Rubio is the main problem BY FAR

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Rubio is the main problem BY FAR

Post by BloopOracle »

-he adds arguably the worst spacing in NBA history, what a wonderful element 3 21 year olds who already have the weight of the franchise on their shoulders have to deal with, it's hard enough for Towns to learn how to pass out of a double team he doesn't need Rubio's added spacing problems

-it doesn't matter if he tends to make a clutch shot at the end of the game when our big 3 have to carry us to that point in the first place to hope for a game tying shot, what about being a good enough shooter to get us back from big deficits and/or to put away teams when we are up by double digits

-Ricky is useless when he isn't making hustle plays, he has to play out of his mind doing the little things just to make any kind of impact

-his defense is vastly overrated, yes he causes turnovers but by gambling and he can't keep quick guards in front of him to drive down FG% which is more important than creating turnovers

-he's not working hard enough on finding ways to score, I find it absolutely pathetic that he hasn't developed or even attempted a floater. The worst jump shooter arguably in NBA history hasn't added a god damn floater.

-He is easily replaced due to what kind of defense he plays, you could substitute a PG with a shot average at best on ball defense and it would barely affect team defense but drastically improve team offensive efficiency with everyone getting another couple feet of space from their defender to shoot

-he contributes to a lot of easy buckets on the other end because of his spacing which never seem to rightfully be blamed on him, when a player has nowhere to pass because Rubio's man is playing so far off it leads to multiple terrible shots every game that send the other teams flying down court with transition opportunities

Ricky Rubio is the weakest link on our team and he needs to go sooner rather than later
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BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520]
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Re: Rubio is the main problem BY FAR

Post by BizarroJerry [enjin:6592520] »

What's your solution?
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Logo [enjin:17474297]
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Re: Rubio is the main problem BY FAR

Post by Logo [enjin:17474297] »

He doesn't have a solution just an agenda.
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Re: Rubio is the main problem BY FAR

Post by BloopOracle »

Logo wrote:He doesn't have a solution just an agenda.

The solution is to replace Rubio, it's not that hard to understand. Get out of here with your dumbass agenda angle as well, I wasn't against Rubio until this season so you'll have find another way to defend your golden boy, you know like posting some actual points to refute what I initially said?
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Re: Rubio is the main problem BY FAR

Post by thedoper »

My solution is to trade him for an expiring so we can use his money in Free Agency.
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longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564]
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Re: Rubio is the main problem BY FAR

Post by longstrangetrip [enjin:6600564] »

Spacing, spacing, spacing...enough with the spacing! Was Ricky good at creating spacing last year? Well, with Sam letting Ricky run the point, the Wolves had the second highest 3-point percentage in the league the last half of the year...pretty good for a team with a PG who can't create spacing! And before he hurt his elbow this year, the Wolves were actually leading the league in 3-point shooting.

I agree Ricky hasn't nearly been the player he was last year. Some of it is the elbow injury, some of it is the offensive coaching style...but I have a difficult time buying into a narrative that Rubio just forgot how to play basketball this season. There has to be a cause for his downturn.

I'm just not on board with the headline of this thread. There are many problems with this team starting at the top and several factors contributing to the disaster...but Ricky is not the main problem.
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Brooklyn_Wolves [enjin:14608167]
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Re: Rubio is the main problem BY FAR

Post by Brooklyn_Wolves [enjin:14608167] »

The OP is an imbecilic spazz. And there's no solution for him, regrettably.
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Q12543 [enjin:6621299]
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Re: Rubio is the main problem BY FAR

Post by Q12543 [enjin:6621299] »

Brooklyn_Wolves wrote:The OP is an imbecilic spazz. And there's no solution for him, regrettably.

Is there a history here from another board? Between you, Logo, and Bloop, there are some sparks flying here! I just don't recall past spats like this involving you guys on this board, but may be my memory is short. I hope folks can figure out ways to disagree civilly and engage in a legitimate debate.

I actually think Bloop makes some reasonable points, albeit overly-dramatic and exaggerated in my opinion. Perhaps you can try countering some of them?

As for me, I'm exhausted defending Rubio and need a break!
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Brooklyn_Wolves [enjin:14608167]
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Re: Rubio is the main problem BY FAR

Post by Brooklyn_Wolves [enjin:14608167] »

Q12543 wrote:
Brooklyn_Wolves wrote:The OP is an imbecilic spazz. And there's no solution for him, regrettably.

Is there a history here from another board? Between you, Logo, and Bloop, there are some sparks flying here! I just don't recall past spats like this involving you guys on this board, but may be my memory is short. I hope folks can figure out ways to disagree civilly and engage in a legitimate debate.

I actually think Bloop makes some reasonable points, albeit overly-dramatic and exaggerated in my opinion. Perhaps you can try countering some of them?

As for me, I'm exhausted defending Rubio and need a break!

I'm just stating facts. There's BloopOracle's evolution path circulating all over the net. It's pretty basic stuff:
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Camden [enjin:6601484]
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Re: Rubio is the main problem BY FAR

Post by Camden [enjin:6601484] »

Everybody settle down...
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