Wolves Scrimmage

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Wolves Scrimmage

Post by Lipoli390 »

Just got back from the Wolves Summer League roster scrimmage at Target Center. It was a load of fun. I was shocked at the size of the crowd. We got there around 6:15 and confronted an incredibly long line. The lower section was pretty occupied on both sides. But crowd aside, it was the action on the court that made the evening.

They started out just doing some warm up stretches and exercises. Then they ran a full-court passing/dunking drill and that's when the fun began. LaVine was the star of that initial drill. The guy literally glides through the air effortlessly. His elbow elevated well above the rim as he repeatedly threw it down. Robinson III wasn't too shabby himself in that drill. Flip was there walking up and down the side of the court like a little general overseeing his troops. Flip looked like he belonged there. Honestly, it was really nice to see him back on the court in a coaching roll. It reminded me of those days of 50-win seasons and drove home the reality that Flip is born to coach. He loves it and he knows what he's doing.

Then the game began. It was a real game with officials. They played nearly 4 quarters, but Flip called it a game with about a minute left when both squads were tied 71-71. The white team was lead by Zach LaVine, who played PG. Fesenko occupied the middle for the white team. The black team had Shabazz, Shved and Robinson with Shved playing the point. Other players divided between the two teams included D.J. Kennedy, Brady Heslip, Jordan Morgan, Markel Starks, Dennis Horner, and Ryan Evans. No Gorgui Dieng for some reason. Hope he's OK. Sam Mitchell coached the black team while Ryan Saunders coached the white team. Flip floated back and forth between the two benches. At one point, he wandered into the stands to sit next to Dan Barriero and Sid Hartman.

The leading scorer for both sides was Fesenko. But he had no one with any size to guard him.

The real star of the game was Zach LaVine. The guy is overflowing with potential. He's every bit as athletic advertised. And I'd say his quickness with the ball is just as impressive as his Jordan-like ability to take off and sore high above the rim. He's electric. The crowd buzzed every time he touched the ball. He's the sort of player you can't take you eyes off of.

Yes, Zach made some mistakes, turning the ball over a few times with ballhandling mistakes and errant passes. But he made some spectacular plays as well both on and off the ball. Had some tremendous dunks both on dribble penetration and off passes, including a tremendous half-court alley-oop from Dennis Horner. Yet, just as impressive were some really nice passes he made running the point. Not necessarily flashy passes. Just really smart passes. He also had some terrific jumpers. He has an absolutely beautiful looking jumper from both mid-range and behind the arc. He has a fluid motion and gets great arc on the ball.

Probably the two most impressive things about Zach tonight were (1) his instincts, and (2) his unbridled passion for the game. The ball never dies in his hands. He makes quick, smart decisions and almost always makes something positive happen either with his passing or dribble penetration. He knows where to take the ball on the court and sees the floor extremely well. And he clearly loves to play the game -- showing great energy and moxie on both ends of the court. Guys, trust me, Zach LaVine is the real deal. He may end up the best player out of this draft class a few years down the road.

See below for the rest of my report.
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Re: Wolves Scrimmage

Post by Monster »

Great report Lip except where... Hopefully you didn't have a heart attack from the LaVine excitment. Lol

Dieng was sick that's why he didn't play.

I'm wait for the rest of the report sounds like some good stuff.
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Re: Wolves Scrimmage

Post by Lipoli390 »

I don't know what happened to the rest of my report. I wrote the whole damn thing and it disappeared when I posted. Crap. I'm too tired to write it again.
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Re: Wolves Scrimmage

Post by Monster »

That sucks. When you get a chance I think I'd at least like to hear what you thought about Shabazz.
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Re: Wolves Scrimmage

Post by TheGrey08 »

lipoli390 wrote:I don't know what happened to the rest of my report. I wrote the whole damn thing and it disappeared when I posted. Crap. I'm too tired to write it again.

