and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

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longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

Camden wrote:Joerger has a history of winning in his background. Five league championships (IBA, 3 x CBA, D-League). First year as an NBA head coach he won 50 games while his best player, Marc Gasol, missed 23 games. As a 40 year old man, he's been incredibly successful in his career to this point. I'd also say he has NBA championship level potential. The way he coached his Grizzlies against the Thunder in the first round this year was spectacular. If Conley stays healthy and Z-Bo isn't suspended for Game 7, I fully believe that OKC goes down. Joerger exploited OKC's weaknesses and even beat them in some strengths (small ball lineups). You talk about Mitchell getting the most of his players, but let's bring up how Joerger made Nick Calathes, James Johnson, Beno Udrih and Jon Leuer legitimate rotation players at different points of the season. He also re-energized Courtney Lee's career.

Those two playoff teams Mitchell had were easy outs in the East and looked sloppy in their one-and-done series. 2007, his 3-seed Raptors lost to the 6-seed Nets in six games. That Nets team won 34 games that year. 2008 is easier to understand as they lost in five to a good Orlando team. Point was, Joerger looked good as a playoff coach. Mitchell looked.. not good.

"In any case, I find it difficult to argue that Dave Joerger's pro results have been more impressive than Sam Mitchell's."

This has to be just a case of you backing up a guy you were a fan of. If Mitchell wasn't a former Wolves player, would you look at his resume and advocate for him? Probably not.

I'm a compassionate man, cam, and I'm trying to perform a public service here. Right now, there seems to be some likelihood that Mitchell will be our next coach, and I want to keep you guys away from bridges and ledges when it happens :) . But yes, I also fully admit that my admiration for Mitchell colors my opinion.

You make some good points about Joerger's performance vis a vis Mitchell in the playoffs, and it's one of the reasons I was excited about Joerger coming here. But on the other hand, step back a minute and compare the rosters Joerger and Mitchell coached when they won 50 and 47 games, respectively, and tell me which is the more impressive performance. I mean, honestly:


How many of those guys would have started for Memphis this year, or even for the Wolves? If Mitchell can win 47 games with that group of clowns, I'm intrigued with what he can do here.
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by alexftbl8181 [enjin:6648741] »

longstrangetrip wrote:
Camden wrote:Joerger has a history of winning in his background. Five league championships (IBA, 3 x CBA, D-League). First year as an NBA head coach he won 50 games while his best player, Marc Gasol, missed 23 games. As a 40 year old man, he's been incredibly successful in his career to this point. I'd also say he has NBA championship level potential. The way he coached his Grizzlies against the Thunder in the first round this year was spectacular. If Conley stays healthy and Z-Bo isn't suspended for Game 7, I fully believe that OKC goes down. Joerger exploited OKC's weaknesses and even beat them in some strengths (small ball lineups). You talk about Mitchell getting the most of his players, but let's bring up how Joerger made Nick Calathes, James Johnson, Beno Udrih and Jon Leuer legitimate rotation players at different points of the season. He also re-energized Courtney Lee's career.

Those two playoff teams Mitchell had were easy outs in the East and looked sloppy in their one-and-done series. 2007, his 3-seed Raptors lost to the 6-seed Nets in six games. That Nets team won 34 games that year. 2008 is easier to understand as they lost in five to a good Orlando team. Point was, Joerger looked good as a playoff coach. Mitchell looked.. not good.

"In any case, I find it difficult to argue that Dave Joerger's pro results have been more impressive than Sam Mitchell's."

This has to be just a case of you backing up a guy you were a fan of. If Mitchell wasn't a former Wolves player, would you look at his resume and advocate for him? Probably not.

I'm a compassionate man, cam, and I'm trying to perform a public service here. Right now, there seems to be some likelihood that Mitchell will be our next coach, and I want to keep you guys away from bridges and ledges when it happens :) . But yes, I also fully admit that my admiration for Mitchell colors my opinion.

