Would you want additional features?

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JDvikes [enjin:6536888]
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Would you want additional features?

Post by JDvikes [enjin:6536888] »

Some people have mentioned things they might like the site to have, and I am for it if people are on board with this option. It isn't free to get this additional functionality, though I will continue with the upkeep on it and doing admin stuff in my free time at no cost obviously. Enjin has a donate to site functionality which directly donates days of "advance" plan time, and what they offer can be seen here, http://www.enjin.com/features/plans

Some of the core features of moving to an "advanced" plan would be removing adds, chat room, 30 additional mods i.e. adding twitter feed, and keeping the "vote" system we currently have. Another nice feature would be the ability to drop the enjin sub domain and make this a real home for the future. There is many other things that come along with just getting the mid plan as well and you can all see them there at the link. The more days you buy at a time the cheaper it is.

I have no problem whatsoever with this remaining a completely free site, and for many it would even stay that way depending on how people donated. Many people have expressed they love the way the site is and plenty have said they want this feature or that and I just want people to have the option to do what they want/think is best for us moving forward. Let me know what you think. All feedback is appreciated!
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MinnesotaJock [enjin:6589402]
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Re: Would you want additional features?

Post by MinnesotaJock [enjin:6589402] »

I voted yes. I think the features that you pay for could really take this site to a whole nother level that would separate us from all other Twolves boards. If it doesn't pan out though, the features along with the people are still worth coming here for IMO.
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markkbu [enjin:6588958]
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Re: Would you want additional features?

Post by markkbu [enjin:6588958] »

JD, I know that I have said this before, and the lack of ability to start sub-threads is really changing the dynamic of the discussions. On the old ESPN board, we were able (with sub-threads) to get into very detailed discussions about very specific details, on this board, people are forced to speak more in generalities because they can not associate their posts directly to the response that they are responding to.

JD, you have done a wonderful job with this board, and i am just expressing a bit of frustration here.
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Jakapoo [enjin:6588675]
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Re: Would you want additional features?

Post by Jakapoo [enjin:6588675] »

markkbu wrote:JD, I know that I have said this before, and the lack of ability to start sub-threads is really changing the dynamic of the discussions. On the old ESPN board, we were able (with sub-threads) to get into very detailed discussions about very specific details, on this board, people are forced to speak more in generalities because they can not associate their posts directly to the response that they are responding to.

JD, you have done a wonderful job with this board, and i am just expressing a bit of frustration here.

I don't actually think that is possible with Enjin. It might be, but from my past experience I have never seen it.
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JDvikes [enjin:6536888]
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Re: Would you want additional features?

Post by JDvikes [enjin:6536888] »

Again as I said you can't do that here. The quote system is in fact less intuitive, but still works in following a line of thought, and though it quotes the whole post you can remove what doesn't pertain to what you want to make it more precise. Yeah it isn't perfect but many have said it is better than what we had.

A fb comment style post system would take a word press site or something of the like and cost some real money.
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