lol man.. always copy large posts.. I've learned the hard way a few times.
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Re: Wolves Scrimmage

Post by Lipoli390 »

Here's an abbreviated version of the rest of the report that disappeared:

GLEN ROBINSON - Looked terrific. Very nice shooting stroke and almost as explosive as LaVine. His ballhandling has been identified as a weakness of his, but his handle looked good tonight. He even brought the ball up a few times as PG. He sort of blends in and doesn't stand out at all the way LaVine does. However, he's productive and efficient. Very smart player. He plays within himself and doesn't make mistakes. Also seems very extraverted and well-liked by his teammates. Seems to really enjoy playing the game. I was really impressed.

SHABAZZ MUHAMMAD -- He was all effort tonight, crashing the boards, attacking the basket, drawing fouls and diving for loose balls. In one instance, he drove the lane and a hard foul by two defenders sent him flying into the folding chairs behind the basket. The crowd went nuts. Shabazz popped up and hit both his free throws. His shot isn't nearly as fluid as Zach's or Glen's, but it was effective from mid-range tonight. I love his toughness and effort. He's one of those guys who, as Flip told me, is bound to will himself to success. I'm looking forward to seeing him play an expanded role this upcoming season.

SHVED -- Terrible game tonight. More of the same from Alexey -- holding the ball way too long, failing to execute anything resembling and offensive and ultimately ending the possession with a terrible last minute shot or ill-advised, reckless pass. Or maybe it was Zach's defense since the two guarded each other the whole night. The contrast between Zach and Shved was striking and instructive. One guy holds the ball and looks indecisive or possibly clueless. The other, Zach, looks in control, making quick, smart decisions that facilitate the offense.

RYAN EVANS -- The only other guys besides Zach, Glen and Shabazz who looked impressive tonight.

Interestingly, with the score tied 71-71 and about 1:28 left on the clock, Flip stepped on the court and stopped the game. The crowd rose to its feet spontaneously and gave the team a loud, sustained ovation that drew waves and smiles from the players. It was a nice moment. Then Flip had the players reprise the full-court dunking drill they did at the beginning of the night. It was a blast. Zach repeatedly elicited gasps from the crowd with his soring, acrobatic dunks. Glen wasn't too far behind.

Fesenko kept attempting flash dunks and missing. The crowd, players and entire coaching staff was laughing, but so was Fesenko. Then, when the drill ended, the team had Fesenko stay on the court for one last try at a big-time dunk. With his teammates and the crowd cheering him on, Fesenko took the ball to the top of the key and took the ball to the hole where he slammed it home. The crowd rose to its feet again and his smiling teammates greeting him with high fives as he walked off the court. Another fun moment in an altogether very fun night.
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Re: Wolves Scrimmage

Post by Monster »

That's the 2nd report of this scrimmage that says Shved didn't look good. I hope he shows he might be worthwhile or just sucks. I tried to get excited about him playing PG but this made me feel like the later is more likely. How do you look that bad in that type of a situation?
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Re: Wolves Scrimmage

Post by MikeAz [enjin:6636981] »

Shved had some history with Blatt, maybe they could dump him on the Cavs if the proposed Love deal to Cleveland goes thru.
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CO Transplant [enjin:10704090]
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Re: Wolves Scrimmage

Post by CO Transplant [enjin:10704090] »

Long time reader, going back to the ESPN board, finally created a login.

It's not a long clip, but you can see LaVine really get up on that first dunk.


EDIT - Link didn't work, try again...

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Re: Wolves Scrimmage

Post by Phenom »

Thanks for the info Lip. I sure miss the days when I lived near Target Center and could go to the open scrimmages. I was intrigued by the LaVine pick when it happened but with everything I am hearing about him, it seems like we could have a legit #1 now.

There has been a ton of talk about his PG skills. Do you see him as a future PG or just one of those wing players that has a great handle/vision in his arsenal? I'd really love to see him and Ricky flourish together.
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