Whose your starting SF come season opener?

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Whose your starting SF come season opener?

Post by KiwiMatt »

I'm going with Corey Brewer.

Reason being that he's a better defender then Bud and D Will. Without having a shot blocking center or PF in the starting lineup it is imperative that we have perimeter stoppers to reduce opposition players penetrating and driving to the hole. Pek is good at clogging the lane, but isn't a rim protecter.

Brewer also brings a very good transition game which is exactly what we need next to Rubio and Martin. I am already salavating at the thought of Rubio alleys to Brewer on the fast break. I read that Brewer and Martin also train together during the offseasons in Tampa, Florida so they will bring at least some chemistry and experience playing together.

Bud is best coming in off the bench as a scorer and 3pt shooter. I do think D Will can play at the 3, but he is better coming off the bench as the backup 4, allowing us to slide Love over to center while Pek gets a breather.
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Q12543 [enjin:6621299]
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Re: Whose your starting SF come season opener?

Post by Q12543 [enjin:6621299] »

I think we've bandied about this topic before since it seems to be the only starting role that is even debatable.

I agree that Brewer should start. It will minimize the need for him to shoot and I believe his propensity to run the floor is better taken advantage of by Love (outlet passing) and Rubio.(transition passing).

I also think there will be occasions where Adelman starts D-Will or goes to him very early off the bench when we play teams with big 3's that can easily out-muscle Brewer (e.g. LeBron, 'Melo). That's when playing D-Will at the 3 makes some sense. Otherwise I agree that him and DC will split time at the 4.
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Riverside_Viking [enjin:6662498]
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Re: Whose your starting SF come season opener?

Post by Riverside_Viking [enjin:6662498] »

I think pretty much almost everyone is in agreement that Brewer should start. Sometimes you don't start your best 5 you start the players who fit together the best.
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Re: Whose your starting SF come season opener?

Post by Monster »

I think there is a chance that any of 3 guys could get the start at the position between Brewer Bud and Williams. All 3 guys have something to bring to the table and have weaknesses as well. All of them are young in some way so that is interesting and they all make roughly the same amount of money. I don't think its a done deal who is going to start although I do agree with the idea Brewer will start but...

Bud could get the start becasue of his familiarity with the system and he is maybe the closest thing to a true SF on the team. I could see him having a nice bench role becasue I think he can play minutes at SG as well so he could get a chunk of the minutes that Martin doesn't play. People keep saying Brewer fits with Rubio, but Bud fits pretty well too. I don't have the stats, but I bet he is actually a better finisher in transition than Brewer and he is obviously a better shooter.

Brewer is the defensive guy and energy guy that woudl be good to have right of the bat of the game to get people fired up. People have pretty well laid out in this thread why he should start. Off the bench he can provide the same stuff and would be handy to stick at either wing spot on defense.

If Williams steps up his game has his body in a good place and looks great to begin the year maybe he gets a shot. He seems the least likely of the 3 to make this happen, but I don't think its that crazy to think either. My guess is that he will be used as a combo forward off the bench as a SF at times and as Loves Backup alot and as someone else said play PF when Love slides over to C at times. I think we all hope Williams improves his game to force his way into getting some decent minutes.

Overall I really think like others say Brewer starting may make the most sense, but I think if Bud plays like he was before he got hurt last year he might be the starter. Brewer could impress too and like I said who knows about Williams. I said this in another thread he is a mystery man. We don't know what the team has planned for him we don't know his position playing weight whether he will improve. I am REALLY interested to see how he looks in every way this upcoming season.
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sota41if3 [enjin:6770819]
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Re: Whose your starting SF come season opener?

Post by sota41if3 [enjin:6770819] »

I think Saunders is keen on DWill starting. Or at least getting the bulk of the minutes at the 3
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observerII [enjin:6598557]
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Re: Whose your starting SF come season opener?

Post by observerII [enjin:6598557] »

As it stands right now, Williams probably is the No. 3 at SF and possibly No. 4 at PF.
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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Re: Whose your starting SF come season opener?

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

No. 4 PF? Good joke.
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BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520]
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Re: Whose your starting SF come season opener?

Post by BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520] »

I think we have the ability to offer a few different lineups so a formal position number may not really matter. We have 5 or so guards/forwards that will be rotated for all availabe 146 SG/SF/PF minutes. I'd like to see Williams get at least 25 of those minutes. I'd like to see an 'all-shooters' lineup of Barea/Martin/Bud/Williams/Love and see how great or brutal that works.
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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Re: Whose your starting SF come season opener?

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

With that lineup, the only one taking a shot is Barea lol.
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BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520]
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Re: Whose your starting SF come season opener?

Post by BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520] »

True. We would need Ricky to be the kicker in that lineup. Barea would just go in amongst the trees and force a layup.
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