Teddy Teddy Teddy

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Re: Teddy Teddy Teddy

Post by Monster »

How are you feeling after seeing Teddy in real game action? He didn't blow me away but he looked solid. I love how the ball comes out and he showed some athletic ability today.

Shockingly the defense actually played pretty well considering they were playing the Saints. That penalty on Captian was tough. Nobody expected going down there and winning so showing some life and Teddy getting into the game and playing at least decent ain't bad.
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Re: Teddy Teddy Teddy

Post by TAFKASP »

Teddy wasn't bad for playing his first game on the road against a nasty defense and with a turnstile for a left tackle! The problem going forward is we've just been changed from a run focused team that couldn't pass to a pass focused team that cannot run nor pass all that well. Norv is going to have to work some magic or this is going to be another very long season!
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longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
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Re: Teddy Teddy Teddy

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

Considering the circumstances, monster, Teddy did blow me away today. Coming into a 13-0 game against a team hungry for a win and in the loudest stadium in the league, not to mention missing your biggest offensive weapon, has to be about the least favorable baptism situation for a quarterback. And yet Teddy calmly marched them down the field for a FG in his first ever drive. Quite impressive. I was in favor of Cassel being the starting quarterback early in the season, but at least today Teddy looked like the more polished QB. In all fairness to Cassel, Kalil was terrible early in the game but looked better to me when Teddy came in. Teddy was poised in the pocket, scrambled effectively (especially for a guy not known as a running QB), and seemed to run out of the pocket only when necessary. He also threw the ball well. He missed McKinnon twice on the identical swing pass to the left, but I'm not sure if the misses should be on Teddy or the RB. Both times it looked like Teddy put the ball where he thought McKinnon should be if he wanted to catch the ball with a full head of steam...almost like McKinnon stopped and wasn't able to get to where Teddy threw it. Regardless, you cant expect two rookies to have chemistry yet on a timing play like that, and I expect that chemistry will develop as the season progresses.

Except for the swiss cheese defense on the first two Saints drives, I was rather impressed by the Vikings and the coaching today. The coaching staff made the defensive adjustments they needed to make, and without the questionable QB roughing penalty, the Saints wouldn't have scored in the last 3 1/2 quarters. Offensively, they were handicapped by not having a real NFL running back, but Turner designs plays that we haven't seen in a long time. The long pass on the left side to Jennings, for example. At first I was yelling at Teddy because he never took his eyes away from that part of the field. But then I realized Turner had put Cordarelle over there also as a decoy, and he drew the entire defense to him, leaving Jennings wide open. I can't wait to see what Teddy can do against a porous Atlanta pass defense after a week of practice with the first team.
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Re: Teddy Teddy Teddy

Post by thedoper »

Teddy was great. That roughing the passer call was the worst.The NFL is getting to be a joke. And Brees lost all my respect on that play. Pulling a fit for getting tackled.
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Re: Teddy Teddy Teddy

Post by Monster »

thedoper wrote:Teddy was great. That roughing the passer call was the worst.The NFL is getting to be a joke. And Brees lost all my respect on that play. Pulling a fit for getting tackled.

I hate to say it and I I'll admit cursing the call like crazy, but they way the officials are asked to call those it was probably the right call since he slammed him to the turf. They are really you to protect the QBs and it hurts even more when you have the one guy on the field that is alot smaller than Brees get called for tackling him. LOL
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