You make some good points about Joerger's performance vis a vis Mitchell in the playoffs, and it's one of the reasons I was excited about Joerger coming here. But on the other hand, step back a minute and compare the rosters Joerger and Mitchell coached when they won 50 and 47 games, respectively, and tell me which is the more impressive performance. I mean, honestly:


How many of those guys would have started for Memphis this year, or even for the Wolves? If Mitchell can win 47 games with that group of clowns, I'm intrigued with what he can do here.

If that team was in the west this year they wouldn't make the playoffs. 1st seed in east that year was 53 wins. It was a weak east. Also it was one year!
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longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

BizarroJerry wrote:
Camden wrote:I'm still enamored with giving Chauncey Billups a head coaching gig. Though, supposedly he wants a front office job instead. Chauncey will be a terrific HC whenever he goes down that road.

Cam, I thought we were supporting Chip England,the Spurs shot doc?

I was on board with considering Englund also for awhile, Lloyd. But then I thought about what caused the huge improvement in Spurs' shooting percentages when they joined the team...shooting technique, or the system that leads to so many wide open threes. It's probably some of both, but I think system (i.e. Pop) is the main reason for the great shooting percentages. If you watch the Wolves shooting pre-game or at halftime, they make 75% of their three pointers as a team. Most NBA players (other than centers) will make a high percentage of their threes if they are unguarded. What Pop has done is design an offensive system that ensures that his players regularly get wide-open looks from beyond the arc, and that is the main reason for the improvement his players show after they join the Spurs. Who knows if a Spurs assistant would get the same results if Pop weren't involved.
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alexftbl8181 [enjin:6648741]
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by alexftbl8181 [enjin:6648741] »

Why would the wolves want a good like a Mitchell anyway? Is a hard nosed, getting into players faces, type of coach really what this team needs? How is a guy like Bazz handle that kind of treatment? Does Rubio really need a guy getting up in his grill?
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

alexftbl8181 wrote:Why would the wolves want a good like a Mitchell anyway? Is a hard nosed, getting into players faces, type of coach really what this team needs? How is a guy like Bazz handle that kind of treatment? Does Rubio really need a guy getting up in his grill?

Yeah, I see that as the biggest question with Sam. and I don't know how the Wolves would respond. I have my theories though. I suggested on another thread that a guy like Kevin Love, who seems to have a thin skin and not take well to criticism and who can be lazy on defense, would not play for a guy like Mitchell. But he is likely gone anyway, so that is immaterial. I don't think a guy like Kevin Martin will work well with Sam either. But Sam will make a hard-working player feel loved and appreciated, and I think guys like Rubio and Shabazz (who work hard on both sides of the court at all times) will embrace and thrive under Sam's demanding, but supportive, style. That may be just what this team needs.
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by Monster »

One thing I keep hearing is how we need to get one of Pop's assistants but who are these guys that have been so successful since leaving Pop? All I can think of for sustained success is that Mike Brown guy that has gotten fired how many times in a few months? Why not hire him? Lol Bottom line is some of us get excited about the new guy but I am not sure we are going to get some amazing guy just because he was a Spurs guy. In addition didn't 2 of his assistants get hired last year so is there someone actually ready at this point that the Wolves can hire? I'd really love to hear some thoughts.
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by 60WinTim »

Britt Robson chimes in with some thoughts on the Wolves coaching search. Pretty good read:
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longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

60WinTim wrote:Britt Robson chimes in with some thoughts on the Wolves coaching search. Pretty good read:

Another home run from, he is insightful! You think he would be a good Wolves coach :) ?
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by mjs34 »

60WinTim wrote:Britt Robson chimes in with some thoughts on the Wolves coaching search. Pretty good read:

Excellent article!
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Re: and another stomach punch to wolves fans!

Post by 60WinTim »

longstrangetrip wrote:
60WinTim wrote:Britt Robson chimes in with some thoughts on the Wolves coaching search. Pretty good read:

Another home run from, he is insightful! You think he would be a good Wolves coach :) ?

Or somewhere in the front office!
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