Wes Johnson to lakers.

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Re: Wes Johnson to lakers.

Post by TAFKASP »

Its the best deal for Wes because his other option was our reality, work for a living.

The vets minimum >>>>>>> A real job
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Re: Wes Johnson to lakers.

Post by Monster »

Hey he turned down our offer of a $20 signing bonus to play on my city league church team to sign with the Lakers. I was willing to throw in a free jersey, but the guy in charge of our team said he had to pay for that. LOL
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Re: Wes Johnson to lakers.

Post by mjs34 »

Cool, seems to me that if it is a bad deal for one of them, it must be a good deal for the other. :)
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observerII [enjin:6598557]
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Re: Wes Johnson to lakers.

Post by observerII [enjin:6598557] »

Betcha Wes was still smiling when he signed for whatever the min. is -- $1.5 or something like that?
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Re: Wes Johnson to lakers.

Post by Coolbreeze44 »

sjm34 wrote:Cool, seems to me that if it is a bad deal for one of them, it must be a good deal for the other. :)

Finally a post that makes some sense. I guess it would be a better deal for the Lakers. Though again, he's not going to move the meter for them.
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SQC64 [enjin:6661345]
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Re: Wes Johnson to lakers.

Post by SQC64 [enjin:6661345] »

Lakers will be blessed... like every teams where he played.
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Re: Wes Johnson to lakers.

Post by worldK »

Wes going to the lakers is a good move for both. Trying to argue its a bad move move for both is what doesn't makes sense and just being bitter.

For Wes, he got to sign with an nba team and got 1 more year to try to play his way into a nba player. Making vet minimum in his 4th year is better than being out of the league like fellow lotto picks, flynn and joel alexander and others. Wes also stays in l.a. on the summer so he got to play on his adopted home state. How can that be a bad deal for him?

For the lakers, They are a team that still has 5-6 roster spots to fill. They are looking to have as much cap space available next summer. They are currently over the cap and have used up their exceptoins. All they have is minimum money. They signed a guy for the minimum in a 1 yr deal, i dont see how thats a bad move. If wes johnson become a rotational player for them, then good signing for them. If he continued to suck, then no woories as it is a min deal for 1yr and they have roster spots to fill. No big deal. No one expect a minimum player to move the meter for their team.
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Re: Wes Johnson to lakers.

Post by Coolbreeze44 »

Okay then I must be nuts. This is great for a guy like Wes as it shows just how big of a bust he really is. And the Lakers, are you kidding me? They are once again one of the favorites in the West - just like that. You sign Wes and you are an instant contender. What was I thinking?
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Re: Wes Johnson to lakers.

Post by worldK »

pleez. Everyone knows wes is a bust, even the lakers and wes himself, that why they agree on a min 1yr deal.

Having the chance to play 1 more year in the nba rather than being out of the league is a better option. Filling 5-6roster spots available when all you have is the ability to sign a player for minimum deal because you are over the cap and have use your exception already(kaman) is nothing to lose. No one here thinks that a min player can move the meter for any team.

If you dont want to consider those reasons, then there is no point in continuing this conversation.
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Re: Wes Johnson to lakers.

Post by Lipoli390 »

Darn, how did we get beat out on the Wes Johnson sweepstakes. The Lakers alway win these battles and end up with the great players. :). Actually, D'Antoni will good for Wes.
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