Treading Water - Lakers@Wolves GDT

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Re: Treading Water - Lakers@Wolves GDT

Post by Monster »

Fun game loved seeing Rubio light it up. Thanks Ave for that Rubio Russell stat comparison.

Dieng and Rush have come to the party more lately. They weren't doing enough when the Wolves were struggling.

Another worthwhile game for Dunn. I'm becoming a big fan.

Wiggins had a good game offensively. He seems out of sorts though on that end. I think the cornrows have to go. :)
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Re: Treading Water - Lakers@Wolves GDT

Post by Coolbreeze44 »

Pretty good back and forth between Q and Khans. I don't think anyone here doesn't wish Andrew made more hustle plays. But again I find myself in a position to apologize for him. He simply doesn't have the physical stamina (yet) to play the most minutes in the league, bear a large brunt of the scoring load for the team, and be an animal on the glass while running down would be transition baskets. Now, we can debate whether he ever will - I happen to believe with a few less minutes played and another couple years of developing endurance he can become a force in these areas. But regardless, he simply doesn't have the energy to do what some of you are expecting at this point. One might say look at KAT and the energy he expends. KAT's much more mature physically than Andrew is today.

Back to the issue about Andrew's rebounding. It's been belabored in the media as well as on this board. The good point Khans makes is who cares who's grabbing the rebound as long as it goes in our column? I'm adamant that Andrew's rebound numbers reflect his unselfishness to a large degree. It might say something about him as a player, but I've seen the guy can rebound when it's him vs the opponent. His strength holds him back some, but he can definitely go get it. I just think pointing to his 4 per average is a narrow minded way to evaluate him as a rebounder.
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Re: Treading Water - Lakers@Wolves GDT

Post by Monster »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:
monsterpile wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
Mstermisty wrote:Watching this replay I have to say I'm warming up to a Rubio/Dunn backcourt. Dunn is starting to look more like an Avery Bradley type player, just playing tough and making a lot of hustle plays. Combine that with Rubio shooting better and something may be brewing here for the future.

Marcus Smart.

Avery Bradley is smoother and more skilled. He's developed into a very good shooter. But Marcus Smart is considered just as important. He's the king of the "do-shit" guards right now. He's going to surpass Rubio's early career start for woeful shooting (he's around 36% fg), but Celtics fans still love the guy.

He's tenacious. A bulldog defensively who'll guard 1 - 4s on the court. And he seems to follow up a wayward shot with two bad ass tough guy or pest plays. That's my hope for Dunn. Right now, he's a poor man's version of Smart. The similarities are striking. Ideally, I like that type of guy coming off the bench. And I think there's a definite spot for Dunn to develop into that here.

An arguement can be made that Dunn is already at Smart's level of production (some things are actually better) and even though they are about the same age Dunn is still a rookie. That 1 block per game per 36 mins for a combo guard is kinda sexy.

He's not as good as Smart right now.

Smart is a difference maker playing 30+ mpg for the #1 seed in the East.
Dunn is playing 17 minutes for a bottom feeder in the West.

Smart makes a ton of "winning" plays seemingly every game. Enough that a near-championship level team has him on the court guarding anybody from Chris Paul to LeBron James at the end of games. Dunn has shown flashes of that defensively, but he's not consistent yet to be more than just "a guy" out there on the court.

But it's enough to be hopeful about the role he can find in this league. Yes, the blocks per 36 minutes are a cool stat.

I totally agree I am certainly not suggesting Dunn is a better player just that...if you want him to be Smart or better there are plenty of good signs. It also helps Smart that...he is playing on a good team but of course I do think he is a part of that not just some sort of beneficiary. The whacky thing about Dunn is how many times I see him grab a rebound or block a shot and think it's a bigger player like Dieng. The guy just plays like he is much longer than he is.