MLB Stadiums ranked

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Re: MLB Stadiums ranked

Post by Monster »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:
monsterpile wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
monsterpile wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:I feel all this earnest vegetarian (vegan) discourse needs to be trolled. Sorry guys...


[Note: Yes. I feel threatened by your apparent happiness amid a healthier, smarter lifestyle. Screw both of you.]

Hey those look interesting what kind of protein are those made out of?

Don't feel too bad. My boss thinks I am some sort of health nut but really I eat too many bad things. I eat too much sugar and still eat too much fat and salty things. I've tried to make some small changes to things that I still enjoy but it's hard. The last few months I've realized that in my late 30's I better start taking care of my body even more if I want to enjoy some things like playing basketball and I still enjoy it. I even looked up an anti inflammatory diet after last night where I played for the first time in a couple weeks and not terrible but I've felt better. Also I am not sure I am significantly happier than than the typical American.

Don't ruin my narrative, monster.

Last week, somebody asked me what was wrong as I ran back down the court after a layup. That's when it hit me that I move like "an old man" now on the court. It looks like I'm in pain when I play, apparently.

[Note: It doesn't help that some of the other guys who play are in college or high school. I am definitely old compared to them.]

That reminds last night I was playing ball and the first game I was guarding this HS kid. I had played with him a few weeks ago I knew he had some game. Because I didn't know his moves and he wasn't all about just blowing past me I was having trouble guarding him plus his team was setting all kinds of screens for him which was actually effective. Near the end of the game I finally had another guy switch defensive assignments with me. After we won our 2 games and had to sit I was saying so liked how that kid played and a friend of mine told me who's kid it was. It was a guy I went to college with who was a smart player and his brothers were real ballers. It explained a lot both how the kid was good and how I felt old...

Edit: He did say he really liked my shoes. That makes me young and hip right?

1) It's good that you're still guarding the young, good players. As one of the "younger/faster" guys in my weekly game, I'm often assigned those guys... often against my will. I guess it's flattering... when not humiliating huffing and puffing behind them.
2) My last year of League ball, we were in the playoffs against a long-time rival. I noticed a couple of regulars weren't playing. But a couple of young, new guys were. For the first time in my life, I was unable to even slow down an opposing player. I fouled out and was destroyed mentally and physically. I ran into one of the regulars who sat after at the bar and asked why he wasn't playing and who the new guy was. Turns out it was son who was home and a "ringer" for the team. He played D2 ball. (the dad was a few years older than me... but not THAT much older.) That's the day my basketball mortality hit me.
3) My health/wellness goal is to play competitive basketball with my kids someday.
4) To be fair, your shoes are dope. Fly. Smart. Sharp. Cool. Et al. I'm not certain what words are used any more.

Fun stuff Abe

I look younger than I am but a couple years ago playing in like the worst parks and rec league some young guys were calling out defensive assignments and one guys said he had the old guy and he was referring to me. I do wear knee pads because I'm still in the habit of diving for loose balls etc and it hurts a lot more than it did 10-15 years ago...

I haven't had a mighty fall from where I was partly because I was never a star or maybe even a good player. I'm probably better now in a lot of ways than when I was 20 or whatever despite being overweight out of shape and lost some athletic ability especially my hops.

I love switching out on guys off screens. I basically attack them even if they are a really good player. I force them a direction and dare them to come back to the other way and I'll take away there dribble with hands a leg a foot whatever. I figure if I get beat that far out there is a chance of help. Letting those guys get I tothe lane with me next to them won't matter. I've learned a lot the last couple years playing with some good players and spending a lot of time watching and reading basketball as a fan.

The biggest sneaker head I play with is probably the oldest guy that plays regularly. He is a graphic designer by trade so if I want legit input on my shoes I'll take the old his take over the young kids. I'll take any props I can get though not that I care that much.
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Re: MLB Stadiums ranked

Post by Monster »

JasonIsDaMan wrote:
longstrangetrip wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
bleedspeed177 wrote:This thread has gone off the tracks.


Veganism. Burgers. Basketball shoes and the effects of aging.

All seems totally in line with a thread about baseball stadiums...

Ha, greatest thread derailing in the history of this board...I blame monster!

(or maybe me)

I would also like to add that any thread that references GOOD Memphis-style fried chicken (not KFC) can't be all bad.

This thread was at least as insightful as a couple people ranking the MLB stadiums and making it a column. :)
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