community. He might not be above reproach, but the energy and commitment certainly were there and I am sure that is what Taylor and KG will miss the most. It is a sad time to be a Wolves fan.
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longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
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Re: Flip has passed away

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

Abe mentioned how listenable the Friday Funkadelic was, and I agree. I hope you guys enjoy Barreiro's tribute to his friend Flip.

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Q12543 [enjin:6621299]
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Re: Flip has passed away

Post by Q12543 [enjin:6621299] »

Yeah, great story Lip, thanks for sharing.
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colvillhoops [enjin:6641266]
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Re: Flip has passed away

Post by colvillhoops [enjin:6641266] »

Thanks Lip. Can't wait for part 2.

Look back to where the Twolves were when Flip returned, the laughingstock of the NBA. And now, a team with great young talent surrounded by some excellent veteran mentors. Too bad he can't see the results of all his hard work.

I will always remember what Jerry Z said when someone asked him what Flip's return meant. His one word reply, "Credibility."

RIP Flip, and thanks for everything
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Re: Flip has passed away

Post by 60WinTim »

Chad has one heck of a lineup today. I will have to listen to it when I get the opportunity.

Guests on Chad's Show: @costareports @Timberwolves Glen Taylor @JimPeteHoops @MSU_Basketball Tom Izzo & Kevin McHale @wccoradio #Monday
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